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博碩士論文 etd-0626100-125207 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0626100-125207
虛擬社群社團版主特質對內容吸引力的影響 ~以CityFamily網路同學會為例
The impact of SYSOPs' traits to a virtual community's content attractiveness.
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virtual community, electronic commerce
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本研究由生活型態、人格特質以及人口統計變數三大面向對版主的特質與討論區績效進行探討。本研究發現虛擬社群版主以男性、16-25虛、大專學歷、每月平均收在1萬元以下的學生族群為主,且大部份皆有主持過其它討論區經驗。而在生活型態方面,本研究利用因素以及集群分析發現虛擬社群版主的生活型態共可分為新新人類型、獨立自主型、優雅生活型、盲目消極型以及積極認真型等五個集群。但各集群之間的績效差異並不顯著。在人格特質方面,則計算出高、低績效群在社交技巧、親和性、積極性三個分數上並沒有顯著差異。最後對版主人口統計變數的檢定中,發現主持過其它討論區的經驗對於版主的經營績效具有顯著影響。而利用此一預測變數所發展出來的區別函數經利用Wilks’ Λ檢定發現區別能力並未達顯著水準,因此不能有效的對虛擬社群內高績效與低績效水準的版主進行區別與預測。

Building virtual community can help a web site to increase its traffic flow, make visitor stayed longer, improve customer loyalty and transact motive. In order to start the dynamic circle of increasing return in a virtual community, the virtual community has to create attractive contents. And system operators (SYSOPs) have playing a critical role in accumulating attractive contents.

This research is a exploratory research, we try to find out whether there are some potential traits of SYSOPs that will make the contents more attractive. And we hope the research result can provide as a reference for managers of virtual communities in assessing and training their SYSOPs.

We discuss SYSOPs’ traits via three dimensions (lifestyle, characteristic, personal statistics) to test whether these traits will influence the attractiveness of contents. Finally, we find out that most of these SYSOPs are male, 16-25 years old, with college education level, whose average monthly income is less than ten thousands, and most of them has experiences in operation another boards. In the lifestyle dimension, after using factor analysis and cluster analysis, we find out the SYSOPs’ lifestyle can be divided into five types, there are group of X generation, group of independent, group of elegant, group of passive and group of aggressive. But there wasn’t any significant difference between them. In the dimension of characteristic, among three variables (social technique, affiliation, and aggressiveness) there wasn’t any significant difference between the group of high performance SYSOPs and the group of low performance SYSOPs. Finally in the test of personal statistics, we found that experience of operating other boards will provide a significant influence in SYSOPs’ performance. And we use this variable to form a discriminate function, but after test of wilks’ Λ, the discriminate ability of this discriminate function wasn’t reach the significant level. So it can not provide an effective forecast for the performance of SYSOPs in virtual communities.

目次 Table of Contents
【目 錄】

第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機·····················01
第二節 研究目的························02
第三節 研究限制························02

第二章 文獻探討
第一節 虛擬社群························04
一、 虛擬社群的形成與意義
二、 虛擬社群的經濟價值
三、 虛擬社群的經營與管理
第二節 人格特質························16
一、 人格的定義與概念
二、 人格的測量與自陳式量表
第三節 生活型態························18
一、 生活型態之概念及定義
二、 生活型態的衡量

第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構與研究假設···················20
一、 研究架構
二、 研究假設
第二節 抽樣方法與問卷設計···················21
一、 抽樣方法
二、 問卷設計
第三節 變數操作性定義·····················25
第四節 資料分析方法······················26

第四章 研究結果與分析
第一節 有效樣本描述與分析···················28
一、 信度分析
二、 人口統計變項
第二節 生活型態分析······················31
一、 因素分析
二、 集群分析與命名
第三節 區別分析························39
一、 生活型態變數
二、 人格特質變數
三、 人口統計變數
四、 區別分析

第五章 研究結論與建議
第一節 研究發現························44
一、 版主人口統計特徵描述
二、 生活型態分析
三、 影響版主經營討論區績效表現之因素
第二節 研究建議························45
一、 對廠商的建議
二、 對後續研究的建議

參考文獻 ····························49
附錄一 論文問卷 ·························52
附錄二 個案網站Cityfamily網路同學會簡介··············59
表2-1 生活型態構面·······················19
表3-1 生活型態問項·······················22
表3-2 人格特質問項·······················24
表4-1 樣本信度分佈·······················29
表4-2 樣本性別分佈·······················29
表4-3 樣本年齡分佈·······················29
表4-4 樣本教育程度·······················30
表4-5 樣本平均月薪·······················30
表4-6 樣本職業分佈·······················30
表4-7 樣本擔任其它版主經驗分配·················31
表4-8 轉軸後的因素負荷量····················32
表4-9 萃取因素1:獨立有主見··················33
表4-10 萃取因素2:成就需求··················33
表4-11 萃取因素3:流行新潮··················33
表4-12 萃取因素4:愛好穩定生活················34
表4-13 萃取因素5:喜愛戶外活動················34
表4-14 萃取因素6:關心社會··················34
表4-15 萃取因素7:新人類價值觀················35
表4-16 萃取因素8:愛好美食··················35
表4-17 萃取因素9:花錢謹慎··················35
表4-18 萃取因素10:擔心社會問題···············35
表4-19 層次集群過程摘要····················36
表4-20 華德法集群分析所得之集群中心··············37
表4-21 K-平均數法集群中心及群內樣本數·············37
表4-22 集群分析之變異數分析表·················37
表4-23 各集群因素得分·····················38
表4-24 生活型態次數分配表···················39
表4-25 人格特質變異數分析···················40
表4-26 不同績效版主在性別上的次數分佈·············41
表4-27 不同績效版主在年齡上的次數分佈·············41
表4-28 不同績效版主在教育程度上的次數分佈···········41
表4-29 不同績效版主在平均月薪上的次數分佈···········42
表4-30 不同績效版主在職業上的次數分佈·············42
表4-31 不同績效版主在是否曾主持其它討論區上的次數分佈·····43
表4-32 版主特質區別函數····················43
表4-33 版主特質區別函數之混淆矩陣···············43

圖2-1 網際網路市場與虛擬社群的比擬:交易成本理論的觀念·····06
圖2-2 社群對行銷人員的潛在影響·················09
圖2-3 虛擬社群的報酬遞增模式··················11
圖2-4 會員發展照個階段·····················14
圖3-1 本研究之研究架構·····················20
圖3-2 資料分析架構·······················27
圖4-1 調查期間每日問卷回收情形·················28

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01. CityFamily:
02. Amazon:
03. ESPNet:
04. Motley Fool:

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