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博碩士論文 etd-0615107-205119 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0615107-205119
“An Exploration of the Relationships among Organizational Climate, Organizational Identification and Organizational Effectiveness of the Non-Profit Organization.” “A Study on the Association of Collecting Benevolence, in Taiwan.”
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organizational effectiveness, organizational identification, organizational climate, non-profit organization
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摘 要
中華集仁社會服務協會不是宗教組織,沒有宗教信仰或是宗教領袖以感召信眾;沒有著名國際組織淵源,沒有名人掛名號召,當然不會有企業財團奧援。沒沒無名的幾個工人自發性組成,涓滴來自會員微薄薪俸,默默的發掘、濟助被忽視的失怙兒童個案。持續二十年,獲頒國家公益團體獎,成效卓著;其優異之組織效能, 與成員背景、組織氣候、組織認同之間的關聯性如何?是本研究探討之所在。
利用問卷調查蒐集資料,共得有效樣本177 份,經信度效度檢定、描述性統計分析、相關分析、單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本T 檢定等統計分析,結果發現:

關鍵字: 組織氣候,組織認同,組織效能,非營利組織
“An Exploration of the Relationships among Organizational Climate, Organizational Identification and Organizational Effectiveness of the Non-Profit Organization.”
“A Study on the Association of Collecting Benevolence, in Taiwan.”
Spontaneously, several nameless workers instituted the ACB (The Association of Collecting Benevolence). The ACB is not a religious organization and has no relation with famous international organizations. There is neither religious leader nor celebrities. It is quite difficult for the ACB to get financial aid from any companies. Every penny within the organization comes from members’ meager salary. It lasts 20 years to dig and help the orphan ignored by our society. In the end of the year 2005, The ACB won the National Award for Public Welfare. How comes the excellent organizational effectiveness?
This study presents itself with organizational climate, organizational identification, organizational effectiveness and personal background as independent variables, along with the experience of non-profit organizational administration and practices. It aims to explore:
1. The relationship between organizational climate and organizational identification.
2. The relationship between personal background and organizational identification.
3. The relationship between organizational identification and organizational effectiveness.
4. The relationship between organizational climate and organizational effectiveness.
5. The relationship between personal background and organizational effectiveness.
In this study, questionnaire sampling was purposefully chosen from The ACB in Taiwan of the non-profit organization. The valid sample size was 177. Through the process of descriptive statistical analysis, analysis of correlation and test of significance, one-way factor analysis of variance, independent-sample T test, reliability test, the research findings suggest that:
1. There was a significant correlation between each dimension of organizational climate and organizational identification.
2. There was a significant correlation between each dimension of organizational identification and organizational effectiveness.
3. There was a significant correlation between each dimension of organizational climate and organizational effectiveness.
4. There was a significant but slight correlation between each dimension of age and organizational identification and organizational effectiveness.
5. There was a significant correlation between the length of an individual’s working experience and organizational identification; the longer the individual, the greater the organizational identification. Nevertheless, there was no correlation between the length of an individual’s working experience and organizational effectiveness.
6. There was a significant difference between organizational identification and the opposite sex; that is, the female organizational identification outnumbers the male. It is all the same between organizational effectiveness and the opposite sex.
7. There was no significant difference not only between status and organizational identification but also between status and organizational effectiveness.
8. There was no significant difference between educational background and organizational identification. Nevertheless, there was a significant difference between educational background and organizational effectiveness; that is, the higher the educational background, the more the organizational effectiveness.
9. There was no significant difference not only between individual’s career and organizational identification but also between individual’s career and organizational effectiveness.

Key words: organizational climate, organizational identification, organizational effectiveness, non-profit organization.
目次 Table of Contents
審定書-------------------------------- Ⅱ
論文題要------------------------------ Ⅲ
謝詞 --------------------------------- Ⅳ
中文摘要------------------------------ Ⅴ
表次------------------------------------ Ⅹ
圖次 --------------------------------------- ⅩⅡ
第一章緒論 ------------------------------------- 1
第一節研究動機 --------------------------------- 1
第二節研究對象與研究目的---------------------------- 2
第三節研究流程-------------------------------------- 3
第二章文獻回顧-------------------------------------- 5
第一節非營利組織------------------------------------ 5
第二節組織氣候---------------------------------------- 11
第三節組織認同--------------------------------------- 20
第四節組織效能--------------------------------------- 31
第三章研究設計------------------------------------------ 39
第一節研究架構 ---------------------------------------- 39
第二節研究假設---------------------------------------- 40
第三節變項操作性定義與衡量工具------------------------- 42
第四節量表前測與資料分析------------------------------ 49
第四章實證分析與研究結果------------------------------- 59
第一節基本統計分析------------------------------------- 59
第二節研究變項描述性統計分析----------------------------- 60
第三節假設的分析驗證----------------------------------- 67
第四節分析驗證結果------------------------------------- 79
第五章結論與建議 --------------------------------------- 84
第一節研究結論 ----------------------------------------- 84
第二節研究限制----------------------------------------- 86
第三節對未來研究之建議-------------------------------- 87
附錄一本研究問卷--------------------------------------- 99
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