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博碩士論文 etd-0626108-163644 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0626108-163644
The Viewpoints of SCT and AET on the Budgetary System
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budgetary emphasis, self-efficacy, managerial effectiveness, attitudes, budgetary slack, budgetary participation
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本研究引用Bandura (1977)的社會認知理論(social cognitive theory, SCT)與Weiss and Cropanzano (1996)的情感事件理論(affective events theory, AET)來探討預算參與及預算強調對管理者效能及預算寬列間的關係。在社會認知理論上,本文認為預算參與及預算強調將提升經理人對自我能力的認知,進而提升管理效能與工作滿意度。對於情感事件理論,本文則認為預算參與過程屬於正向情感性事件的一種,將有效改善經理人的情感,進一步影響其對上司的信任與對組織的承諾,進而改善管理效能與工作滿意度; 而預算強調則被認為屬於負向的情感事件,將不利於經理人之組織承諾及上司信任。除此之外,本文亦將探討中介變數間的關係與工作滿意度對管理效能的影響,進而形成一個結合認知、態度及效能的整合性模型。
For decades, two key characteristics in budgeting system-budgetary participation and budgetary emphasis have been intensively discussed in previous management accounting studies. Although previous literature suggested that budgetary participation and budgetary emphasis have positive effects on mangers’ effectiveness, they provided inconsistent and piecemeal evidence. This study attempts to investigate the influences of budgetary participation and emphasis on managerial effectiveness and on slack and to propose a comprehensive model in order to clarify the relationships of intervening variables among budgetary participation and emphasis on managerial effectiveness and slack.
This study employs social-cognitive theory (SCT) (Bandura, 1977) and affective events theory (AET) (Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996) to investigate the relationships between budgetary participation, budgetary emphasis, managerial effectiveness and budgetary slack. According to social cognitive theory, this study suggests that budgetary participation and emphasis enhance managers’ self-efficacy, and then improves managerial performance and job satisfaction. According to AET, this study suggests that budgetary participation implies positive affective events which effectively influence managers’ attitudes-trust in superior and organizational commitment, in turn improve their performance and satisfaction. However, budgetary emphasis is implied as a negative affective event, which may influence managers’ attitudes. In other words, self-efficacy, trust in superior and organizational commitment play critical intervening roles among the relationships budgetary participation, budgetary emphasis, managerial performance, job satisfaction and budgetary slack. In addition, the relationships between the intervening variables and between outcome variables are also explored. Finally, this study proposes a comprehensive budgetary participation’s ‘cognitive-attitude-effectiveness’ model.
Eighteen hypotheses are proposed. Structural equation modeling was used to test the theoretical models with the 164 responses which were randomly drawn from the listing company in Taiwan Stock Exchange. The results validate the following relationships:
1.Budgetary participation and budgetary emphasis have indirect effects on managerial performance and job satisfaction through self-efficacy.
2.Budgetary participation has indirect effects on managerial performance and job satisfaction through affective attitudes-trust in superior and organizational commitment.
3.Budgetary participation enhances self-efficacy and then improving managers’ attitudes.
4.Budgetary emphasis directly influences budgetary slack.
5.Managers’ trust in superior enhances their organizational commitment.
6.Managers’ job satisfaction improves their performance.
Although the relationship between trust in superior and managerial performance is not supported in the comprehensive model, the mediating roles of self-efficacy, trust and organizational commitment are validated. In other words, the cognitive and attitudinal effects of budgetary participation are supported in this study. However, this study suggests a positive path from budgetary slack toward job satisfyaction, which implies that proper slack may result in higher managers’ job satisfaction. This study provides suggestions for future researches and management implications for practical business managements.
目次 Table of Contents
謝詞 一
摘要 三
Abstract 五
目錄 七
圖次 九
表次 一○
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與目的 1
第二節 研究流程 5
第三節 研究及論文架構 7
第二章 文獻探討與假設建立 9
第一節 預算參與和管理者效能、預算寬列間的關係 9
第二節 預算強調和管理者效能、預算寬列間的關係 14
第三節 預算參與及預算強調的認知效果 16
第四節 預算參與及預算強調的情感性態度效果 21
第五節 中介變數間關係的探討 32
第六節 工作滿意度與管理績效 34
第三章 研究方法 35
第一節 研究架構 35
第二節 研究對象 38
第三節 變數衡量 39
第四節 資料分析方法 45
第四章 資料分析與研究結果 51
第一節 敘述統計量 51
第二節 信度與效度分析 53
第三節 結構模型分析 60
一、認知模型 61
二、情感性態度模型 64
三、中介變數模型 68
四、整合性「認知-態度-效能」理論模型 69
第四節 實證結果與討論 72
第五章 結論與建議 74
第一節 結論與管理意涵 74
第二節 學術貢獻 76
第三節 實務界之建議 77
第四節 研究限制與未來研究之建議 78
參考文獻 79
附錄 90
附錄一、預算參與對工作滿意度及管理績效之實證研究 90
附錄二、預算強調及預算參與對預算寬列之實證研究 93
附錄三、預算強調及管理績效相關之實證研究 97
附錄四、原文問卷 98
附錄五、本研究問卷 101
附錄六、回函者基本資料(n=164) 106
作者簡歷 107
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