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博碩士論文 etd-0620106-145329 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0620106-145329
Transformation of The Chinese Army
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Date of Submission
military strategy, limited war, people's war, local war
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一、現代戰爭由陸、海聯接的平面模式向陸、海、空傳統三度空間甚至轉變為陸、海、空、太空、電磁、網絡六維一體的全維作戰 ,所以現代戰爭趨勢將朝小規模、高科技、高技術方向發展,也使得現代戰爭,邁向全天候、全方位、全縱深的立體作戰形態 ,亦說明現代戰爭,只靠單一軍、兵種孤軍奮戰,難以在現代戰爭中發揮最大程度的作戰能力,更無法獨自完成任務。
First, the modern war is from land, the level way linked in sea even changes into the land , sea , empty , space , electromagnetic , sextuple integrative linking fighting completely of network to the land , sea , empty traditional three-dimensional space, so the modern war trend will be developed in small-scale , Hi-Tech , high-tech direction, make modern war too , march toward all-weather , omni-directional , the whole three-dimensional fight form of depth, also stating the modern war, only fought bravely by the single army , arm isolated force, it is difficult to give play to maximum fight ability in the modern war, it is more unable to finish the task alone.
Second, China is strengthening the scientific and technological construction of the army with all strength at present, put cross-centennial building up the Army especially in sea , air force and the Second Artillery Force army too, Chinese ground force is it arrive to realize deeply, have a million ground force of army very much difficult to go on the comprehensive reform, fighting capacity of the fast reaction that so take the route of picked troops , strong chemical combination and become and organize into groups , progress greatly, ability with peak speed , drive ground force overall modernized development, except in accordance with is it reduce troops to plan, the proportion of technical arms will increase by a wide margin , in order to formate fighting as the eyes , will change the structure of relying mainly on infantry , increase special technical soldier's proportion, the future thrust of every arm:
(1) The infantry faces and develops toward ' mechanized , motorization '.
(2) ' the great artilleryman's doctrine ' principle of artilleryman's basis, carry on
artilleryman's adjustment.
(3) The armoured force develops to ' fast reserve and strength of assaulting strongly ',
and it is new-type to research and develop the third generation of changing the
outfit actively Combat tank. (90Ⅱ、85Ⅲ)
(4) The orientation of air and land troop ' melts three-dimensionally ' is developed.
(5) The electronic countermeasure army, for the soft main force that wounds in the
(6) Air defence towards long-range to attack, accurate guidance, with make empty
direction develop.
Third, the Chinese ground force , in order to should win the policy guidance that high technology make the local war , put the weaponry developing focus the development to the Hi-Tech weapon, and will progress greatly the goal will be filled in proper order , choosing the focal point investment, such as having priority to research and develop making by oneself , purchase the land boat , equips armouredly , operational training and commanding controlling the automated system etc., exactly build and set about from some fighting capacity, depend on the state of the funds again , expand quality and quantity progressively , and the Chinese ground force is in the system of reconnoitering three-dimensionally at present, guidance weapon system, flexible to fight year platform, electronic countermeasure system , automatic command system ,etc. professional technique of respect and complete network fought to formate it has to be already progress to no small extent.
Fourth, the Chinese ground force trains the focal point to place on basing on the existing equipment at the present stage, promote whole fighting capacity in an all-round way, does not promote the campaign , tactical training ,etc. with the performing and training of the level, though the weaponry of the ground force is unable to promote by a wide margin shortly, train the policy , it is towards the modernization , Hi-Tech , and the direction of locking the mode of operation in the future is stridden forward, and the local war requires , strengthen cooperation , fast reaction , information confronting with each other , ensuring and field operations survival ability synthetically of the army ,etc. in an all-round way according to the high-tech condition, and regard jointly training as the centre , fight , land and resist and land and fight , launch air raids to fight with anti-air warfare flexibly and strike back and fight etc. to perform and train in the bordering in a more cost-effective manner, by Hi-Tech study of knowledge , make military training scientific process, in order to improve to fight ability while being whole ground troops in an all-round way.
There are total about 200,000 persons of troops against the army now in fifth, Chinese ground force, if with the high-tech local war view, 200,000 crack fighting capacity is absorbed rapidly, satisfy the conduct , even war win and defeat to the task, will exert an absolute influence. The ' fist ' army, except that principle finish exactly building in accordance with ' flexible to take, automation, digitisation ', and is arranged the land boat helicopter successively , one can develop in the direction of melting three-dimensionally . If can be lasting focal point is changed the outfit and exactly built, over the next 10-15 years, its fighting capacity can reach ' the level of the western mechanized troop ' .
