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Title page for etd-0620116-095900
Detection of Metabolites and Drugs Released on Skin by Thermal Desorption-Electrospray Ionization/Mass Spectrometry
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Ambient Mass Spectrometry, TD-ESI/MS, Skin, Imaging, Metabolite, Medicine
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皮膚為人體最大器官,也是與外界環境的主要屏障,其中的汗腺(sweat gland)、皮脂腺(glandula sebace)主導著皮膚的分泌作用與排泄作用。汗腺的分泌具重要的生理意義,如散熱作用、電解質及激素的代謝等。一般臨床生物檢體樣品如血液、尿液等,樣品基質極為複雜,進行分析前須經繁複的前處理,不僅耗時且所費不貲。而由皮膚分泌的代謝物如汗液、脂質等,其基質效應少、具分析優勢,若能以體表所釋出的代謝物做為指標,可監測人體的生理活動外,也可應用於疾病的篩檢,故發展具快速檢測皮膚代謝物之技術為一大趨勢。然而因無較簡易的取樣及分析方法,故皮膚代謝物分析在臨床上的應用並不常見。若可發展簡易的皮膚代謝物取樣及分析方法,將有助於提升醫療檢驗之技術,並可應用在精準醫療(Precision Medicine)中進行健康評估。
  大氣質譜法(Ambient Mass Spectrometry, AMS),為一種可在大氣環境下進行分析的質譜應用技術,其所需分析時間短、只需極少量的樣品前處理即可進行分析,故有助於大批次樣品的篩檢,因此有許多大氣質譜技術陸續被開發出。本研究以熱脫附電噴灑游離質譜法(Thermal Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry, TD-ESI/MS)結合探針對生物體表進行取樣。將採樣探針置入一簡單的加熱源區域,依溫度控制將分析樣品進行熱脫附,再以電噴灑游離裝置所產生的帶電荷的溶劑液滴進行融合,經由離子-分子反應(Ion molecule reaction, IMR)或是電噴灑過程,生成帶電荷的分析物離子,最後經載流氣體送至質譜端進行偵測。
  第一部分的研究使用TD-ESI/MS直接進行皮膚取樣,檢測由體內向外釋出的相關化合物及代謝物。實驗中使用金屬探針對人體皮膚表面進行取樣,使用熱脫附電噴灑游離質譜系統進行偵測,可檢測人體的皮脂訊號(Lipid profile),也可測得皮脂中的角鯊烯(Squalene)與膽固醇(Cholesterol)等化合物;而在部分受試者的皮膚樣本中也可觀察到常見塑化劑的訊號(鄰苯二甲酸酯鹽類:Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP)、Dimethyl Phthalate(DEHP)、Di-iso-nonyl Phthalate(DINP))。也針對人體飲用咖啡後進行皮膚檢測,測得咖啡因(Caffeine)及咖啡因代謝物(Paraxanthine)的訊號。人體服用藥物後,經代謝傳輸後也可由皮膚表面上檢測出。實驗中受試者服用普拿疼(Acetaminophen, Panadol)後對皮膚進行檢測,可測得明顯的藥物訊號;也檢測服用抗黴菌藥物的灰指甲(Onychomycosis)患者,透過皮膚檢測可測得療黴舒(Lamisil, Terbinafine)之訊號。
Skin, the largest organ in human beings, plays a key role in protecting the human body against different pathogens in the environment. Chemical and biological compounds on skin correspond with endogenous and exogenous components originating from underlying blood vessels, glandular secretions, and skin cells. Since these compounds are potentially useful in clinical diagnoses. Some of the metabolites on skin are potential disease biomarkers, however, current analytical techniques do not provide proper way to efficiently identify them on skin. In this study, a novel ambient mass spectrometric technique - thermal desorption electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry (TD-ESI/MS) was used to characterize the chemical and biological compounds including drugs, lipids, and metabolites released on skin.
  Ambient mass spectrometry (AMS)owns many advantages such as rapid analysis, few or no pretreatment procedure. In view of this, there are more and more AMS techniques employing in many fields such as chemical analysis, biomedical, and forensics science. Especially in clinical detection, AMS has been used to directly characterize chemicals on skin. Techniques such as DESI, LTP, and DAPCI had been successfully demonstrated for rapidly characterizing chemicals on skin. In this study, a novel mass spectrometric technique, termed as thermal desorption electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry (TD-ESI/MS), was developed an easy sample method and quickly characterize compounds on skin surface including drugs and metabolites released from body and small molecules from external environment. A stainless steel probe was used as TD probe to scrap the skin to sample the chemical compounds. After that, the TD probe was inserted into a heated oven to thermally desorb the analytes for the following ionization in a ESI plume and characterization by mass spectrometry. Compared to other AMS techniques, TD-ESI/MS can perform remote sampling and do not limit to the shape, size, or distance of subjects. Most importantly, this method is noninvasive. After analysis, the probe was cleaned by burning it with a flame. The total analysis time required less than 30 seconds.
