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博碩士論文 etd-0623111-164639 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0623111-164639
Saving Energy and Reducing Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Emissions from a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine by H2/O2 Addition to the Combustion Chamber
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H2/O2, Emission Factor, Fuel Saving, Diesel Engine, PAHs
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本研究以基礎石化柴油(Base)與添加不同氫氧進氣量(10 至70 L/min)進行柴油引擎排放多環芳香烴(PAHs)特徵之研究,在穩態條件(包含引擎運轉轉速為1,600 rpm 與扭力為145 Nm) 下,進行引擎排放廢氣中21 種PAHs 進行採樣及分析,並進行雙燃料之節能效益評估。
柴油引擎於Base (0 L/min) 排放Total PAHs 排放濃度為106.58 μg/m3,添加氫氧進氣量10 至70 L/min 則分別為101.89、95.30、90.70、85.98、82.35、72.38 及67.30 μg/m3;排放係數分別為6.00、5.73、5.36、4.99、4.84、4.50、4.07 及3.78 mg/bhp-hr;而排放減量成效分別為4.4%、10.6%、14.9%、19.3%、22.7%、32.1%及36.9%,顯示添加氫氧氣能有效的降低PAHs 濃度。
在排放傳統污染物方面,基礎石化柴油(Base)添加不同氫氧進氣量(10 至70 L /min)之CO、CO2、THC 及PM 排放濃度會隨著氫氧進氣量增加而降低;反之,NOx 排放濃度會隨著氫氧進氣量增加而上升。
在雙燃料之節能效益評估方面,綜合引擎耗油油當量與氫氧機耗電油當量,整體之耗能油當量分別為2.42、2.49、2.50、2.48、2.51、2.35、2.18、2.17。可知在添加氫氧進氣量10 至40 L/min 時,整體之油當量隨著增加;而添加氫氧進氣量50 至70 L/min 時,油當量則隨
之減少,表示添加氫氧進氣量50 至70 L/min 能有效的達到節能效益,其添加氫氧進氣量為50 L/min、60 L/min 及70 L/min 之節能效益分別為3.2%、9.8%及10.4%。
The emission of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from the diesel engine on a dynamometer by mixing ratio of the fuel (H2/O2 /diesel) was investigated. The engine was operated at a one load steady-state condition of 1,600 rpm with torque and power outputs of 145 Nm and 24.5 kW. In this condition, the measurement of the mixing ratio of the
fuel (H2/O2 /diesel) was first recorded without any induction of H2/O2 mixture (Base) into the engine. Then, seven flow rate levels of H2/O2 mixture were used by 10 L/min, 20 L/min, 30 L/min, 40 L/min, 50 L/min, 60 L/min, and 70 L/min, respectively.
The concentrations of total PAHs were 106.58, 101.89, 95.30, 90.70, 85.98, 82.35, 72.38, and 67.30 μg/m3, respectively for Base (0 L/min), 10 L/min, 20 L/min, 30 L/min, 40 L/min, 50 L/min, 60 L/min, and 70 L/min of H2/O2 mixture. The emission factor of total PAHs were 6.00, 5.73, 5.36, 4.99, 4.84, 4.50, 4.07, and 3.78 mg/bhp-hr, respectively for Base (0 L/min), 10 L/min, 20 L/min, 30 L/min, 40 L/min, 50 L/min, 60 L/min, and 70 L/min of H2/O2 mixture. The removal rate of total PAHs were 4.4%, 10.6%, 14.9%, 19.3%, 22.7%, 32.1%, and 36.9%, respectively for 10 L/min, 20 L/min, 30 L/min, 40 L/min, 50 L/min, 60 L/min, and 70 L/min of H2/O2 mixture. This result showed using H2/O2 mixture significantly reduced emissions of PAHs.
As the regulated harmful matters, using H2/O2 mixture, CO、CO2、THC and PM decreased, whereas the NOx emission increased.
The energy saving of the fuels (H2/O2 /diesel), the total oil equivalents combined by fuel consumption of diesel engine and electricity consumption of H2/O2 generator, were 2.42, 2.49, 2.50, 2.48, 2.51, 2.35, 2.18, and 2.17 for Base (0 L/min), 10 L/min, 20 L/min, 30 L/min, 40 L/min, 50 L/min, 60 L/min, and 70 L/min of H2/O2 mixture. The result showed that reduced saving energy of the fuel (H2/O2 /diesel) by 3.2% for 50 L/min, 9.8% for 60 L/min, and 10.4% for 70 L/min,
目次 Table of Contents

