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Title page for etd-0611110-225955
A study of consumer’s decision for purchasing milk products affected by the Melamine event
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Melamine, Purchase Decision, Involvement, Lifestyle
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本研究以Engel、Kollat及 Blackwell(1978)所提出的「消費者購買決策模式(EKB Model)」作為理論基礎,從第三階段「決策過程」的部分,選擇其中的「資訊搜尋」及「選擇評估」兩步驟為研究主軸,並觀察「涉入程度」與「生活型態」對消費者購買決策的影響。本研究是以購買過與三聚氰胺事件有關之乳製食品的消費者為研究對象,透過問卷調查取得初級資料,問卷收集方式為網路問卷及紙本問卷兩種,總計回收有效問卷588份,其中網路問卷506份,紙本問卷82份。將收集到之有效問卷資料進行敘述性統計分析、因素分析、集群分析、T 檢定以及ANOVA等統計分析方法後,再探討影響消費者購買決策的因素為何。
The incident, "Sanlu’s poisonous powdered milk" was discovered in September in 2008. It was harmful to many baby's health and made them in risk. Thus, this event evoked the public's fears to milk products. And it also make public to pay attention to the test standard of food safety. And then Melamine derivatives out of the crisis had extended to the cream, protein powder, biscuits and other related food. It is also the most severe issue of public food safety incidents that public concern in recent years. The food safety crisis has expanded to the whole world, and caused panic across the consumer in many nations. Taiwan is also one of the countries affected by the incident. Therefore, this study intends to analyze and compare how the crisis affects consumer purchasing decisions before and after the incident, and to further explore the differences of decision factors among different groups of consumes.
In this study, the "Consumer Purchasing Decision Model (EKB Model)" proposed by Engel, Kollat and Blackwell (1978) is adopted as a theoretical basis, "Information search" and "Select assessment" are selected from their third stage of "decision-making process" as two key decision objectives, then the impact of "Involvement" and "Lifestyle" to consumer purchasing decisions is analyzed. We try to collect the primary data through online and paper questionnaire surveys, and the qualified respondents are constrained to those consumers who have experience to buy melamine-contaminated milk products. Some statistical methods such as factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA and T-test are used to analyze the effective survey data, and to explore the key factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions.
In this study, some appropriate market segments are first determined by clustering the involvement of consumers of milk products and consumer lifestyle, and then consumer behavior characteristics are analyzed for each market segment. Some research key findings and suggestions are stated as follows.
1. In-depth understanding of the differences and needs of different market segments, and prepare different marketing activities to different types of customers.
2. To increase consumer brand reliance by tagging food compliance certification on packaging or by providing after-sales warranty.
3. In addition to advertisement on general media, consumers are more and more relied on network evaluation. Hence, we can strengthen the marketing network by taking the advantages of internet promotion.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論........................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機............................................1
第二節 研究目的..................................................3
第三節 研究流程..................................................4
第四節 研究範圍與限制............................................5
第二章 文獻探討....................................................6
第一節 消費者行為理論............................................6
第二節 涉入理論.................................................13
第三節 生活型態.................................................20
第三章 研究設計...................................................24
第一節 研究架構.................................................24
第二節 研究假設.................................................25
第三節 變數之操作型定義與衡量方式...............................26
第四節 調查對象與問卷設計.......................................31
第五節 分析方法.................................................33
第四章 實證分析...................................................35
第一節 有效問卷之樣本結構描述...................................35
第二節 消費者乳製食品涉入程度對於購買決策之影響.................39
第三節 區分不同生活型態之消費者................................ 47
第四節 不同生活型態消費者對於乳製食品購買決策之差異.............55
第五章 結論與建議.................................................65
第一節 結論.....................................................65
第二節 管理意涵.................................................68
第三節 建議.....................................................69

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