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博碩士論文 etd-0624105-210303 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0624105-210303
The Optimal Transmission Line Relaying Planning and Analysis with Immune Algorithm
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Markov, protective relay, optimization, immune algorithm
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The objective of this thesis is to enhance the reliability analysis of Relaying systems and build-up model by Markov theory for taipower transmission lines. The set of combinatory multi-elements can be expressed a transition matrix for any pilot protection analysis. The protective reliability system need for transmission protection is introduced and the block modeling consists of protective relays, communication set and circuit breaker. The block modeling is applied for the analysis of the reliability and availability of protection systems by Markov theory, which can be need to derive the adapative maintance cycle by Markov reliability modeling. The system reliability is analysis related to the interruption of supply power. There many methods to be used for the analysis of system reliability such as state space, network. etc. The Markov modeling is more complicated and difficult, however better time-vary probability functions can be defined, for stochastic modeling, the system reliability at any time axis can be obtained by Markov transition matrix, with the time-vary Markov transition matrix.
The customers served by each substation can be affected according to the states of transmission lines healthy. Althouth 80% of system faults occurs in the distribution system, transmission line faults will cause more serious service outage. According to the Kauo-Ping transmission line model in taipower, the optimal protection relay planning is solved by minimizing the overall outage cost of customer service interruption and investment protection relay equipments for transmission power systems with immune algorithm. The objective function and constraints are expressed as antigen, and all feasible solutions are expressed as antibody. The diversity of antibody is then enhanced by proximity of antigen so that the global optimization during the solution process can be obtained. It is found that the power service can be restored effectively with the optimal planning of protection relay by the proposed immune algorithm.
Based on the computer simulation of protection relay planning, different protection relaying strategies optimal relay planning and customer loss, can be considered for different to enhance the reliability of protection relay system for loss interruption of customer power outage.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 論文內容概要 5
第二章 輸電線保護系統 7
2.1 前言 7
2.2 輸電線保護系統架構 7
2.2.1 非載波系統 8
2.2.2 載波系統 16
2.2.3 副線系統 24
2.3 傳統與數位式保護系統分析 26
第三章 保護電驛維護週期與可靠度分析 29
3.1 前言 29
3.2 馬可夫可靠度理論 29
3.2.1 可靠度相關指標 29
3.2.2 可靠度相關機率 31
3.2.3馬可夫可靠度模型 32
3.3 保護電驛可靠度分析 34
3.3.1 可靠度資料 35
3.3.2 台電輸電線保護模型 37
3.3.3可靠度分析 45
3.4 電驛維護週期與分析 52
第四章 應用免疫演算法於保護電驛配置規劃 58
4.1 前言 58
4.2故障模式與效應分析 59
4.2.1網路簡化 59
4.2.2串並聯元件系統可靠度 61
4.3可靠度成本 63
4.3.1用戶損失函數 66
4.3.2迴歸分析 69
4.3.3投資成本估算 72
4.3.4維護人力成本 74
4.3.5目標函數 75
4.4 應用免疫演算法於保護電驛之規劃 75
4.4.1 免疫系統原理 76
4.4.2 雜異度與相似度計算 79
4.5 系統分析 81
4.6 實例模擬 85
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 102
5.1 結論 102
5.2 未來研究方向 103
參考文獻 105
參考文獻 References

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