  The first study focus on skin screening, directly sampling and analysis analytes scraped on skin without any pretreatment. Detection of metabolites and related compounds released inside out to the skin surface. TD-ESI/MS is able to detect the lipid profile including diglycerides and triglycerides. Furthermore, squalene and cholesterol, common ingredients in lipid were detected. TD-ESI/MS is capable to detect the related compounds through the skin after taking medicine or eating food. Caffeine and the metabolites released on the skin of volunteers were detected. The drugs Panadol (Acetaminophen) and Lamisil (Terbinafine) were detected as well.
  In secondary study, by means of detecting caffeine released from different sites of skin, and thus can explore the chemical metabolism in various parts of body. The signals mostly are found over the upper body. For metabolism profile of caffeine, the volunteer was sampled with metallic probes every 30 minutes after receiving single doses of coffee, then was subsequently characterized with TD-ESI/MS. The metabolism profiles of caffeine were rapidly obtained from the analytical results of the compounds on skin. In the volunteer who drank coffee, caffeine signal was gradually rise and decreased over the time; the subject without drinking coffee still keep the signal steady in all times, no upward or downward trend was observed. It is possible to determine metabolism profiles on skin by TD-ESI/MS. There was a similar tendency of signals (the model are commonly referred to as the ADME scheme). Determination of caffeine released over the skin surface and create 3D topographical maps of caffeine distributed on the human skin (face).
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書.................................................................................................. i
目錄 ...........................................................................................................ix
  一、汗液檢驗(Sweat Test)..............................................................4
  二、皮膚貼布測試(Skin Patch Test)................................................6
  三、皮膚切片(Skin Biopsy).............................................................7
 第四節、大氣質譜法 (Ambient Mass Spectrometry)..........................9
 第五節、大氣質譜法於檢測人體皮膚之應用 ..........................................12
  一、脫附電噴灑游離法Desorption electrospray ionization (DESI).....12
  二、低溫電漿Low-Temperature Plasma (LTP) ..................................13
  三、萃取電噴灑游離法Extractive electrospray ionization (EESI)......14
  四、脫附大氣壓力化學游離法 Surface Desorption atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (DAPCI)......................................................15
 第六節、熱脫附電噴灑游離質譜法Thermal Desorption-Electrospray Ionization/Mass Spectrometry(TD-ESI/MS).........................................17
  一、 試劑 ..........................................................................................20
  二、 藥品...........................................................................................20
   1. 標準品......................................................................................20
   2. 市售藥物及商品.......................................................................20
  三、 試劑配製...................................................................................21
   1. 標準品.......................................................................................21
   2. 電噴灑溶液................................................................................21
  四、 檢測化合物之結構式.................................................................21
  一、 TD-ESI/MS 質譜系統................................................................22
  二、 參數設定...................................................................................25
   1. 參數設定I(Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer).............25
   2. 參數設定II(Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer)................26
   3. 目標化合物分析離子對............................................................27
  一、 TD-ESI/MS分析流程.................................................................28
  二、 實驗受試者................................................................................30
  三、 藥物及食品服用.........................................................................30
   1. 咖啡飲用(Caffeine)..............................................................30
   2. 感冒藥服用(Acetaminophen)..................................................................................31
   3. 療黴舒用藥(Lamisil)............................................................31
  四、 標準取樣流程............................................................................32
   1. 探針取樣 ..................................................................................32
   2. 樣品分析與保存.......................................................................32
  一、 皮膚代謝物................................................................................34
  二、 皮膚代謝物檢測.........................................................................34
   1. 脂質(Lipid)..........................................................................34
   2. 膽固醇(Cholesterol)............................................................36
   3. 角鯊烯(Squalene)...............................................................37
  三、 檢測由皮膚釋出之藥物及相關化合物........................................40
   1. 普拿疼(對乙醯胺基酚).........................................................40
   2. 療黴舒(特比萘芬)................................................................42
   3. 咖啡因.....................................................................................46
   4. 咖啡因代謝物...........................................................................50
  一、 檢測藥物於全身皮膚之分佈情形...............................................59
   1. 使用TD-ESI/MS檢測療黴舒標準品 ..........................................59
   2. 模擬藥物(療黴舒)於皮膚釋出之檢測...................................62
  二、 檢測皮膚表面的療黴舒釋出與分佈情形.....................................63
   1. 療黴舒於全身皮膚表面的分布..................................................63
   2. 療黴舒於全身皮膚表面的代謝..................................................66
  三、 檢測皮膚表面的咖啡因釋出與分佈情形.....................................69
   1. 咖啡因於全身皮膚表面之檢測..................................................69
   2. 咖啡因於全身皮膚表面的分布影像..........................................70
   3. 咖啡因於臉部皮膚表面的分布影像 ..........................................71
  四、 檢測咖啡因於皮膚表面的代謝...................................................76
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