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Title page for etd-0627100-133528
Assessment of Reliablity Against Corrision Fatigue Failure for Low Pressure Turbine Blades under Unbanlanced Power System Operation
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Unbalanced Current., Turbine Blades
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台電或國外許多機組有運轉數年後,在無重大事故的情況下發生葉片龜裂事件,其形成原因大部分屬應力腐蝕龜裂 (S.C.C.)與腐蝕疲勞 (C.F.)兩種。本論文即針對腐蝕疲勞加以探討,在NaCl環境與穩態不平衡振盪轉矩的同時作用下,研究葉片之疲勞壽命機率並分析其在設計年限下之可靠度。
當汽輪機在NaCl腐蝕性環境下運轉時,葉片很容易產生腐蝕疲勞的現象,因此,即使是小應力也同樣的會損及葉片。本研究以GAMMA分佈之不平衡電流探討汽輪發電機系統之葉片疲勞壽命、可靠度及裂縫成長,其中考慮不同的葉片材質、安全因數和應力集中因數等;同時,我們也研究負相序電流 (I2 )最大值分佈對葉片可靠度的影響。
Usually, a large steam turbine-generator unit has itself a blade vibration mode that is close to its double electrical frequency. This mode of vibration will easily be excited by electrical load unbalance, thereby the turbine blades will be affected by this kind of vibrations, especially for the last three rows of blades. In fact, turbine generators operate in corrosive environment and undergo the statistical stress impact due to the randomly unbalanced currents. In this paper, the blades are subjected to corrosion fatigue, thereby small stress still may cause damage significantly. On the other hand, the damage caused by system unbalance is so small that people could neglect it usually. Nevertheless, for the long-term operation with lasting system unbalance, its influence on reliability may no longer be omitted.
According to the gamma distribution in unbalanced negative phase current (I2), the probability level of fatigue life, the reliability against fatigue failure and crack growth of turbine blades are evaluated for three turbine-generator system in the paper. The blades with various materials, safety factors and stress concentration factors are considered in the simulations. The influence of extreme value distribution of I2 to the reliability is also investigated. According to the results, we have reason to believe that corrosion fatigue is one of causes that led to crack initiation or damage of blades under normal operation.
目次 Table of Contents
ABSTRACT….. ………………………………………………..
第一章 緒論1.1 研究背景…………………………………………………
.1.2 影響汽機葉片振動的原因………………………………..
1.3 電力系統不平衡………………………………………….
.1.4 電力系統不平衡對發電機的影響……………………….
1.5 電力系統不平衡引發之兩倍頻電磁轉矩………………
第二章 汽輪發電機系統介紹2-1 前言………………………………………………………
2-2 系統架構…………………………………………………
2-3 系統模型建立……………………………………………
2-2-1 機械系統模型…………………………………….
2-2-2 同步機模型……………………………………….
2-3-3 控制系統模型…………………………………….
第三章 汽輪發電機的系統響應
3.1 前言………………………………………………………
3.2 影響汽機葉片的因素
-2-1 汽機的操作環境…………………………………
3-2-2 汽機的葉片材料…………………………………
3-2-3 葉片材質的腐蝕疲勞特性………………………
3.3 葉片振模分析…….………………………………………
3.4 葉片動態響應時域分析………………………….………
第四章 疲勞壽命損耗理論
4.1 疲勞壽命損耗估算理論…………………………………
4.2 腐蝕疲勞…………………………………………………
4.3 疲勞壽命可靠度理論……………………………………
第五章 疲勞壽命,可靠度與裂縫成長之模擬結果
5.2 疲勞壽命模擬結果
5.2.1 951MW機組……………………………………..
5.2.2 660MW機組……………………………………..
5.2.3 1300MW機組……………………………………..
5.3 可靠度模擬結果5.3.1 951MW機組……………………………………..
5.3.2 660MW機組……………………………………..
5.3.3 1300MW機組……………………………………..
5.4 裂縫成長的模擬結果……………………………………
第六章 結論……………………………………………………..
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