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由自我決定理論探討工作與家庭衝突之關係 ──以高雄市高中職教師為例
Investigating the Relationship of Work-Family Conflicts Through the Self-Determination Theory
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family alienation, job burnout, work-family conflict, self-determined motivation
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研究生:邱淑琴 指導教授:陳世哲 博士

1. 高中職教師在家庭環境中,被配偶尊重的感覺是強烈的,產生高水平的自我決定動機,有較高的家庭活動動機,所少較少發生家庭疏離的現象。
2. 高中職教師在工作領域中,被上司支持自治的感覺較不強烈,但尚可接受,有較低水平的自我決定動機和工作活動動機,所以較容易發生家庭疏離的現象。
3. 高中職教師發生工作-家庭衝突的原因,最主要來源是小孩的照顧。
4. 高中職教師發生工作倦怠的原因,最主要來源是工作家庭互相干擾。
5. 家庭疏離造成工作-家庭的衝突,最後導致工作倦怠,三者是循序進行的。
6. 性別的干擾效果
(1) 工作活動動機與性別交互作用對家庭疏離有干擾效果。
(2) 自我決定動機-工作與性別交互作用對家庭疏離、工作-家庭衝突與工作倦怠有干擾效果。
7. 職務的干擾效果
(1) 家庭活動動機與職務交互作用對家庭疏離有干擾效果。
(2) 自我決定動機-家庭與職務交互作用對家庭疏離、工作倦怠有干擾效果。
8. 年齡的干擾效果
(1) 家庭活動動機與年齡交互作用對家庭疏離有干擾效果。
(2) 自我決定動機-工作與年齡交互作用對工作倦怠有干擾效果。
9. 文化差異的影響,造成東西方在解決工作-家庭衝突的現象時,採取不同的手段。
10. 東西文化對性別差異的影響有不同的結果。


Investigating the Relationship of Work-Family Conflicts Through the Self-Determination Theory


Interpersonal climates influence motivation of both family and work-related activities in the family and the workplace. Within the family, the feeling of being valued by one's partner directly affects a person’s self-determination, while at the same time within the workplace, the feeling of being autonomy-supported by one's employer will affect one’s self-determined motivation towards work related activities. If people had a high level of self-determination, they would be able to decide for themselves which activities to devote themselves to and would do so in high spirits, thus making it difficult for family alienation to occur. Nevertheless, once the phenomenon of family alienation occurs, one is no longer able to obtain family support and approval, thus is stripped of self-merit. Moreover, this phenomenon will also produce feelings of loneliness, frustration, which in turn influences the experience of work-family conflict. Ultimately in the end, work-family conflict leads to job burnout.

This research uses Kaohsiung high school teachers as the subject of study, focusing primarily on how personal relationships affect self-determined motivation within the family and the workplace. Moreover, low levels of self-determined motivation in both the family and the work place leads to family alienation. Furthermore in discussing the relations among family alienation, work-family conflicts, job burnout, the factors of gender, age, position and the nature of the school were used to investigate and analyze the effects of interference of feeling valued by one's partner, feeling of being autonomy-supported by one's employer, motivation towards family activities, motivation towards work, family alienation, work-family conflicts, and job burnout.

This research uses the method of survey questionnaire, and is analyzed with various methods of statistical analysis. The important discoveries are stated as follows:

A. It was found that Kaohsiung teachers who had a strong feeling of being valued by one's partner within the family environment, also had a high level of self-determined motivation and therefore lessened the occurrence of family alienation.

B. It was found that Kaohsiung teachers who did not have a strong feeling of being autonomy-supported by one's employer within the workplace but had adequate acceptance, possessed a lower self-determined motivation and less motivation towards work; Thereby making it easier for family alienation to occur.

C. Taking care of children was the main factor leading to work-family conflict for Kaohsiung teachers’.

D. Family-work interference was the main factor leading to job burnout for Kaohsiung teachers.

E. It was found that family alienation produces work-family conflicts and thus ultimately leading to job burnout.

F. The interference effect of gender.
1. The interaction of motivation towards work activities and gender has an interference effect on family alienation.
2. The interaction of self-determined motivation towards work and gender has an interference effect on family alienation, work-family conflicts, and job burnout.

G. The interference effect of occupational position
1. The interaction of Motivation towards family activities and occupational position has an interference effect on family alienation.
2. The interaction of self-determined motivation towards family and occupational position has an interference effect on family alienation, work-family conflicts, and job burnout.

H. The interference effect of age
1. The interaction of motivation towards family activities and age has an interference effect on family alienation.
2. The interaction of self-determined motivation towards work and age has an interference effect on job burnout.

I. It was found that effects of cultural difference between western and eastern culture created different methods for solving work-family conflicts.

J. It was found that differing results produced from eastern and western cultural caused variations towards gender.

Keyword: self-determined motivation, family alienation, work-family conflict, job burnout

目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究流程 5

第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 工作與家庭衝突相關理論與研究 6
第二節 自決理論與動機理論 20
第三節 疏離感 29
第四節 工作倦怠的相關理論 34

第三章 研究方法 43
第一節 研究架構 43
第二節 研究假說 46
第三節 研究架構中各變項的操作性定義與測量方法 49
第四節 資料蒐集方法、研究對象、與樣本特性分析 66
第五節 資料處理與分析方法 69
第六節 研究限制 71

第四章 資料分析與討論 72
第一節 各研究變項的描述性統計分析 72
第二節 個人屬性與各研究變項的關係 75
第三節 各研究變項間相關性分析 101
第四節 各相關變項的影響性分析與探討 105
第五節 性別、年齡、職務、學校性質之干擾效果分析與探討 114

第五章 結論與建議 133
第一節 結論 133
第二節 重要意涵 148
第三節 建議 152

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