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博碩士論文 etd-0621101-164435 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0621101-164435
Tracking-Beam Arrays Implementation of Smart Antennas in DS-CDMA Communication Systems
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antenna arrays, beamforming, smart antennas, angle tracking, adaptive theory
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Because of the rapid development of mobile communications, the bandwidth efficiency and the communication quality have become interesting issues for researchers. Multipath fading and multiple-access interference (MAI) are the main barriers of performance improvement. Fortunately, spread spectrum techniques have an inherent ability of anti-interference and anti-multipath. Thus, the commercialized CDMA systems are developed on the basis of spread spectrum techniques.
Recently, smart antennas using adaptive array techniques have been applied in CDMA communications. There are two different approaches to realize smart antenna systems: one is named as ‘switching-beam arrays’; the other is called ‘tracking-beam arrays’. Switching-beam arrays use a number of fixed beams at an antenna site. The mobiles select the beam that offers the best signal enhancement and interference reduction. On the other hand, tracking-beam arrays can adjust their pattern to track desired signals, reduce interference, and collect correlated multipath power.
In this thesis, several smart antenna systems based on tracking-beam arrays in DS-CDMA systems are developed. The proposed smart antennas comprise two main structures, i.e., the direction-of-arrival (DOA) tracking and the dynamic beamforming. The improved recursively updated method and the Kalman filter algorithm are employed to track the mobiles’ DOAs. By referring to the estimated DOA, the minimum- variance-distortionless-response (MVDR) dynamic beamformer produces a main beam to target on a certain mobile and simultaneously, interferences from other mobiles are suppressed. Therefore, the MAI in DS-CDMA systems can be suppressed properly at all times. Besides, the inherent processing gain in DS-CDMA systems is utilized to break through the limit that the number of mobiles must be smaller than that of sensors. The proposed smart antennas work properly even the number of mobiles exceeds that of sensor. Simulation results show that the advantages of the proposed technique over the conventional tracking-beam arrays.

目次 Table of Contents
目錄 頁次
第一章 緒言…………………………………………………..…...1
1.1 文獻探討……………………………………………..…...1
1.2 研究動機…………………………………………….……4
第二章 CDMA系統下天線陣列訊號模型……….……….…..…6
2.1 虛擬雜訊序列……………………………………….……..6
2.2 CDMA系統下線性陣列訊號模式……………………...…7
第三章 改良式遞迴更新法於智慧型天線之應用..………….……13
3.1 改良式遞回更新法於多目標角度追蹤……….….….……13
3.2 追蹤波束系統的實現..……………………….….…….…..16
3.3 電腦模擬……...…….…………………....…………….…..17
第四章 卡門濾波器於智慧型天線之應用……………...……..……24
4.2 追蹤波束天線陣列的實現….…………………..………….28
第五章 利用CDMA系統特性突破天線陣列維度限制………..….44
5.1.1 經過解展頻後的天線陣列訊號模型……………….45
5.1.2 智慧型天線演算法的修正………………………….47
5.1.3 修正後追蹤波束系統的實現……………………….50
5.2 尋找最大特徵值的追蹤波束系統…………………….….51
5.2.1 共軛梯度法………………………………………….53
5.2.2 Lagrange’s multiplier………….…………………...56
第六章 討論與建議………………………………………………...71

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