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Title page for etd-0626103-163137
Seasonal Variations of the Planktonic Foraminiferal Assemblages and Stable Isotopic Compositions: Sediment Trap Results from the Kao-ping Submarine Canyon and Northern South China Sea
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the Kao-ping Submarine Canyon, South China Sea, planktonic foraminiferal, sediment trap
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高屏峽谷收集串列的子樣品組成,除了粗顆粒含量及有孔蟲豐度變化有很大的差異以及受颱風影響之外,其他不同生物源顆粒各項參數變化量都非常有限。另外在颱風過境時底棲性有孔蟲豐度比浮游性有孔蟲豐度高,可見側向傳輸對該區顆粒沈降的影響。高屏峽谷收集串列的浮游性有孔蟲主要以副熱帶常見的種屬為Globigerinoides aequilateralis、Globigerinoide ruber、Globigerinoides sacculifer和Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, 同時在峽谷內也發現低緯區罕見的冷溫種屬Globigerina bulloides的殼體,顯示在沿岸地區營養鹽供應的效應。
南海北部收集器的記錄顯示沈積物的粗顆粒含量及有孔蟲豐度變化在1月及3月皆有增高的趨勢,推測與表水生產力提高有關。浮游性有孔蟲大致可歸納出兩大族群:一為適合在冷溫環境下生長種屬G. bulloides和N. dutertrei, 多出現於1月份;一為適合在暖溫環境下生長的種屬G. aequilateralis、G. ruber、G. sacculifer和Pulleniatina obliquiloculata, 多出現於3月份。
南海北部M1s和M2站三個浮游性有孔蟲種屬殼體的碳同位素有顯著差異。大致上以Orbulina universa 最重,G. sacculifer 次之,G. ruber 最輕。浮游性有孔蟲殼體氧同位素值季節性變化大於種屬之間的變化,三個種屬殼體的氧同位素值在10月份皆輕於1月和3月,應該是表水溫度所造成。從有孔蟲殼體氧同位素值與水文資料比較發現,G. ruber在南海北部是生存在較淺的水層(~10m);其次為G. sacculifer (~25m),而O. universa則生存在較深的水層(~70m)。另外浮游有孔蟲G. ruber的碳同位素組成及豐度皆與顆粒通量有明顯的負相關。

The carbon and oxygen isotopes of planktonic foraminifera, faunal assemblage, and coarse fraction of trap materials were analyzed in this study. The sediment traps were deployed in two lacations. One was in the Kao-ping submarine canyon and the other was in the northern South China Sea.
Variations of the individual concentrations from Kao-ping submarine canyon are small throughout the deployment interval except for the period when the Typhoon Chi-Te invaded southern Taiwan in July 2000. The results that benthic foraminifer abundances (#/g) are higher than that of planktonic foraminifera after typhoon invasion reflect the influence of particle settling by lateral transport. In addition, the major planktonic foraminifera found in canyon are Globigerinoides aequilateralis, Globigerinoides ruber, Globigerinoides sacculifer, and Neogloboquadrina dutertrei. At the same time, we also found Globigerina bulloides that usually lives in the high latitudes and cold temperature. It reveals the effect of nutrient supply along coastal region.
The coarse fraction contents and foraminiferal abundances collected by the traps in the northern South China Sea are both increasing in January and March. It could be associated with the enhanced surface productivity. The planktonic foraminifera divided into two groups based on their preferrence. The G. bulloides and N. dutertrei live in cold environment while G. aequilateralis, G. ruber, G. sacculifer, and Pulleniatina obliquiloculata preferr warm areas. In this study, G. bulloides and N. dutertrei were found in January whereas G. aequilateralis, G. rubber, G. sacculifer, and P. obliquiloculata were mostly in March.
The difference of carbon isotopes of planktonic foraminifera between species are distinct. Orbulina universa is the heaviest and G. ruber was the lightest. Foraminiferal d18O are depleted in October and enriched in January and March. It is suggested that sea surface temperature might be responsible for the variations of planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotopes. Comparisons of foraminiferal d18O with the hydrographic data provide some informations. The results show that G. ruber lives in shallow water (~10m), G. sacculifer lives in 25m on average, and O. universa lives in deeper water layer (~70m) in northern South China Sea. Moreover, both the carbon isotopes and foraminiferal abundance of G. ruber show a negative correlation with the particles fluxes.
目次 Table of Contents

