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博碩士論文 etd-0620105-121257 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0620105-121257
Performance Study on the Treatment of Airborne VOCs Generated from A Chemical Plant Wastewater Facility by Full-scale Biofiters
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Elimination capacity, Biofilter, Removal efficiency, Total hydrocarbons (THC), Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
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本研究為以一實場生物濾床(20呎貨櫃二部並聯)進行處理廢水場排氣VOC試驗工作。生物濾床使用堆肥混合蛇木屑作為濾料(堆填體積5.98 mL×2.35 mW×0.50 mH×2),平均排氣量約為1,320 m3/h,排氣溫度為16-40oC,污染物包含Methane、methanol、ethanol、acetone、dichloromethane、methyl ethyl ketone、ethyl acetate及toluene。本研究以測定各項濾床操作參數,包括入流的廢氣量、氣流溫度、濾料的含水率、濾料(或滲出水)的pH值及分析廢水場排放廢氣中綜合性有機污染物濃度,確認去除率並針對單一污染物種去除效率及去除能力(removal capacity)進行評估。
試驗期間為民國93年2月22日至94年3月24日,氣體經濾料之平均空塔停留時間(EBRT)為0.64 min;濾料pH介於2.4-6.9,平均為4.8;濾料含水率介於25-70%,平均為57%。Methane、methanol、ethanol、acetone、dichloromethane、MEK、ethyl acetate (EA)及toluene之平均去除率分別為23.1、79.3、95.2、82.9、53.5、63.7、83.9及41.2%。NMHC(非甲烷碳氫化合物)及THC(總碳氫化合物)的去除率則分別為76.2及50.5%。在本研究中未獲得去除率與濾床各項操作參數(入流廢氣量、氣流溫度、濾料的含水率、濾料pH值)之相關性。
在不同有機負荷之操作條件下,濾床對VOC之體積去除能力與有機負荷(volumetric organic loading,簡稱L)成正比關係。在L<70 g/m3h時,methane平均去除率為25%。對methanol,在L=0-7 g/m3h時,平均去除率為91%;在L=15-22 g/m3h時,平均去除率下降至54%。對ethanol,在L<40 g/m3h時,平均去除率為95%。acetone在L<40 g/m3h時,平均去除率為95%。對dichloromethane,在L=0-10 g/m3h時,平均去除率為48%;在L=18-35 g/m3h時,平均去除率為76%。對MEK,在L=0.5-4 g/m3h時,平均去除率為89%。對EA,在L<20 g/m3h時,平均去除率為84%。toluene在L=0-0.2 g/m3h時,平均去除率為37%;在L=0.3-0.8 g/m3h時,平均去除率為48%。對NMHC,在L<60 g/m3h時,平均去除率為76%。對THC,在L<120 g/m3h時,濾床對THC之平均去除率為51%
本生物濾床對ethanol、ethyl acetate及acetone有較佳的處理效果,methanol、MEK次之,對dichloromethane、toluene及methane則無顯著處理效果。根據文獻,除methane為生物分解性較低之化合物外,其餘揮發性有機物皆屬生物易分解之化合物,研判可能原因為濾床操作參數未保持在適當的範圍,另一可能則為微生物在利用多種基質時,各基質在微生物利用下產生競爭抑制。
This research focuses on the performance study of a full-scale biofilter for treating a stream of vent gas with airborne VOCs generated from a chemical plant wastewater treatment facility. The biofilter consists of two parallel 20-ft standard containers in each a space of 5.98 m in length, 2.35 m in width and 0.50 m in height were filled with biofiltering media prepared by blending swine-manure compost and fern chips in a certain proportion. The vent gas contains methane, methanol, ethanol, acetone, dichloromethane, methyl ethyl ketone, ethyl acetate and toluene as major components and has an average flow rate of 1,320 m3/h (22 m3/min) and a temperature of 16-40oC.
The purposes of this research were to confirm the VOC removal efficiency and to evaluate the elimination capacity for each VOC by monitoring operating parameters, including gas flow rate, system temperature, influent and effluent VOC concentrations of the biofilter.
Experimental results show the system has a volumetric influent gas flow rate 1,153-1,470 m3/h which resulted in an average gas empty bed retention time (EBRT) of 0.64 min through the bed, a moisture of 25-70% and a pH of 2.4-6.9 for the media. Removal efficiencies of methane, methanol, ethanol, acetone, dichloromethane, MEK, ethyl acetate, toluene, NMHC and THC were 23.1, 79.3, 95.2, 82.9, 53.5, 63.7, 83.9, 41.2, 76.2 and 50.5%, respectively. Results also indicate that the VOC removal efficiency for each compound was not directly related to such important operating parameters of the biofilter as influent gas flow rate, media temperature, media pH, and the VOC concentration of the influent gas. However, the volumetric elimination rate (K) was approximately linearly varied with the corresponding loading (L) for the biodegradable VOCs in the influent gas. An average removal efficiency (K/L) of 24.5% was obtained with loadings of L < 70 g/m3h for methane. K/L of 91 and 54% were obtained for methanol with L = 0-7 and 15-22 g/m3h, respectively. Average K/L of 95% was obtained for both ethanol and acetone with L < 40 g/m3h. Removal efficiencies of 48 and 76% were obtained for methanol with L = 0-10 and 18-35 g/m3h, respectively. For MEK, an average removal of 89% was obtained with L = 0.5-4 g/m3h. Removal efficiencies of 84, 37, 48, 76 and 51% were obtained with L < 20, 0-0.2, 0.3-0.8 <60 and <120 g/m3h for ethyl acetate, toluene, NMHC and THC, respectively.
