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博碩士論文 etd-0627101-105657 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0627101-105657
團隊組織特徵、運作過程、團隊績效之關係研究 ─ 台日學生之差異比較
The relations of team organizational character, implementing process and team’s performance-compare the differences between the students’ behaviors in Taiwan and Japan
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team, implementing process, team organizational characte, team performance
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Because of the global competition, the work in a position becomes complex and needs to cooperate with others now. In a team, everyone with different characters has to use his or her ability to assist a team in finishing the mission. Actually the cooperative relationship between Taiwanese and Japanese companies is quite close. No matter the business companies or the educational groups have got to rely on multinational cooperation. But the managerial philosophy of Japanese teams and Taiwanese ones is very different. This research expects to compare the different behaviors between the students’ corporations in Taiwan and Japan, which hope to find out the causes to cooperate with each other. That could be a reference for the teamwork of Taiwan and Japan.
This research is based on Taiwanese and Japanese students’ team behaviors. The goal of it discusses whether the organizational character and the process of its performance are different or not. According to the thesis of national and foreign educators, they focus on teams’ participation, process and production, and mention a conceptual framework based on the organizational character, implementing process and team’s performance by the independent variable of organizational character, by the intermediary variable of team implementing, and by dependent variable of team performance.
This research interviewed the students of commercial and managerial department in Taiwan and Japanese by the way of questionnaire. To analyze 214 valid copies (78 copies from Taiwan, and 136 copies from Japan) reaches a conclusion: it is related between team organizational character, team implementing, and team performance. In the aspect of team performance, it also reveals that working design, mutual relations, and social support affected group performance between Taiwan and Japan very much.
1. Each team needs variable kinds of members, such as ones who are creative, are capable to analyze questions, are good at communicating, or are gifted to implement. Thus, in order to arrange a team with the best performance, it should analyze members’ personality, which can let members have appropriate positions, and predict each member’s different behavior.
2. Both of teams in Taiwan and Japan quite emphasize on what members design at work, and on which level to participate activities. In fact, there are two aspects to consider for working design: profession and spontaneity. Working design is considered to combine the different levels of profession and spontaneity, because those professional factors, like the variety of skills, the integrity of missions, or the meanings of missions, etc. influence the common sense of meanings of working. Furthermore, the spontaneity affects members’ responsibility at work.
3. This research uncovers that the teamwork in Taiwan is effective than that in Japan, because Japanese students pay attention on the coordination of other’s, and Taiwanese students emphasize on the entire group’s interaction instead. Even though Taiwanese members consider that it is prior to finish missions, this research also figures out that the influence of social support, such as working atmosphere, psychological aspect and relations are also quite important.
4. In order to overcome problems to cooperate caused by different nations and background, the members can receive diverse trainings of social relations, or conflict management. To establish the positive atmosphere to communicate and to strengthen believes between members can help inspire teamwork’s implementing and creativity.

Teamwork is not a cure-all, so it should understand why a company needs teamwork. Nowadays Japanese companies in Taiwan need Taiwanese managers to increase their competitions. The question is how to arrange them to reach the best performance, not how to let a teamwork implement. Thus, only when effectively to use Taiwanese managers can teamwork perform very well. In conclusion, this research can provide the difference of conception of teamwork between students in Taiwan and Japan, and the causes that members have to conquer and strengthen in teamwork.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究動機 1-2研究目的與觀念性架構 12
第二章 文獻探討 3
2-1 個別差異性2-2 群體的定義與特徵2-2-1群體的定義2-2-2群體的特徵2-3群體與團隊2-3-1團隊的定義2-3-2一般工作群體與工作團隊的差異2-4 團隊效能理論2-4-1描述性模型(descriptive model)2-4-2規範性模型(normative model)2-4-3實證性模型(empirical model)2-4-4啟發性模型(heuristic model)2-4-5其他模型2-5 團隊管理2-5-1團隊組織特徵2-5-2團隊運作過程2-5-3團隊的績效管理2-6中國式與日本式管理思想的比較2-6-1中國社會的特色2-6-2日本社會的特色2-6-3團隊運作上的管理觀念之差異 388101313141818232426283232333434353638