壹 前言………………………………………………………………..……1
1-1 研究背景…..………………………………………………..……1
1-2 前人研究…..……………………………………………………..2
1-3 研究目的……………………………………………………….…4
1-4 研究區域………………………………………………………....4
貳 材料及方法…………………………………………………………..…6
2-1 樣本的採集……………………………………………….…….10
2-1-1 沈積物收集器…………………………………………..10
2-1-2 拖網……………………………………………………..10
2-2 分析方法………………………………………………………..13
2-2-1 粗顆粒含量分析………………………………………..13
2-2-2 總碳、總有機碳及碳酸鈣含量分析…………….……..14
2-2-3 生物源矽質含量分析…………….……………………..14
2-2-4 顆粒態有機碳、氮的測定………………………………15
2-2-5 拖網標本處理…………………………………………...16
2-2-6 浮游性有孔蟲碳、氧同位素……………………………16
2-2-7 種屬鑑定與豐度……………………………………...…17
參 結果與討論…………………………………………………………....18
3-1 高屏峽谷………………………………………………………..18
3-1-1 各項參數的分析結果………………...…………………18
3-1-2 有孔蟲豐度變化…………………………………...……22
3-2 南海北部………………………………………………..………28
3-2-1 粗顆粒含量時序變化………………...…………………31
3-2-2 浮游性有孔蟲豐度變化………………………….……..35
A. 南海北部M1s站…………………………………….39
B. 南海北部M2站……………………………………...44
C. 總浮游性有孔蟲豐度比較…………………...……..51
3-2-3 浮游性有孔蟲豐度與顆粒通量的關係………………...53
3-2-4 浮游性有孔蟲碳、氧同位素的變化…………….……..55
A. 碳同位素的季節變化……………………………….58
B. 氧同位素的季節變化………………………..……...65
3-2-5 浮游性有孔蟲棲息深度………………………………...71
3-2-6 南海北部與拖網的浮游性有孔蟲碳、氧同位素比較…75
3-2-7 浮游性有孔蟲碳、氧同位素與顆粒通量的關係……...78
肆 結論………………………………………………………………..…..82
附錄一 …………………………………………………………………....93
附錄二 …………………………………………………………………....97

圖一 研究區域位置圖…………………………………………………………..….....…7
圖二 高屏峽谷各項參數隨收集杯的變化情形……………………………………….20
圖三 高屏峽谷浮游性有孔蟲豐度的變化情形……………………………………….24
圖四 高屏峽谷沈積物收集器(A)浮游性有孔蟲豐度 (B)底棲性有孔蟲豐度 (C)總有孔蟲豐度的變化……………………………………………………………………….. 26
圖五 高屏峽谷浮游性有孔蟲主要種屬相對含量………………………….……….. .27
圖六 南海北部M2站第一、二次收集串列顆粒通量時序變化……….………….…29
圖七 南海北部六個主要優勢種屬…………………………………………………….30
圖八 M2站收集器中生物源顆粒隨深度的變化………………………………….…..33
圖九 M1s、M2的粗顆粒含量時序變化………………………………………..…….34
圖十 南海北部浮游性有孔蟲六個主要種屬相對豐度季節性變化…………..……...37
圖十一 南海北部M1s站浮游性有孔蟲豐度的變化…………………………………41
圖十二 南海北部M1s站浮游性有孔蟲主要種屬相對含量……………………....…43
圖十三 南海北部M2站浮游性有孔蟲豐度的變化…………………………….…….48
圖十四 南海北部M2站浮游性有孔蟲主要種屬相對含量…………………………..50
圖十五 南海北部M1s站與M2站總浮游性有孔蟲豐度…………………………….52
圖十六 南海北部M2站浮游性有孔蟲豐度與通量之關係…………………………..54
圖十七 M1s及M2站各深度收集杯之浮游性有孔蟲碳同位素…………………….56
圖十八 M1s及M2站各深度收集杯之浮游性有孔蟲氧同位素…………………….57
圖十九 南海北部浮游性有孔蟲碳同位素的變化…………………………………….63
圖二十 南海北部M2站溫度資料………..……………………………………………64
圖二十一 南海北部浮游性有孔蟲氧同位素時間的變化…………………………….68
圖二十二 南海北部M1s及M2站衛星影像照片.…………..……………………….69
圖二十三 南海時間序列SEATS計畫中S1測站溫鹽資料.…….……………….…70
圖二十四 浮游性有孔蟲氧同位素值與計算的氧同位素理論值的比較…………….74
圖二十五 南海北部和拖網的浮游性有孔蟲碳、氧同位素的比較…………………..77
圖二十六 M2站浮游性有孔蟲殼體碳、氧同位素與顆粒通量關係(未排除颱風
圖二十七 M2站浮游性有孔蟲殼體碳、氧同位素與顆粒通量之關係(排除颱風

表一 錨錠資料…………………………………………………………..…….………8
表二 拖網資料……………………………………………………………..….………9
表三 分析的收集杯及日期…………………………………………………………..11
表四 各個站位分析參數項目………………………………………………………..12
表五 1998年4月 517航次 D3站水文資料及海水氧同位素值………………..73
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