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Title page for etd-0616103-142902
利用葉綠體DNA之atpB及rbcL基因間的非轉譯區間序列探討大陸內蒙古特有種植物四合木(Tetraena mongolica)的親緣地理
Phylogeography of the atpB-rbcL noncoding spacer region of the chloroplast DNA in the endemic species Tetraena mongolica (Zygophyllaceae) in Inner Mongolia
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gene flow, population differentiation, past fragmentaion, nested clade analysis, phylogeography, Tetraena mongolica
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本研究藉由葉綠體DNA之atpB及rbcL基因間的非轉譯區間序列來探討四合木 (Tetraena mongolica Maxim.) 的親緣地理型式。四合木是蒺藜科中古老的孓遺單屬種植物,生長在中國內蒙古屬於瀕臨滅絕之特有物種。已列為內蒙古一級保育稀有植物,世界上僅存的四合木分布在內蒙古鄂爾多斯高原的荒漠區,此分布區是亞洲一批古老殘遺植物的避難所。四合木的生殖是以種子繁殖為主要方式,但在惡劣的環境下,則少數併行根部營養繁殖。本實驗共定序出8 個族群77個個體葉綠體DNA之atpB及rbcL基因間的非轉譯區間序列共計880鹼基對。利用葉綠體DNA資料估算族群間的基因交流值 (Nm) (Nm:0.04-2.01) 和族群間分化指數 (Fst) (Fst:0.199-0.895),並將族群間地理距離對數值與分化指數做迴歸分析,結果呈現無顯著相關,顯示四合木其遺傳分化程度不符合「isolation by distance」 模式 (R2=0.0024);根據由葉綠體DNA所構築的親緣網狀圖(minimum spanning network),檢測地理形式與clade間的關係,顯示四合木族群地理區所呈現的地理分布模式,主要是受到過去棲地破碎化 (past fragmentation) 的影響,而黃河氾濫及千里山山脈的阻隔可能是造成四合木地理隔離的主因。


Sequence variation of the atpB-rbcL noncoding spacer region of the chloroplast DNA was used to reconstruct the phylogeography of Tetraena mongolica.T. mongolica (Zogophylaceae) is a relict species of a monotypic genus of in Inner Mongolia of China. It has been listed as seriously endangered plants that only distributed on the Ordos plateau of Inner Mongolic. The area is a refuge of many relict Asian Plants. Reproduction of T. mongolica is mainly by seed but a reproduction is anther way under the stress. A total of 880 bp of the atpB-rbcL spacer of cpDNA was sequenced from 8 populations of T. Mongolic. According to the cpDNA data, the level of gene flow (Nm:0.04-2.01), and population differentiation (Fst:0.199-0.895) were indicated, and the “isolation by distance” model was not supported (R2 =0.0024). Based on minimum spanning network and nested clade analysis, the past fragmentation is the main phylogeographic factor affecting the population structure of T. mongolica .We suggested the deluges of Yellow River and isolation of Gianlishan Mountain cased the population fragmentation of T. mongolica.

Keywords: phylogeography, Tetraena mongolica, gene flow, population
differentiation, nested clade analysis, past fragmentation

目次 Table of Contents
誌謝................................................................................................. Ⅰ

第壹章 前言……………………………………………………….. 1
一、親緣地理學的研究………………………………………… 1
二、四合木的研究歷史………………………………………… 5
五、研究目的 ………………………………………………….16
二、實驗方法 ........................................……………………….18
第參章 結果....…………………………………………………….24
一、葉綠體DNA atpB-rbcL noncoding spacer片段……….24
第肆章 討論……………………………………………………….27
第伍章 結論……………………………………………………….32
第陸章 參考文獻…………………………………………………..33

度、核柑酸歧異度………………………………………… 42

圖四、四合木葉綠體DNA之atpB及rbcL 基因間的非轉譯區
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