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Title page for etd-0625107-172130
The research of workaholism among professionals-A case study on engineers in high tech industry.
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workaholism, health, SF-36, work-family conflict, job performance, job characteristics
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科技的進步,帶動了全球的經濟及發展,企業之間的競爭也由點、線,進而擴及到面,激烈的競爭改變了原本勞動市場的遊戲規則,每個產業都希望能以競爭優勢與其他競爭者有所區別。管理大師彼得杜拉克Drucker於1999年表示:二十一世紀的組織,最有價值的資產是組織內的知識工作者(knowledge worker)以及知識工作者的生產力。溫金豐 (1998)表示,有優良的專業人才,能使企業更具競爭優勢,更不容易被模仿及取代。未來台灣科技產業能否繼續保有競爭優勢,端視整個產業是否有能力吸引、發展、保留優秀的專業人才而定。
  近幾年,高科技產業儼然已成為我國發展的主力,然而,高科技產業的競爭激烈、產品生命週期短、一天二十四小時運轉的生產線……等特性,容易產生工時過長、工作與生活界限不分的現象。郭若蘭(2003)的研究中發現高科技產業的研發人員與高科技產業的行政人員相較,確實有過度投入工作的現象。此外,有學者認為部分企業本身具有工作狂傾向之特性(Fassel, 1990; Schaef & Fassel, 1988)。依據學者Schneider (1987)提出的Attraction-Selection-Attrition theory,認為員工易受類似特質組織所吸引,從而易被挑選脫穎,而性格與組織岐異者,在組織中易產生摩擦,而個人與環境適配理論認為,工作者最終會停留在與自己最相符合之企業中(Burke, 1999)。許多研究(Fassel, 1990; Scott et al., 1997; Spence & Robbins, 1992)指出工作狂有過度投入工作的傾向,因此企業應如何妥善管理及發展具有工作狂傾向之員工,以使他們的努力發揮最大效用,故本研究將以工作狂為研究中心加以探討其影響性。
1.本研究採用Spence & Robbins (1992)所發展之工作狂定義及量表,結果發現僅內驅力與工作樂趣適用,此與Ersoy-Kart (2005)及McMillian et al. (2001)的研究結果相符,認為工作狂傾向之工作投入的穩定度不佳。
The advance of technology brings the flourish and vigor in economy to global market. It also changes the way we do business. Every company is struggle to gain the competitive advantage. Peter Drucker (1999), a management master, points out that in the 21st century, the most valuable assets of an organization are knowledge workers and the productivity of knowledge workers.
Last ten years, high-tech industries become the main force in Taiwan. However, there are some attributes under this industry that make employees hard to differentiate between work and life, for example, short period of product life cycle, nonstop product line and so on. The researches from Fassel(1990), Schaef & Fassel(1988) indicate that some companies are workaholics itself. Schneider(1987) thought that people will stay in a company suitable to himself/herself longer due to attraction-selection-attrition theory. Many researches pointed out that workaholics are more involved in work than other workers.(Fassel, 1990; Scott et al., 1997; Spence & Robbins, 1992). Therefore, maximizing the efforts from workaholics is an challenge.
In this study, workaholism is defined as an independent variable. Other variables like health, work-family conflict and job performance are as independent variables. Besides, personal attributes and job characteristics are defined as antecedents. This study will take 136 engineers in high-tech industry to examine the effect of workaholism on other dependent variables, like health, work-family conflict and job performance.
The findings in this study are as follows:
1. After using factor analysis to examine three dimensions of wokaholism from Spence & Robbins(1992), the result points out that job involvement is an unstable factor, but work enjoyment and driveness are applicable to this study.
2. The hypothesis that there is a significant effect of health on work enjoyment and driveness is partly supported. Driveness is a risk factor related to health because it has a negativ effect on general health, social function and mental health. Besides, work enjoyment has a positive effect to general health, vitality, social function and mental health.
3. The hypothesis that there is a significant effect of work-family conflict on work enjoyment and driveness is supported. Work enjoyment has a negative effect on work-family conflict. However, driveness has a positive effect on work-family conflict.
4. The hypothesis that there is a significant effect of job performance on work enjoyment and driveness is partly supported. Work enjoyment has a positive effect on task and contextual performance. However, driveness has a positive effect on contextual performance.
5. The hypothesis that there are significant differences in work enjoyment and driveness among personal attributes is partly supported. No significant difference was found in work enjoyment among personal attributes. In addition, there is a significant difference for marital status in driveness. The married workers experience a higher level of driveness than unmarried workers.
6. The hypothesis that there is a significant effect of job characteristics in work enjoyment and driveness is partly supported. The result indicates that time control is positively related to work enjoyment. Monitoring demand and product responsibility are positively related to driveness. Method control is negatively related to driveness.
7. After using cluster analysis, three types of workaholics are identified in this study. They are enthusiastic workers, disenchanted workers and relaxed workers. Among three types of workaholics, enthusiastic workers have a better health condition, job performance and a lower level in work-family conflict than other two types of workaholics. Furthermore, enthusiastic workers have a higher level in time control and method control than disenchanted workers.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論………………………………………… 1
第一節 研究背景與動……………………………… 1
第二節 研究目的…………………………………… 3
第三節 研究流程…………………………………… 4

第二章 文獻探討 ………………………………… 5
第一節 工作狂傾向 …………………………………5
第二節 健康與SF-36健康量表…………………… 12
第三節 工作-家庭衝突…………………………… 19
第四節 工作績效…………………………………… 23
第五節 工作特性…………………………………… 27

第三章 研究設計…………………………………… 33
第一節 研究架構………………………………… 33
第二節 研究變項之操作性定義與衡量………… 34
第三節 修正後之研究架構及假設……………… 43
第四節 資料蒐集方法與樣本特性分析………… 45
第五節 資料分析方法…………………………… 48

第四章 實證分析與討論…………………………… 50
第一節 研究變項之描述性統計……………………50
第二節 個人屬性與工作狂傾向之差異性分析……52
第三節 工作狂傾向與各研究變項之關係…………54
第四節 各研究變項之影響性分析與探討…………57
第五節 工作狂的類型 ……………………………60
第六節 工作狂類型與各研究變項之差異分析……65
第五章 結論與建議………………………………… 68
第一節 結論 ………………………………………68
第二節 建議 ………………………………………74
第三節 研究限制 …………………………………76

參考文獻…………………………………………… 77
附錄一 本研究問卷 ……………………………… 84
附錄二 Spence & Robbins(1992)工作狂原文量表 ………89
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