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博碩士論文 etd-0622103-010921 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0622103-010921
A Study on the Relationships among Employee Personality, Self-Directed Learning, and Work Performance
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self-directed learning, Locus of control, performance
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5870 times, has been downloaded 9169 times.
一、不同人口背景變項對自我導向學習認知的差異性:1. 性別、年齡、教育程度、服務部門、職級別、工作資歷在自我導向學習上沒有顯著差異。2. 中高階主管較為自我導向學習。3. 過去一年有接受教育訓練者的自我導向學習程度較高。 4. 曾經因個人需求而自行進修或參加外部訓練者,其自我導向學習程度較高。

This study discussed the relationships among employee personality, self-directed learning, and work performance. Samples are from people who serve in businesses, answer questionnaires with four main aspects, including Internal-External Scale, Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale, Performance, and background data.
The analysis results showed the following findings:
1. The differences of self-directed learning due to different personal background.
a. Sex, age, education, department, level, work experience do not show significant differences on self-directed learning.
b. The middle and high level manager are higher self-directed learning.
c. People who had training in the past year are higher self-directed learning.
d. People who had training or advanced study out of their own needs before are higher self-directed learning.
2. People with internal locus of control are higher self-directed learning.
3. People with internal locus of control have better performance.
4. People who are efficient and autonomous learner have better performance.
5. Employee’s self-directed learning is influenced by locus of control, and it further influences performance.
6. Employee’s self-directed learning is not influenced by his/her management level, and it won’t influence performance further.
7. Employee’s self-directed learning is influenced by his/her attending training in the last year, and it further influences performance.
8. Employee’s self-directed learning is not influenced by his/her experience having training or advanced study out of his/her own needs before, and it won’t influence performance further.
According the findings, this research suggests:
1. Business can use personality measurements and Self-Directed Learning measurements as tools of selection.
2. Business should give employees more autonomy and resources assistance in the human development programs.
3. Business should give employees developmental opportunities in equality.
4. Employees should have the attitude being responsible to their own learning.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景及動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 內外控人格特質 4
第二節 自我導向學習 8
第三節 工作績效 20
第三章 研究方法 23
第一節 研究架構 23
第二節 研究假設 24
第三節 研究工具 25
第四節 研究對象與資料蒐集方法 31
第五節 資料分析方法 35
第四章 實證分析與討論 37
第一節 人口背景變項對自我導向學習之差異性分析 37
第二節 內外控人格特質對自我導向學習之差異性分析 44
第三節 內外控人格特質、自我導向學習對工作績效的影響 46
第四節 自我導向學習之中介效果分析 48
第五章 結論與建議 60
第一節 研究結果 60
第二節 研究建議 65
第二節 研究限制及建議 67
參考文獻 69
附 錄 75

圖 目 錄
圖1-3-1本研究流程 3
圖3-1-1本研究架構圖 23

表 目 錄
表3-3-1 自我導向學習準備度量表題目發展及信度分析 27
表3-3-2 問卷量表信度分析 29
表3-4-1 樣本來源分佈摘要 31
表3-4-2 樣本基本資料分佈摘要 34
表4-1-1 人口背景變項對自我導向學習之差異性分析摘要 41
表4-1-2 管理階層對自我導向學習因素之差異性分析摘要 42
表4-1-3 過去一年有無參加訓練對自我導向學習因素的差異性分析摘要 42
表4-1-4 曾自行進修訓練對自我導向學習因素的差異性分析摘要 43
表4-2-1 內外控人格對自我導向學習之差異性分析摘要 45
表4-3-1 內外控人格特質對工作績效的迴歸分析摘要表 46
表4-3-2 自我導向學習對工作績效的迴歸分析摘要表 47
表4-4-1 內外控人格特質、自我導向學習對工作績效之層級迴歸分析 50
表4-4-2 管理階層、自我導向學習對工作績效之層級迴歸分析 52
表4-4-3 過去一年有無參加教育訓練、自我導向學習對工作績效之層級迴歸分析 55
表4-4-4 曾因個人需求自行進修訓練、自我導向學習對工作績效之層級迴歸分析 58
表4-4-5 研究假說檢定結果 59
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