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Title page for etd-0625116-152842
Employee referral programs in Taiwan: A preliminary study
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Guanxi, Prescreening, Employee Referrals, Recruitment, Employee Referral Program
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員工推薦是從既有員工的人際網路來尋找潛在應聘者以填補職位空缺的非正式招募管道。許多研究指出,透過員工推薦所應聘來的職員具有幾個優點,包括更好的表現、更高的工作滿意度和更長的任期(Breaugh, 1981; Kirnan, Farley& Geisinger, 1989)。

本研究採質化方法,針對台灣六家將員工推薦計畫(Employee Referral Program)制度化之企業進行訪談,旨在探討組織採用員工推薦此招募方法的觀點、組織對於介紹人在推薦人選以前預先篩選候選人資格的看法、介紹人與被推薦人之間的關係如何影響招募過程,以及最適合透過員工推薦此管道來招募新人之工作類型;研究結果顯示,企業基於「人才吸引人才」的觀點,相信可以從其具備才能的員工之網絡接觸到高潛能的人才;針對介紹人在推薦前所做的事先篩選,企業僅期待介紹人針對職務基本要求(如:教育背景)做好把關即可,且介紹人無需對被推薦人選的品質好壞負起連帶責任;介紹人與被推薦人之間的關係不會影響此推薦案件之招募過程,然而,介紹人在組織中扮演的角色可能會對被推薦人的應聘過程造成些許影響。最後,員工推薦較適合用來招募難以透過傳統管道來填補空缺的職位,例如職務條件要求較高的職位;此外,此種招募方式對缺乏雇主品牌之企業更為重要。
Employee referral is an informal way of searching for potential candidates to fill up the job vacancies from current employees’ networks. Extensive researches indicate that it has several advantages including employees hired via referrals have better performance, higher levels of job satisfaction and longer tenure (Breaugh, 1981;Kirnan, Farley, & Geisinger, 1989).

This study, in adoption of qualitative approach, aims at exploring organizations’ perspectives for adopting employee referrals and their opinions about the prescreening made by introducers prior to entry, how “Guanxi” between introducers and referred candidates influences the recruitment process, and the types of work best suited for recruiting via employee referrals. Six case companies were interviewed. The results are as follows: 1). Companies believe they can approach talented potential workers from their talented employees’ networks. 2). Organizations expect introducers to do prescreening on candidates’ basic requirements such as educational background; whereas, prescreening isn’t regarded as introducers’ responsibilities. 3).“Guanxi” doesn’t play a role during the recruitment process; however, the introducer’s power or status does. 4). Employee referral is best suited for positions that are hard to fill through the conventional channels, like high-demanding positions;besides, this recruitment source is especially critical for organizations lack of employer branding.
目次 Table of Contents
Chinese Abstract........………………………………………………………………………………..…….. ii
English Abstract ........………………………………………………………………………………………iii
1. INTRODUCTION .…………………………………………………………… 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Objectives 6
1.3 Research Procedure 7
2.1 Recruitment 9
2.1.1 Role of recruitment 10
2.1.2 Recruitment sources 13
2.2 Employee Referrals 22
2.2.1 Employee Referrals as a Recruitment Source 23
2.2.2 The Motivations of Employee Referrals 28
2.2.3 The Relationship between “Guanxi” and Recruitment 31
2.2.4 Why Employee Referral Programs Are Said to Work? 33
2.2.5 Drawbacks of Employee Referrals 37
3.1 Case study method 41
3.2 Research process 42
3.2.1 Design of Interview Questions 42
3.2.2 Type of Interview 45
3.2.3 Source of Research Cases 46
3.3 Data collection and analysis 49
3.3.1 Data collection 49
3.3.2 Informants 50
3.3.3 Data Analysis 52
4.1 Case Company Profile 55
4.2 Motivation 62
4.3 Introduction of Employee Referral Program 68
4.3.1 Communication & Technology 69
4.3.2 Participation 70
4.3.3 Employment Positions 71
4.3.4 Reward System 72
4.3.5 Program Evaluation 74
4.4 Prescreening 77
4.4.1 Employer’s Viewpoint of Prescreening 78
4.4.2 Employee’s Viewpoint of Prescreening 80
4.5 The Effect of “Guanxi” 83
5.1 Conclusions 85
5.2 Managerial Implications 92
5.3 Research Limitation and Suggestions for Future Research 94
參考文獻 References
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