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博碩士論文 etd-0623111-200529 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0623111-200529
應用Lab VIEW於智慧型家庭監控系統之研製
Application of Lab VIEW in Smart Home Surveillance Systems
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
智慧型家庭、模糊理論、遠端監控、Lab VIEW、CGI
Smart Home, Fuzzy Theory, Remote Monitoring, Lab VIEW, CGI
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本論文以研製智慧型家庭監控系統為目的,應用Lab VIEW圖控軟體開發人機介面(MMI),將傳統儀錶以虛擬儀錶取代,以降低硬體資源的消耗。節能方面則以MATLAB之fuzzy toolbox作為運算中心,並應用於照明系統與冷氣系統上。最後以Lab VIEW的CGI工具開發遠端監控功能,並使用網路相關語法將程式嵌入至網頁中,使用者除了使用電腦設備外,也能使用行動裝置(手機、PDA、Pad等)連結網路後進行遠端監控,提升便利性與安全性。


本論文最後以實際案例測試,並比較有/無模糊控制之用電量,實驗結果顯示加入模糊控制的用電量確實能夠降低。除了使用電腦測試遠端監控之功能外,也使用手機與 Pad測試遠端監控。
The objective of this research is to study smart home network systems and the application of Lab VIEW to develop man machine interface (MMI) so that traditional instrument panels can be replaced with virtual panels to reduce the consumption of hardware resources. For energy efficiency, the focus is on using MATLAB’s fuzzy toolbox as the computing center and applying it to both lighting and air-conditioning systems. This thesis also looks into the use of Lab VIEW’s CGI tools to develop remote monitoring functions as well as embedding the network related syntax into the Web pages. The user not only can use his/her computer equipment, but also their mobile devices (cell phone, PDA, pad, etc.) to link up to the networks and conduct remote monitoring, which enhances convenience and security.
Hardware using wired control (PCI, Ethernet) and wireless control (ZigBee) could monitor the information from the components and transmit it to the computer for processing using the aforementioned method, and finally send it to the control end to complete the monitoring process. Choosing ZigBee wireless control is because it is more energy saving and network friendly than other wireless devices.It will have were opportunities to be used in home applications in the future.
This thesis also integrates a fuzzy control for the power consumption. Test results show that adding fuzzy control can reduce power consumption. Besides using computers for remote monitoring functions, cell phones and pads were used as well.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要………………………………………………………….………………....... i
英文摘要………………………………………..……………………….…...………. ii
目錄……………………………………..……………………….…...………...…. iii
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………….…….……..1
1.1 研究背景………………………………….…………….………………..….1
1.2 研究動機………………………………….…………………….………..….1
1.3 研究目的與方法…………………………………...………………………....2
1.4 論文內容概述…………………………………………………...……………3
第二章 硬體系統架構……………………….………………………………………5
2.1 前言……………………………………………………….………………5
2.2 系統架構說明……………………...……………………..…………………..6
2.3 硬體簡介………………………….………………………………….…..6
2.3.1 PCI卡……………………………..……………….……….………….…..6
2.3.2 乙太網路與ZigBee……………………………………………….…....7
2.4 電流放大器…………………………………………………….……………..9
2.5 監控元件之電路設計…...………………………..…………………….....11
2.5.1 照明擷取系統……………...……………………………………….....11
2.5.2 溫度擷取系統……………...……………………………………….....14
2.5.3 紅外線人體感應系統……………………………………………........16
2.5.4 網路攝影機(Webcam)………………………………. ………….........18
2.5.5 氣體檢測………………………………. …………………….….........19
第三章 模糊理論…………………………………. ……………………...….........22
3.1 前言……….…………….…….……..…. ………………………...….........22
3.2 模糊理論之介紹…….………………..…. ………………………...….........22
3.3 明確集合與模糊集合………….……..…. ………………………...….........23
3.4 歸屬函數…..…. ……………….....................................................….........26
3.5 模糊系統之規則..................................….......................................................27
3.6 模糊系統之解模糊化.....................................................................................28
3.7 模糊系統之應用…………………………………………………………29
3.7.1 模糊控制-照明………………………………………………………....30
3.7.2 模糊控制-冷氣………………………………………………………....34
第四章 軟體系統架構與人機介面……………………………………………..…38
4.1 前言……………………………..……………………………..……..…..…39
4.2 軟體系統架構……………………………………………………..…...…39
4.3 各系統之人機介面…………………………………………..………..…40
4.3.1 登入系統……………………………………………..………….…..…40
4.3.2 功能選單…………………………………………..……..…….…..…43
4.3.3 溫度監控……………………………………..………………….…..…44
4.3.4 天氣資訊……………………………………..………………….…..…45
4.3.5 股票查詢……………………………………..………………….…..…50
4.3.6 監視系統……………………………………..………………….…..…51
4.3.7 防盜系統……………………………………..………………….…..…53
4.3.8 氣體檢測系統……………………………..………………….……..…55
4.3.9 資料庫與帳密管理………………………..………………….……..…56
4.3.10 家庭能源管理系統…………………..……………..………………..…58
4.3.11 智慧型照明系統……………...………………………………….…..…61
4.3.12 冷氣節能系統………….....………………………..…………….…..…64
4.2.13 撥放器……………..……………………..…………….…………..…66
4.2.14 ZigBee控制介面..………………………..…………….……………..…67
4.2.15 乙太網路控制介面..…………………..…………….…………...…..…69
第五章 建置遠端監控與網頁.………………………..………….……………..…71
5.1 前言………………..………..……………………….….……………..…71
5.2 傳統架構………………………..……………………….….……………..…71
5.3 網路概述………..……………..……………………….….…………..…..…72
5.4 DataSocket簡介.……………..……………………….…..………..…..…..…73
5.5 遠端人機介面……………………..……..…………...………..……...…..…75
5.5.1 SIS遠端……………………..……..………….………….………...…..…75
5.5.2 防盜遠端………………..……..………….………….……….....…..…77
5.5.3 氣體檢測遠端…………..……..………….………….……….....…..…79
5.6 網路應用程式…………………..……….……..…….………............…..…80
5.6.1 CGI概述…………..……..………….………….………............…………80
5.6.2 CGI功能與環境變數…..………….………….………............………….81
5.6.3 建置CGI網路應用程式.………….………….………............………….82
5.6.4 建置人機介面於網頁.……….………….………...............…...……….86
第六章 結果與系統測試.………….………….………............………………..….89
6.1 SIS實際測試.………….……….………..............………………………….89
6.2 冷氣節能模擬測試….….….….…….….............……………………...….….96
6.3 遠端監控實測…………….……….………...........………...……………….98
6.4 硬體測試與實體圖….…….…….…..…….............………...……...……….111
第七章 結論與未來研究方向
7.1 結論….……….…….............…….…....……….....……………………….116
7.2 未來研究發向.…………...........………....……...………….……………….117
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