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博碩士論文 etd-0627113-141546 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0627113-141546
Diversity of ascidians in Taiwanese waters
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taxonomy, Ascidian, non-indigenous species, invasive species, harbor, Prochloron
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本研究之目標為探討台灣海域海鞘分類及生物多樣性,並與日本沖繩及新加坡的海鞘物種做比較。研究項目包括: 1. 台灣海鞘物種分類與多樣性調查、2. 高雄港與日本沖繩島港口入侵物種比較、3. 台灣與新加坡光合共生海鞘比較。台灣海鞘生物多樣性調查8地點水深15公尺以淺的地區,東北角記錄21種海鞘、東海岸17種、綠島26種、蘭嶼15種、墾丁24種、小琉球7種、澎湖8種及高雄港2種。共紀錄3目9科19屬46種,包含群體海鞘32種,個體海鞘14種。其中42種為台灣新紀錄種。Didemnidae科的物種最多,記錄有20種,而較常見的屬則為Clavelina (5種)、Didemnum (5種)、Diplosoma (6種)、Lissoclinum (4種)、Ascidia (6種) 及Polycarpa (4種),這6個屬共記錄到30種。論文中建立台灣海鞘物種目錄、檢索表及基本特徵描述。高雄港收集網記錄2種海鞘: Ascidia gemmata及Styela canopus,2種海鞘入添時期為12月至4月,水溫低、降雨量低及海水鹽度穩定。日本沖繩島港口記錄15種海鞘,其中4種 (Phallusia nigra、Pyura vittata、Styela canopus 及Styela plicata) 為入侵物種,結果顯示沖繩北部美國海軍基地、沖繩最大港-那霸港及東岸石油原油提煉所的繁忙海運提供海鞘傳播最佳管道,且入侵種海鞘在東岸有往北擴散的趨勢。台灣光合共生海鞘在墾丁及綠島共記錄10種,基隆沒有發現任何光合共生海鞘的紀錄,可能是因為台灣北部海岸冬季水溫較低 (16°C) 造成。新加坡光合共生海鞘調查共紀錄5種,其中包含2新記錄種。樟宜海灘海水濁度高,在此沒有記錄到任何的光合共生海鞘。相反的,實馬高島為生態保育區,有較清潔的海域提供一個更好的環境使光合共生海鞘行光合作用及生長,結果顯示海水混濁限制光線穿透,進而影響光合共生海鞘分布。
This study was aimed to investigate the ascidian species biodiversity in Taiwanese waters. Three topics were included: 1. Study of ascidian species biodiversity in Taiwan. 2. The invasive ascidians in Kaohsiung harbor, Taiwan and in the harbors in Okinawa, Japan. 3. The geographical distribution of photosynthetic symbiotic ascidians in Taiwan and Singapore. The ascidian species biodiversity were investigated in 8 sites around Taiwan and Taiwan islets. 46 species belonging to 3 orders, 9 families and 19 genera were recorded, in which 42 species were new records. Didemnidae dominates the Taiwanese waters; 20 species were included. The most common genera were Clavelina (5 species), Didemnum (5 species), Diplosoma (6 species), Lissoclinum (4species), Ascidia (6 species) and Polycarpa (4 species) and they cumulated to a total of 30 species. There were 32 colonial ascidian and 14 solitary ascidian species. The ascidian species were 21, 17, 26, 15 and 24 from Northeast Coast, East Coast, Lyudao, Kenting and Orchid Island, respectively. 7 and 8 species were recorded in the western islets of Peng-hu and Hsiao-Lu-Chiao, respectively. This study includes an identification key to order, family, genus and species of ascidians in Taiwanese waters. Two ascidian species were recorded in Kaohsiung harbor. There were 15 ascidians species recorded from 17 harbors in Okinawa, Japan. Among these species, 4 species, Phallusia nigra, Pyura vittata, Styela canopus and Styela plicata were invasive species (non-indigenous species). The results showed that U.S. Naval base, Naha harbor (mainly transporting with mainland Japan) and oil refinery were the pathways for invasive ascidians, and the recording of invasive species Phallusia nigra, Pyura sacciformis and Styela plicata in the harbors near the oil refinery indicated a northward spreading trend. We only recorded 2 species of Ascidia gemmata and Styela canopus in winter (Dec.-Apr) in Kaohsiung harbor, Taiwan. The water temperature was low, and water salinity was stable and associated with low precipitation in this season. A total of ten species of photosymbiotic ascidian species were recorded from Lyudao and Kenting, but no photosymbiotic species were found in Keelung, probably due to the cold surface water in winter (ca. 16°C) in that region. A total of five photosymbiotic species were recorded in Singapore, with Lissoclinum timorense and T. cyclops being new records. However, no photosymbiotic species were found at Changi Beach, probably due to the polluted waters in the region. Coastal development has caused Singapore waters to become turbid, leading to decrease in suitable habitats for photosymbiotic ascidians. Clean waters in Pulau Semakau probably provide a better environment for the growth of photosymbiotic ascidians and this area has a greater variety of these ascidians than the other areas in Singapore.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章、總論 ……………………………………………………………... 1
壹、前言 ………………………………………………………….……….. 1
貳、研究背景……………………………………………………....……… 2
一、海鞘基本介紹……………………………………...….……..………. 2
二、海鞘棲地分布 …………………………………………..……..…….. 3
三、海鞘入侵影響及應用 ………………………………..………..…….. 4
四、海鞘化石及分類……………………………………………………... 5
參、本論文架構方向…………………………………..…………..….….. 6
第二章、台灣海鞘物種多樣性調查 ………………………….……..…... 7
壹、前言 ………………………………………………………………...... 7
貳、材料方法 ……………………………………………………..…....... 7
參、結果 ….……………………………………………………………..... 8
肆、討論 ……………………...…………………………………………... 49
第三章、高雄港與日本沖繩島港海鞘入侵物種之比較..……………….. 51
壹、前言 ………………………………………………………………...... 51
貳、材料方法 ………………………………………………………......... 54
參、結果 ….……………………………………………………………..... 56
一、台灣高雄港海鞘……..…………………………………………....... 56
二、日本沖繩島港口海鞘 ……………………………………………...... 57
肆、討論 ……………………...…………………………………………... 63
第四章、台灣與新加坡光合共生海鞘之比較…………………...…….... 67
壹、前言 ………………………………………………………………...... 67
貳、材料方法 ………………………………………………………......... 68
參、結果 ….……………………………………………………………..... 69
一、台灣光合共生海鞘 ………………………………………………...... 69
二、新加坡光合共生海鞘 ……………………………………………...... 74
肆、討論 ……………………...…………………………………………... 76
第五章、結論 ………………………………………………………….….. 80
參考文獻 ………………….……………………………………….………. 82
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