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Title page for etd-0611107-221137
領導型態、組織文化、全面品質管理對組織績效之影響 --以台糖公司各事業部為例的實證研究
The Influence of Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Total Quality Management on the Organizational Performances-- An Empirical Study of Taiwan Sugar Corporation’s Business Divisions
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Leadership, Total Quality Management, Organizational Performance, Organizational Culture
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Robbins(1999)認為組織文化與領導者之間確實存在非常緊密的關係。Chien(2004)探討影響組織績效的因素,並以台灣的企業做實證分析,結果發現:(1)激勵的模式(2)領導風格(3)組織文化與環境(4)工作設計(5)人力資源政策均會影響組織績效的表現。Madu, Kuei and Lin(1995)以美國和台灣的製造業為例,探討品質構面和組織績效之間的關係,研究發現品質構面與組織績效確有顯著關係,且在不同操作變數下也有顯著的差異。許多文獻都顯示領導型態、組織文化及全面品質管理均會影響組織績效。
關鍵詞:領導型態, 組織文化, 全面品質管理, 組織績效
According to the report of Robbins (1999), there were very close relationship between leadership and organization culture. Chien (2004) explored the factors of affecting the organization performances by the empirical study of Taiwan’s companies. The results revealed that the model of incentive, leadership, organization culture and environments, job design and human resources strategy could affect the organization performances. Madu, Kuei and Lin (1995) studied the relationship between quality facet and organization performances by the empirical study of American and Taiwan’s manufacturing companies, the results showed that quality facet had apparent relationship to the performances, and there were apparent differences between different operational variables. Many reports revealed that leadership, organization culture and total quality management could affect performances.
Taiwan Sugar Corporation is a traditional sugar production national company at the early stages. Recently, it divided into eight business divisions, such as Sugar Business, Hypermarket Business, Marketing
Business, Petroleum Business, Agriculture Business, Biotechnology Business, Leisure Business and Animal Business. The different leadership, organization culture and total quality management leads each Business Division show different performances during the organization transformation. From the view of organization, study the effects of leadership, organization culture and total quality management on performances can afford some suggestions to the chief executive officers.
Through the empirical study, the results of comparing demography statistic variables in each variable facet such as leadership, organization culture, total quality management and organization performances are described as following:
1.Leadership facet:
There are apparent differences in the mixing of transformation and transaction leadership facet among age, education level, position character and business division.
2.Organization culture facet:
There are apparent differences in the bureaucratic culture facet

among position character and business divisions. The differences also exist in the mixing of creative and support culture facet among work years and education level.
3.Total quality management facet:
Biotechnology Business Division is superior to others in employee training and production process management facet and supplier quality management facet. It shows that Biotechnology Business Division faces more competitive environments than other business division, and sells more outside producing products. The leaders make the most on employee training, production process management and supplier quality management topics than other Business Division’s leaders.
4.Organization performances facet:
There are apparent differences in the customer satisfaction level facet among marriage and work years; the apparent differences also exist in the production performances among education level, job assortment and business divisions; the market share performances and gain rate performances also show the differences among business divisions.
Finally, the results show that the leadership influences organization performances through the path of organization culture and total quality management. Organization culture influences organization performances through the path of total quality management. Total quality management influences organization performances directly. Total quality management is the most influential power on organization performances among the above four variables facets.

Keyword: Leadership, Organizational Culture, Total Quality Management
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
致 謝 詞--------------------------------------------------------VII
目 錄---------------------------------------------------------IX
表 次---------------------------------------------------------XI
圖 次--------------------------------------------------------XIV

第一章 緒論----------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景與動機-------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的 ------------------------------------------------2
第三節 研究對象與範圍-------------------------------------------3
第四節 研究流程-------------------------------------------------3
第二章 文獻探討------------------------------------------------5
第一節 領導型態-------------------------------------------------5
第二節 組織文化------------------------------------------------16
第三節 全面品質管理--------------------------------------------25
第四節 組織績效------------------------------------------------37
第五節 領導型態、組織文化、全面品管及組織績效之相關性研究------39
第三章 台糖公司簡介------------------------------------------42
第四章 研究設計-----------------------------------------------45
第一節 研究架構------------------------------------------------45
第二節 研究變項之操作型定義及衡量方法--------------------------46
第三節 資料蒐集方法--------------------------------------------54
第四節 資料分析方法--------------------------------------------56
第五章 資料分析與討論----------------------------------------59
第一節 各構面之因素分析及信度檢定------------------------------59
第二節 樣本結構敘述性分析--------------------------------------70
第三節 各研究構念變數間的相關與迴歸分析-----------------------101
第六章 結論與建議--------------------------------------------121
第一節 研究結論-----------------------------------------------121
第二節 管理意涵-----------------------------------------------129
第三節 研究限制及未來研究方向---------------------------------131
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