第三章 研究方法 42
3-1 研究架構3-2 研究假設3-3 操作性定義3-3-1 團隊組織構面3-3-2 團隊運作構面3-3-3 團隊績效構面3-4 研究對象與問卷設計3-4-1 研究對象3-4-2 問卷題項設計3-4-3 測量工具3-5 研究限制3-6 統計分析方法3-6-1 項目及因素分析3-6-2 研究變項與問卷 4243444444454545464950505063
第四章 結果與討論 64
4-1 個別差異性4-2 台灣團隊與日本團隊間組織特徵、運作過程及團隊績效之比較4-3團隊績效相關分析4-3-1團隊組織特徵與團隊運作過程相關性分析4-3-2 團隊運作過程與團隊績效相關性分析4-3-3 團隊組織特徵與團隊績效相關性分析4-4 團隊績效的徑路分析4-4-1台灣團隊工作滿意度的徑路分析4-4-2 日本團隊工作滿意度的徑路分析4-4-3 台灣團隊與個人績效關聯性的徑路分析4-4-4 日本團隊與個人績效關聯性的徑路分析 6466686873788383858789
第五章 結論與建議 92
5-1研究結論5-1-1個別差異性5-1-2台灣團隊與日本團隊間組織特徵、運作過程及團隊績效之比較5-1-3團隊績效相關性5-1-4團隊績效的徑路分析5-2 研究建議 9292939499100
參考文獻附錄附錄一 : 本研究中文問卷附錄二 : 本研究日文問卷附錄三 : FFS性格衡量中文問卷附錄四 : FFS性格衡量日文問卷附錄五 : FFS性格衡量問卷分析研究變項與問題附錄六 : FFS性格衡量問卷分析內容 102106106110115117119120

第二章表2-1 Cattell的十六種潛源特質表2-2 Warren Norman的人格特質五因素分類法表2-3 FFS性格類型交叉表表2-4 群體的定義表2-5 凝聚力的改變形式表2-6 工作團隊和傳統的工作結構的主要區辨指標表2-7 群體與團隊的目標、互賴程度、合作程度、時間架構等四個構面表2-8 工作群體與工作團隊之比較表2-9 團隊的三個發展階段表2-10 楊極東群體運作的基本模式項目內容表2-11 Ellis & Fisher影響群體運作系統的變項因素內容第三章表3-1 樣本基本資料表3-2 團隊研究變項、問題及量表來源表3-3 台灣問卷項目分析表3-4 日本問卷項目分析表3-5 台灣團隊組織特徵構面的因素分析表3-6 日本團隊組織特徵構面的因素分析表3-7 台灣團隊運作過程構面的因素分析表3-8 日本團隊運作過程構面的因素分析表3-9 台灣團隊績效構面的因素分析表3-10 日本團隊績效構面的因素分析表3-11 研究變項與對應的問卷題目對照表第四章表4-1 台灣與日本團隊間獨立樣本t檢定結果表4-2 組織特徵對團隊運作過程的多元逐步回歸分析摘要表表4-3 組織特徵在社會支持之變異數分析摘要表表4-4 組織特徵在工作負荷分攤之變異數分析摘要表表4-5 組織特徵在團隊內的溝通與合作之變異數分析摘要表表4-6 台灣與日本間團隊組織特徵與團隊運作過程相關性表4-7 團隊運作過程對團隊績效的多元逐步回歸分析摘要表表4-8 團隊運作過程在工作滿意度之變異數分析摘要表表4-9 團隊運作過程在團隊與個人績效關聯性之變異數分析摘要表表4-10 台灣與日本間團隊運作過程與團隊績效相關性表4-11 組織特徵對團隊績效的多元逐步回歸分析摘要表表4-12 組織特徵在工作滿意度之變異數分析摘要表表4-13 組織特徵在團隊與個人績效關聯性之變異數分析摘要表表4-14 台灣與日本間團隊組織特徵與團隊績效相關性之比較表4-15 台灣團隊工作滿意度之徑路係數表4-16 日本團隊工作滿意度之徑路係數表4-17 台灣團隊與個人績效關聯性之徑路係數表4-18 日本團隊與個人績效關聯性之徑路係數第五章表5-1 台灣與日本之間團隊組織特徵、團隊運作過程及團隊績效相關性比較表5-2 研究假設的驗證 45691214151617202246465153565759606162636771727273737576777780818282848688909697

第一章圖1-1 本研究之觀念性架構第二章 圖2-1 楊極東群體運作的基本模式圖2-2 Ellis & Fisher影響群體運作系統的變項因素圖2-3 Hackman(1983)的規範性模型圖2-4 Gladstein之工作群體行為的一般模型圖2-5 Salas等人(1992)的啟發性模型圖2-6 影響團隊效能因素之觀念性架構圖2-7 日本文化的定位第三章圖3-1 研究架構圖第四章圖4-1 台日學生之間性格因素傾向比較圖4-2 台日學生之間性格因素與工作滿意度之關係圖4-3 台灣團隊工作滿意度之徑路分析圖圖4-4 日本團隊工作滿意度之徑路分析圖圖4-5 台灣團隊與個人績效關聯性之徑路分析圖圖4-6 日本團隊與個人績效關聯性之徑路分析圖 21921232527323642646584868890

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