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An Analysis of Relevance of Foreign Direct Investment and China’s Economic Development: 1998-2013
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panel data回歸模型、內生經濟成長模型、因素分析法、外人直接投資、中國經濟發展
China’s economic development, endogenous economic growth model, panel data regression model, factor analysis, Foreign direct investment
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本文根據中國三十一省市 1998~2013年間的數據,利用回歸分析法及內生經濟成長模型建立一個包含人力資本累積、國內研發投入、國內投資與跨國企業所帶來的技術設備進步研究分析模型。並利用panel data回歸模型的建構和數據檢驗作實證分析。以及利用因素分析法,找出影響中國三十一省市經濟發展的變數,比較城市發展的競爭力,說明基礎建設亦在經濟發展扮演重要角色。
本論文主要發現包括:第一,panel data固定效果回歸模型的解釋能力為98.6%。第二,模型的解釋變數對被解釋變數具有統計上顯著的解釋能力。第三,值得注意的是,教育經費支出規模彈性為負。第四,中國內資企業正日益成為中國研發的主體,外資企業研發支出仍然是中國企業研發投入的一個重要組成成分。第五,增加關鍵產業部門的人力資本投資,使人力資本和物質資本的比例在關鍵產業達到產業升級的新技術要求。第六,在2014年中國三十一省市綜合發展實力排名前茅的省市主要集中在沿海省分。第七,不斷進行中國經濟制度調整有助於中國經濟成長。第八,縮小地區發展差異的方法是在區域之間建立更有效率的經濟聯繫及整合、改善東西部運輸交通網絡、進行基礎建設投資、投入有效的人力資本培育和教育經費是縮小區域貧富差距的具體方法。
Since China’s economic reform opened up, confronting an environment where it requested foreign economic and trade exchanges to be more open, China’s economic development would also face a greater challenge. This study would like to investigate that before and after China joined WTO, how did the factor changes and relevance of introducing foreign investment towards China’s international trade transactions, capital investments, progress of production technology, human capital, infrastructures and city development influence on China’s economic development.
According to the data of thirty-one provinces and cities in China between Year 1998~2013, this study used regression analysis and endogenous economic growth model to build a research analysis model including accumulation of human capital, domestic research, development and input, domestic investment and technological equipment progress brought by transnational enterprises. Also, use panel data to return the construction and data tests of the model for doing empirical analysis. And use factor analysis to find variables which influenced on economic development at thirty-one provinces and cities in China, compare competitiveness of city development. This illustrated that infrastructures also played an important role in economic development.
The main findings of this study included: First, the explanatory ability of panel data fixed effect regression model was 98.6%. Second, explanatory variables of the model towards response variables had obvious explanatory ability on statistics. Third, it was noteworthy that scale elasticity of educational expenditure was negative. Fourth, China’s domestic capital enterprises are becoming main researching and development body of China day by day. Expenditure of research and development of foreign enterprises was still an important constituent for research and development that China’s enterprises put in. Fifth, increasing human capital investment of critical industry sectors made the proportion of human capital and material capital reach new technical requirements of industrial upgrade on critical industries. Sixth, provinces and cities within the top ranks of comprehensive development strength of thirty-one provinces and cities in China in 2014 mainly concentrated on coastal provinces. Seventh, constantly conducting adjustment of China’s economic system helped China’s economy to grow. Eighth, the method of narrowing difference of regional development was to build more efficient economic connection and integration, improve eastern and western transportation and traffic network, conduct investment of infrastructure and put in efficient human capital education and educational funding between regions. These were concrete methods to narrow regional gap between rich and poor.
This study recommends China’s economic development shall reduce trade barriers and positively promote trade liberalization, integrate function and supervisory system of financial markets; use comparative advantages to develop industries in each province and city, introduce and promote industries of high added value; build perfect system to train labor force in each industry, reduce shock of frictional unemployment; build dense and convenient traffic network, perfect communication, electric and hydraulic system; implement patent right, guarantee motive power of research and innovation, build development system which suits Chinese national conditions and also respond accordingly to world situation and adjust.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 頁次
第一節 研究動機 …………………………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的 …………………………………………………………4
第三節 研究方法 …………………………………………………………4
第四節 理論架構、研究範圍與限制 ……………………………………6
第五節 研究架構與流程 …………………………………………………6
第二章 文獻回顧
第一節 對外經濟開放與經濟安全 ………………………………………11
第二節 知識經濟、產業群聚與國際競爭力 ……………………………19
第三節 以內生經濟成長理論為基礎的外人直接投資 …………………27
第三章 外資與對外經貿關係
第一節 中國利用外資概況……………………………………………… 41
第二節 對外經貿關係分析……………………………………………… 64
第三節 小結 ………………………………………………………………76
第四章 外資與研發創新
第一節 外資與技術創新 …………………………………………………80
第二節 外資與金融創新 …………………………………………………90
第三節 外資與研發創新的影響模型 ……………………………………100
第四節 均衡成長與政策效用分析 ………………………………………106
第五節 小結 ………………………………………………………………107
第五章 外資與人力資源
第一節 內生經濟成長模型的生產函數與生產要素 ……………………109
第二節 人力資本之衡量 …………………………………………………119
第三節 人口流動與經濟發展 ……………………………………………123
第四節 教育的成本與收益分析 …………………………………………139
第五節 小結 ………………………………………………………………143

第六章 外資與基礎建設及城市發展
第一節 地方基礎建設與城市競爭力關係之驗證 ………………………145
第二節 長三角區域經濟發展與產業群聚效應 …………………………158
第三節 實證分析 …………………………………………………………169
第四節 小結 ………………………………………………………………182
第七章 結論與建議
第一節 研究發現及總結 …………………………………………………184
第二節 建議 ………………………………………………………………191
附錄 ………………………………………………………………………………218
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