第一章 前言........................................................................1-1
1.1 研究緣起......................................................................1-1
1.2 研究目標......................................................................1-2

第二章 相關研究及文獻回顧............................................2-1
2.1 能源概況......................................................................2-1
2.1.1 能源現況...................................................................2-1
2.1.2 氫氣之特性...............................................................2-5
2.1.3 氫氣的生成與來源...................................................2-7
2.1.4 雙燃料車使用現況...................................................2-9
2.2 多環芳香烴化合物 (PAHs)… .................................2-13
2.2.1 PAHs 之特性.........................................................2-13
2.2.2 PAHs 之危害.........................................................2-17
2.2.3 PAHs 之來源.........................................................2-21
2.2.4 PAHs 之生成機制.................................................2-25
2.3 柴油引擎及排放特徵................................................2-27
2.3.1 柴油引擎運轉方式.................................................2-27
2.3.2 柴油引擎PAHs 之排放特徵.................................2-29
2.3.3 不同油品中芳香烴對柴油車排放PAHs 之影響.2-30

第三章 研究方法與步驟....................................................3-1
3.1 研究架構與流程..........................................................3-1
3.2 現場採樣......................................................................3-2
3.3 採樣方法與設備..........................................................3-3
3.3.1 柴油引擎...................................................................3-3
3.3.2 氫氧機.......................................................................3-3
3.3.3 三相電力分析儀.......................................................3-4
3.3.4 PAHs 採樣................................................................3-4
3.3.5 排氣取樣設備...........................................................3-5
3.3.6 樣品分析...................................................................3-6
3.4 PAHs 分析之品質保證與品質控制.........................3-10
3.4.1 空白試驗.................................................................3-10
3.4.2 檢量線之配置.........................................................3-10
3.4.3 方法偵測極限.........................................................3-11
3.4.4 準確度.....................................................................3-12
3.4.5 精密度.....................................................................3-12

第四章 結果與討論............................................................4-1
4.1 燃料特性與比例..........................................................4-1
4.1.1 柴油與氫氣特性.......................................................4-1
4.1.2 柴油與氫氧氣比例...................................................4-2
4.2 柴油引擎添加不同氫氧進氣量之傳統污染物排放濃度.........................................................................................4-4
4.2.1 傳統污染物排放濃度...............................................4-4
4.2.2 傳統污染物之排放係數.........................................4-12
4.2.3 傳統污染物之排放減量.........................................4-15
4.3 柴油引擎添加不同氫氧進氣量之PAHs 排放濃度.4-19
4.3.1 PAHs 排放濃度.....................................................4-19
4.3.2 PAHs 排放濃度百分比.........................................4-23
4.3.3 PAHs 排放係數....................................................4-25
4.3.4 PAHs 之排放減量.................................................4-29
4.3.5 柴油引擎廢氣中PAHs 之毒性當量係數.............4-33
4.4 柴油引擎以不同替代燃料之相關文獻....................4-38
4.4.1 柴油引擎以不同替代燃料之傳統污染物相關文獻.......................................................................................4-38
4.4.2 柴油引擎以不同替代燃料之PAHs 相關文獻.....4-44
4.5 雙燃料之節能效益評估............................................4-49
4.5.1 引擎耗油量.............................................................4-49
4.5.2 氫氧機耗電量.........................................................4-51
4.5.3 節能效益評估.........................................................4-51

第五章 結論與建議............................................................5-1
5.1 結論..............................................................................5-1
5.2 建議..............................................................................5-3

附錄A.............................................................................. 附A-1
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