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Technological Spillovers via Foreign Investment and China’s Economic Development
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panel data model, human capital, technological spillovers, FDI
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從過去的文獻中可發現並非所有開發中國家的外資均具有產出效果,如: Marino(2000)認為必須在引資國具備開放的貿易與投資條件下,外資才可能帶動經濟增長;Lim(2001)則表示總體經濟的穩定與否至為關鍵,因此只有在特定之情況下,上述論點始成立。是故,探究中國如何憑藉著外資所施展的魔法來實現其有目共睹的經濟成就,便成為了近年來備受全球矚目的課題之一。

本研究之理論架構乃建立於Coe & Helpman (1995)的模型之上,並運用人力資本累積、國內現有的技術知識含量,以及透過跨國企業所帶來的技術設備存量,建構一個開放的三部門內生成長模型。其脈絡如下:發達國家所擁有的先進技術,可透過向外直接投資,對引資國的研發部門產生技術外溢作用,從而提高其技術進步率,促進當地之經濟成長。


根據上述的理論基礎,以及實際可獲得的資料-中國各省(市)於1996- 2004年間的經濟數據,吾人建立起一個包含人力資本累積、國內研發投入,和國際間技術外溢作用的實證研究模型。此外,本研究更嘗試以人力資本存量做為衡量國內技術吸收能力的指標,並運用計量方法中的線性迴歸模型對追蹤資料進行固定效果分析。

We review previous literature on productivity effects of FDI in China and find that the evidence of FDI spillovers on her economic growth rate is mixed. Take A. Marino (2000) and E-G Lim (2001) for example, they pointed out that it just happened conditionally. Thus due to the proof of its plausibility, China’s experience may help underdeveloped countries fulfill their goals and become one of the most contentious issues.

Based on CH(1995), this paper presents a 3-sector R&D-based endogenous growth model in an open economy with human capital accumulation and the existing stocks of technology from MNCs as well as domestic industries. And the thread of thought is that the technology growth rate will arise if technological spillovers of FDI do act in domestic R&D sectors, and that will lead to the better development of economy. The solution satisfied to the competitive equilibrium conditions shows that long-run growth rate arises from the improvement of absorptive capability and higher human capital stock, while the relationships between technology gap and steady-state growth rate are uncertain.

Then, bottomed on the results of theoretical model and the existing information including Chinese 30 provincial level data for 1996-2004, this paper tests with econometric methods- panel data OLS model with fixed effect-and makes empirical analyses. In addition, absorptive capacity is weighted by human capital.

As the setting of empirical model, the major focuses are on how human capital, domestic R&D, and international technological spillovers affect long-run growth rate. And the main conclusion is that the steady-state growth rates depend positively on the stock of human capital, the investment of domestic R&D, and the effects of technological spillovers via FDI whether the absorptive capacity is considered or not. While the results also show that the stock of human capital is a definitive and appropriate index to the absorptive capacity and that Chinese provincial level productivity effects of FDI are strongly confirmed by this paper. However, there are still some hinder in China for the digestion of foreign technologies, thus in the future the authority should put more emphases on increasing human capital stock and stepping up self-innovated ability.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究架構與章節安排 5
第三節 研究範圍與限制 8
第二章 理論與文獻探討 10
第一節 國際投資理論 10
第二節 外資與經濟發展 13
第三節 外資的技術外溢 18
第四節 FDI與中國經濟發展的相關文獻 .31
第三章 外資在中國發展概況 35
第一節 外商直接投資之發展歷程 35
第二節 跨國企業的形式與進入途徑 43
第三節 跨國投資的趨向 50
第四節 FDI對經濟發展的利與弊 …..53
第四章 模型建構 58
第一節 基本模型 58
第二節 競爭性市場均衡分析 61
第三節 實證模型設定 68
第四節 資料來源與處理 71
第五章 實證分析 74
第一節 迴歸模型 74
第二節 結果分析 81
第六章 結論與建議 86
第一節 結論 .86
第二節 研究發現與建議 89
附錄一 中國對外貿易政策年表(.1978-2006年) .95
附錄二 三資企業在中國的投資概況(.1994-2005年) .98
附錄三 對中國進行實際外商投資的主要來源國 101
參考書目 102
參考文獻 References




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