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 、緒論………………………………………………………… 1
第一節 、研究動機與目的…………………………………………… 1
第二節 、文獻檢討…………………………………………………… 8
第三節 、研究方法與架構…………………………………………… 15
第四節 、研究範圍與限制…………………………………………… 18
第五節 、概念界定…………………………………………………… 19
第二章 、作戰構想…………………………………………………… 25
第一節 、中國陸軍戰略演變與作戰指導…………………………… 25
第二節 、中國陸軍戰略轉變具體作為與創新……………………… 48
第三節 、中國陸軍在國防上的功能與角色變化…………………… 56
第三章 、武器系統…………………………………………………… 64
第一節 、武器裝備現況……………………………………………… 64
第二節 、財政分配與武器採購……………………………………… 103
第三節 、武器裝備現代化的限制因素……………………………… 120
第四章 、組織編制…………………………………………………… 123
第一節 、部隊組織與指揮…………………………………………… 123
第二節 、兵種發展…………………………………………………… 138
第三節 、教育訓練…………………………………………………… 145
第五章 、結論………………………………………………………… 153
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五、 報刊
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3. 朱寶剛。「改革,從結構調整上突破」。解放軍報,1998年2月17日。
4. 江澤民。「高度重視和大力發展科學技術」。經濟日報,第1版,1991年8月8日。
5. 趙可銘。「中國特色軍事變革的四個環節」。人民日報,2003年7月11日。
六、 網站
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2. 「2003—2004年中國軍隊與外國軍隊舉行聯合演習情況」。http: //,中國網,2004 年12 月27日。
3. 「2004年中國的國防白皮書」。,新華網,2004年12月27日。
4. 「人力密集型到技術密集型,中國陸軍轉型加速」。http://www. enorth.,北方網,2006年1月27日。
5. 「中國軍事改革震驚美國專家」。 zt/2002-29/104804.html,華夏經緯網,2002年9月12日。
6. 「中國特色軍事變革﹕向信息化轉型戰鬥力獲新提升」。http:// www.DWNEWS.COM,多維新聞網,2006年3月13日。
7. 「中華民國九十三年國防報告書」。 eport/ defence /chinese/IND.HTM,2004年12月15日。
8. 「北京調整建軍方針」。,2004年7月26日。
9. 「江澤民裁軍廿萬內幕」。
10. 「俄羅斯媒體評中共坦克製造業發展」。http://www.people.,人民網,2005年1月28日。
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貳、 西文部份
1. " Domestic Fiber-Optic Cable Maker Unveils New Civilian,Military Products," October 6,1997,in FBIS-China,October 6,1997.
2. Christopher Foss,"Chinese Self-Propelled and Towd Artillery Systems,"Jane’s Intellugence Review,June 1992,pp.273,Also see Ling Xiang,ed. ,Zhongguo Lujun,pp.42-43.
3. For a full descriptionof Chinese SAMs, see Wang Tianxi and Ma Hong, eds,.Zhong-Mie-E Xinxing Jianduan Wuqi:Zhongguo(Chinese, American, and Russian New Types of Sophisticated Weapon:China)(Beijing:Guangming Ribao Chubanshe, 1997), pp.68-101.
4. Generals Zhang Zhen and Li Desheng’s discussion of the May-June 1985 directive at a meeting of the Jiefangjun Baoeditorial board reported in Ta Kung Pao(Hong Kong), February 16, 1986, in FBIS, Daily Report:China(hereafter FBIS-China,)February 18, 1986, pp.W11-12 .
5. Jane’s Armor and Artillery,1992-1993(London:Jane’s In-formation Group,1993),pp.12.
6. Jane's Defence Weekly , (16 December 1998) , pp.28.
7. Kenneth W.Allen,Gleen Krumel,and Jonathan D.Pollack,China’s Air Force Enters the 21st Century (Santa Monica,Calif.:RAND Corporation,1995);and John Wilson Lewis and Xue Litai, "China’s Search for a Modern Air Force, "In-ternational Security 24,no.1(Summer 1999):pp.64-94.
8. See" New Chinese Tank," Jane’s Defense Weekly,November 22,2000.Ling Xiang,ed. ,Zhongguo Lujun,pp.71.
9. Yao Yunzhu,〝The Evolution of Military Doctrine of the Chinese PLA from 1985 to1995,〞Korean Journal of Defense Analysis 7,no.2(Winter 1995):p.74。
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