This full-scale biofilter is effective in removing ethanol, ethyl acetate, acetone, methanol, and MEK. There is no significant removal efficiency for dichloromethane, toluene and methane. The performance can hopefully be improved by controlling the media in suitable conditions of moisture 50-60% and pH 7-8.
目次 Table of Contents
謝誌 I
摘要 II
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 IX
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景及動機 1
1.2 研究內容及目的 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 揮發性有機物之定義與&#63789;源 5
2.2 揮發性有機物之危害 5
2.3 一般VOCS廢氣處理方法 7
2.4 生物濾床系統簡介 11
2.4.1 生物濾床的適用性 11
2.4.2 生物濾床的濾料 12
2.4.3 生物濾床系統反應機制 14
2.5 生物濾床之操作條件 15
2.6 VOCS之物理化學性質 15
2.7 生物濾床處理VOCS之研究回顧 15
第三章 實驗設備、材料及方法 25
3.1 實驗設備 25
3.2 實驗材料 25
3.3 分析項目及方法 25
3.3.1 濾床內濾料物化性質 25
3.3.2 氣體樣品中VOCs成份及濃度 26
3.4 分析儀器 26
第四章 結果與討論 29
4.1 濾床進排氣分析及各項操作參數分析 29
4.1.1 濾床入口端與出口端污染物種定性分析 29
4.1.2 濾床各項操作參數測定 29
4.1.3 生物濾床處理廢水處理廠調勻槽VOC排氣去除效率評估 30
4.1.4 生物濾床對VOC去除容量評估 38
4.1.5 濾料有機負荷(L)及去除能力(K)隨時間之變化 38
4.1.6 VOC體積去除能力與體積負荷曲線圖 39
4.1.7 VOC體積去除能力與濾床各項操作參數隨時間之變化 39
4.2 經濟評估 50
第五章 結論與建議 51
參考文獻 53
附錄 實驗數據 55

圖1.1 生物濾床 4
圖3.1 實場生物濾床處理系統 27
圖4.1 生物濾床操作參數 32
圖4.2 NMHC進出口濃度及處理效率 35
圖4.3 THC進出口濃度及處理效率 36
圖4.4 METHANE進出口濃度及處理效率 37
圖4.5 NMHC有機負荷(L)及去除能力(K)隨時間之變化 41
圖4.6 THC有機負荷(L)及去除能力(K)隨時間之變化 42
圖4.7 METHANE有機負荷(L)及去除能力(K)隨時間之變化 43
圖4.8 METHANE有機負荷(L) VS.去除能力(K) 44
圖4.9 METHANOL有機負荷(L) VS.去除能力(K) 44
圖4.10 ETHANOL有機負荷(L) VS.去除能力(K) 45
圖4.11 ACETONE有機負荷(L) VS.去除能力(K) 45
圖4.12 DICHLOROMETHANE有機負荷(L) VS.去除能力(K) 46
圖4.13 MEK有機負荷(L) VS.去除能力(K) 46
圖4.14 EA有機負荷(L) VS.去除能力(K) 47
圖4.15 TOLUENE有機負荷(L) VS.去除能力(K) 47
圖4.16 NMHC有機負荷(L) VS.去除能力(K) 48
圖4.17 THC有機負荷(L) VS.去除能力(K) 48
圖4.18 NMHC及THC去除率及操作參數隨時間之變化 49

表1.1 產業界使用之VOCS 1
表1.2 污染物之生物分解性 3
表2.1 揮發性有機物(VOC)排放源 8
表2.2 VOCS參與光化學反應之活性分類 9
表2.3 各種廢氣處理技術比較表 10
表2.4 化合物生物分解能力分類表 12
表2.5 參考濾料組成 14
表2.6 生物濾床之操作條件 15
表2.7 甲烷之物質安全資料表 17
表2.8 甲醇之物質安全資料表 18
表2.9 乙醇之物質安全資料表 19
表2.10 丙酮之物質安全資料表 20
表2.11 二氯甲烷之物質安全資料表 21
表2.12 丁酮之物質安全資料表 22
表2.13 乙酸乙酯之物質安全資料表 23
表2.14 甲苯之物質安全資料表 24
表3.1 分析儀器規格 28
表4.1 生物濾床入口及排放口污染物分析表 29
表4.2 生物濾床操作參數數據表 31
表4.3 生物濾床入口及排放口污染物濃度分析表 33
表4.4 生物濾床入口及排放口污染物去除率分析表 34
表4.5 生物濾床體積負荷及體積去除能力分析表 40
表4.6 實場經濟成本估算 50
表5.1 揮發性有機物之有機負荷範圍及平均去除率 51
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