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Title page for etd-0626109-151653
The strategic choices for Australia in the Australia-United States-China triangular relationship: national interests perspectives
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Australia, national interest, strategic choice, strategic triangle, Australia-U.S. relationship, Australia-China relationship
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澳大利亞是美國扇形戰略架構的一個環節,與其他國家有顯著的差異性,因為澳大利亞是一個位處亞太地區的西方國家,且土地廣裘人口稀少,土地面積排名世界第六,擁有豐富農礦資源,人口卻僅約2100 萬,對外貿易是其經濟發展的重要命脈。中國在改革開放過程中,積極發展經濟,憑藉其廣大的人口與市場,在亞太地區的影響力日昇。2007 年中國成為澳大利亞最重要貿易夥伴,也使得中國在澳大利亞幾乎成為亞洲的代名詞。澳大利亞在澳中關係尋求經貿利益的同時,其與美國的軍事同盟關係也開始受到影響。

The U.S. has been building the security umbrella in Asia-Pacific after the World War II, from Japan and South Korea in the north, to Philippine, Thailand, Australia and New Zealand in the south, to protect its homeland security and interests in Asia-Pacific from communist threat like Communist China. When the Cold War ended which saw the decline of USSR as a world power, the U.S. security umbrella continues but it now faces a new challenge posed by the rise of China.

While Australia is part of the security umbrella of U.S., it is quite different from Japan, South Korea, Philippine and Thailand. Australia is a state with cultures and values similar to the West but is geographically located in Asia-Pacific. It has huge
territory that ranks top 6 in the world but sparsely populated with only around twenty one million people. Trade contributes significantly to its economic development due to its relatively small population and abundant resources.

China's influence is rising after its economic reform. China has been the most important trade partner of Australia since 2007. However, when Australia seeks a wider bilateral interaction with China, it is expected that this will have an impact on the Australia-United States bilateral relations.

The concept of a “Strategic Triangle” has been used in this dissertation to observe the changes of the Australia-United States-China relationship in different stages. The national interests approach is applied to interpret the importance of relationships of Australia-United States and Australia-China to Australia. Therefore, the contents of Australia’s national interests and Australia's foreign policies are
explored first. Then, the bilateral relationship between U.S.-China is examined for its impacts on Australia’s choices between U.S. and China. The Australia-U.S. relationship and Australia-China relationship are also examined respectively to
understand the rationale behind Australia's approach toward U.S. and China. Finally, Australia's strategies are reviewed and the possible strategic choices for Australia are discussed. The strategic choices made by Australia could be interpreted from the Australia-U.S.-China triangular relationship.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄

第一章 緒論 …………………………………………………… 1
第一節 研究背景與目的 ……………………………… 1
第二節 文獻檢討 ……………………………………… 5
第三節 研究途徑與方法 ……………………………… 16
第四節 研究範圍與章節安排 ………………………… 27

第二章 澳大利亞國家利益及對外政策 ……………………… 29
第一節 地緣國家認同與對外政策 …………………… 29
第二節 國家安全利益與對外政策 …………………… 32
第三節 國家經貿利益與對外政策 …………………… 41
第四節 價值觀與對外政策 …………………………… 46

第三章 美國與中國關係 ……………………………………… 53
第一節 冷戰時期(1949-1989) ……………………… 53
第二節 後冷戰時期(1989-2001) …………………… 62
第三節 反恐時期(2001-2008) ……………………… 76
第四節 美中關係演變與澳美中三角 …………………… 85

第四章 澳大利亞與美國關係 ………………………………… 91
第一節 澳大利亞對美政策概論 ………………………… 91
第二節 澳大利亞與美國的政軍關係 …………………… 98
第三節 澳大利亞與美國的經貿關係 …………………… 109
第四節 影響澳美關係之因素 …………………………… 125
第五節 澳美關係下的澳大利亞戰略選擇思考 ………… 134

第五章 澳大利亞與中國關係 ………………………………… 137
第一節 澳大利亞中國政策概論 ……………………… 137
第二節 冷戰後的澳中關係 …………………………… 144
第三節 澳大利亞與中國的經貿關係 ………………… 157
第四節 影響澳中關係之因素 ………………………… 172
第五節 澳中關係下的澳大利亞戰略選擇思考………… 175

第六章 澳大利亞的戰略選擇 ………………………………… 179
第一節 澳大利亞歷來戰略選項與選擇 ……………… 179
第二節 澳美中三角關係下的澳大利亞國家利益 …… 194
第三節 澳大利亞在澳美中三角的戰略選擇 ………… 199

第七章 結論 …………………………………………………… 205

參考資料 ………………………………………………………… 217

附件一:澳大利亞歷任總理一覽表 …………………………… 241

附件二:澳大利亞歷任外交部長一覽表 ……………………… 243

附件三:澳紐美安全條約 ……………………………………… 245

附件四:訪談資料 ……………………………………………… 249
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