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博碩士論文 etd-0622112-171430 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0622112-171430
The Research of Motel cluster
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Motel, Industry cluster, Cluster effect, Relation of Coopetition, Land Consolidation
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最後本研究結果發現: (1)汽車旅館群聚形成的主因,並非受到群聚效應的吸引,而是相似的設點需求。(2)汽車旅館產業幾乎不會有合作的行為。業者間非常保密,且模仿同業,在同質業者眾多下,更加深競爭強度。(3)群聚的集客效應與適宜的經營環境,為汽車旅館群聚的主因。(4)因為產業的飽合與精緻化,需要更審慎的成本效益評估;群聚的影響力也該重新評估;同屬重劃區內的群聚,應了解政府政策的走向,以評估此未來的發展性。(5)消費者忠誠度低,外加嚐鮮心態,因而越晚期設立的汽車旅館,越有競爭優勢,受群聚的效應也偏向正面。(6)雖然業者皆重視周遭機能,但對於其特色與內涵仍有不同的期待。(7)群聚效果的好壞,不能單純從群聚本身的角度去論定,也該考量業者本身的相對優勢與劣勢。
Now the motel industry in Taiwan is increasingly sophisticated, and even some motels are positioning themselves as the boutique hotels,so the business model has been out of the previous framework, like the hotel, with the high texture, on the other hand, beyond the hotel, with rich diversity. Now the motels are no longer set up near highway ramp to pursue convenience and privacy, but to find good location near department stores, metro, and science-based Industrial Park. Now the motel industry places more emphasis on the freshness and characteristics of the product, so in addition to the pursuit of convenience and practicality, motels now focus more on entertainment features.
On the other hand, the motels are almost everywhere in high competition status, it is not difficult to find many cluster regions all over Taiwan. In the circumstances, consumers have clear and close impression to link the image between these cluster regions and the motels inside the regions. However the reason why motels usually were gathered and formed to be a cluster.What motivations resulted in industry cluster? What characteristics are shaped inside? How the cluster effect be developed and influence the relations of motels in the same cluster region. These questions are be researched in this thesis.
In this study,I selected three major and representative motel clusters in Taiwan: Dazhi Land Consolidation of Taipei City, 7th Land Consolidation of Taichung, 16th agricultural Land Consideration of Kaohsiung City, mainly by interviewing with executives of the motel industry in order to understand the causes of industrial clusters,the competition and cooperation relation in motel clusters, and cluster effect in the industry. And exploring and analyzing the environment of these three cluster regions through observation method, in order to understand the correlation of regional environmental and development of clusters.
Finally, the results of this study found that: (1) the main cause of motel cluster, is not because of being attracted by the cluster effect, but the similar needs for location. (2) There are seldomly cooperative behaviors in the motel industry, because the motel industry is very secretive and motels in the same cluster tend to imitate each other, so these results deepen the intensity of competition. (3) The causes of motel cluster are hoping for attracting more customers and finding the appropriate operating environment. (4) Because the industry become saturated and sophisticated, it is very important to make prudent cost-benefit assessment. Besides, it is better to reassess influences of the cluster and try to be aware of the direction of government policy to evaluate the future and the development. (5) Consumer loyalty in motel industry is low, therefore, the latecomers usually have more competitive advantage, and the cluster effects are positive. (6) Although the surroundings are important to all the motels, but there are some different connotations, meanings, and expectations for different motels. (7) The quality of the cluster effect, can not only be evaluated from the perspective of cluster itself, but also be judged from the consideration of the motel itself in one cluster with relative strengths or weaknesses.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 ........................................................i
致謝........................................................... iv
表次........................................................... vii
圖次 .......................................................... vii
第一章 緒論 ....................................................1
第一節 研究動機 ...............................................1
第二節 研究目的 ...............................................2
第三節 研究問題................................................2
第二章 文獻探討 .................................................3
第一節 產業群聚 ...............................................3
第二節 商店街 .................................................8
第三節 商圈...................................................11
第四節 汽車旅館 ..............................................15
第三章 研究設計 ................................................17
第一節 研究方法 ..............................................17
第二節 研究架構 ..............................................21
第三節 研究範圍 ..............................................22
第四節 訪談對象 ..............................................24
第五節 研究流程 ..............................................26
第六節 問卷設計 ..............................................27
第四章 研究結果 ................................................29
第一節 前測結果與修正 ........................................29
第二節 訪談結果 ..............................................32
第五章 研究成果與建議 ..........................................86
第一節 研究結論 ..............................................86
第二節 研究限制 ..............................................88
第三節 未來研究方向 ..........................................89
參考文獻 .......................................................91
附錄一、觀察法提綱 .............................................98
附錄二、訪談問卷提綱(前測前的初版) .............................99
附錄三、訪談問卷(前測後的最終版) ..............................102
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