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博碩士論文 etd-0614102-132956 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0614102-132956
CEO與CIO關係過程發展: 以變革促成者模式探討
The CEO/CIO Relationship Process Development: A Multiple Change Agency Perspective
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
organization change, process research model, information system changing, relationship, CIO, multiple change agency, CEO, change agency
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本研究探討企業之最高執行主管(Chief Executive Officer, 以下簡稱CEO)與最高資訊主管(Chief Information Officer, 以下簡稱CIO)彼此互動關係發展的過程。以一家台灣企業AACL公司為個案對象,追蹤其過去八年(1993年10月 ~ 2002年2月)CEO與CIO關係發展歷程。企業資訊科技決策與系統導入過程中,兩位變革促成者CEO與CIO主導著資訊科技專案的成功與失敗。藉由個案公司中CEO與CIO的信任建立過程,探討發生現象的前因和後果,期望能為企業資訊科技決策與導入的成功或失敗提供研究參考。

本研究使用Robey與Newman於1992年、1996年所提出的「過程研究模式(process research model)」,檢視本研究個案八年中所發生的26個CEO/CIO關係發展的循序事件(sequences of events),並將之配對定義為情境(encounters)與結果(episodes)。從歷程的循序因果發展過程中,可以清楚的發現與探索CEO與CIO信任關係的建立過程,以及組織進行資訊科技變革所引發的特殊性現象。

我們以變革促進者(change agentry)為起始觀點,分析與對論變革促成者的資訊科技思維框限的演化、CEO/CIO共同信任的形成過程、組織資訊系統變革所發生的資淺與資深人文的對立現象、CEO與CIO頭銜與實權決策者的運作模式。我們認為CEO與CIO誠然在扮演複位式變革促進者(multiple change agency)的角色推動組織變革,然而,兩位變革者是需透過彼此交涉,才足以形成堅實的信任關係,而使得商業與科技利益能真正融合。這也是本研究提出複位變革促進者之間著實的信任關係建立,在組織進行變革之重要性。
We trace the process of relationship development of the CEO(Chief Executive Officer)and CIO(Chief Information Officer)in one company in Taiwan over a 8-year period. In the process of corporation information technology makes policy and information system implementation, the both of change agency CEO and CIO can lead IT/IS project to successful or failure. Exploring the trust relationship building of process between CEO and CIO in the case, we hope provide research benefits that why or how to result in success or failure that a corporation information technology makes policy and information system implementation.

In this research we use the process research model methodology that developed by Daniel Robey and Michael Newman in 1992 year and 1996 year, identify the 26 sequences events process in the AACL company’s CEO/CIO for over 8 years, and define them as either encounters or episodes. We enrich and understanding the process of form of CEO/CIO trusts relationship, and other special phenomenon when an organization process information technology or information system changes.

We use the change agentry for our exploring perspective, to analyze and theoretical argue the evolution of change agency’s technological frames、the form of process of CEO/CIO in trust community、organization’s senior and junior staff in opposing phenomenon when organization changing, and how to build a model in champion or title of CEO/CIO. We conclude that the CEO and CIO, them as play a multiple change agency of role for driving organization’s changing, however, the multiple change agency between CEO and CIO must go through an interact process for each other, they are sufficient building a robust trust relationship, let company’s business benefits and technology benefits are really integration. This is my research why emphasize the important view that the multiple change agency CEO/CIO are need has a sufficient building robust trust relationship when organization process the information system changing.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄

1 緒論………………………………………………...……………………...……..1
1.1 背景與動機……………………………………………………………….. 1
1.2 個案介紹…………………………………………………………………...2
2 文獻探討………………………………………………………..………………..4
2.1 組織之資訊角色定位……………………………………………………...5
2.1.1 組織對資訊科技的定位………………………………………………5
2.1.2 組織對資訊長的定位………………………………………………..11
2.2 組織變革與代理人角色探討…………………………………………….14
2.2.1 組織變革……………………………………………………………..14
2.2.2 資訊科技變革代理…………………………………………………..17
2.3 CEO/CIO之關係因素……………………………………………………20
2.3.1 意義與重要性………………………………………………………..20
2.3.2 CEO/CIO關係特質…………………………………………………20
2.4 CEO/CIO關係發展之社會化過程模式…………………………………27
2.4.1 CEO/CIO關係發展過程因素………………………………………27
2.4.2 社會化過程研究模式………………………………………………..30
3 研究方法…………………………………………………………………..……34
3.1 檔案資料(archives data)…………………………………………….35
3.2 非正式訪談(informal interview)……………………………………...35
3.3 觀察日誌(observation journal)……………………………………….36
3.4 情境建構模式(scenery building model)…………………………….39
4 個案資料……………………………………………………………………..…40
4.1 AACL與資訊科技……………………………………………………….40
4.2 Encounters(情境)與Episodes(結果)…………………………...47
4.2.1 階段一:1993年10月 ~ 1994年6月………………………….48
4.2.2 階段二:1994年6月 ~ 1996年8月……………………………53
4.2.3 階段三:1996年8月 ~ 2000年2月……………………………63
4.2.4 階段四:2000年2月 ~ 2002年2月……………………………75
5 討論……………………………………………………………………………..80
5.1 變革促成者的資訊科技思維角度………………………………………80
5.2 變革促進者認知交互影響……………………………………………….82
5.3 資淺與資深人文的對立………………………………………………….84
5.4 頭銜與實權資訊決策者………………………………………………….86
6 結論……………………………………………………………………………..88



圖2-6:Burns之機械式結構組織 v.s. 有機式結構組織………………………..29
表2-11:Burns之機械式結構組織 與 有機式結構組織特色…………………..29
表3-1:AACL CEO/CIO關係發展非正式訪談人物………………………………36
圖3-1:AACL CEO/CIO關係發展情境劇本重建模式……………………………39
表4 - 1:AACL HP3000所發展的應用系統(1981年-1999年)…………….42
圖4-1:AACL CEO與CIO關係發展事件循序圖…………………………………47
表5-1:AACL CEO階段性決策取向與補救措施………………………………….82
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