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Title page for etd-0628100-031109
Changes in Cytokinin and Gibberellin Levels Before, During and After Floral Initiation in Polianthes tuberosa
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gibberellins, cytokinins, Polianthes tuberosa, flowering
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dihydrozeatin的含量顯著的增加,而zeatin riboside、dihydrozeatin riboside、6N-(δ2-isopentenyl)
adenine和6N-(δ2-isopen -tenyl) adenine riboside則沒有顯著的變動,且含量較低。所以,花芽誘導期間
cytokinins含量的增加可能對夜來香之花的呼喚(apex evocation)扮演一個重要角色。而且,這些結果也說
期和花芽發育各期之內生gibberellins主要有gibberellin A19、gibberellin A20及gibberellin
A53。此項結果顯示13-hydroxylated gibberellins存在於夜來香球莖組織中。此外,當夜來香從營養生長階段轉
變到花芽分化初期和花芽發育期時,也伴隨發生gibberellin A20之增加和gibberellin A19之減少。而
gibberellin A53含量在三個不同生長時期則維持一定。另外,當以gibberellin A3、gibberellin A4、
gibberellin A20和gibberellin A32處理營養生長時期的夜來香球莖(植株約5公分高)時,實驗結果發現
gibberellin A3、gibberellin A20和gibberellin A32能誘導與增進其花芽分化。說明hydroxylated C-19
We studied how the endogenous and exogenous cytokinin and gibberellin functions in floral
initiation and development in tuberose. In the aspect of cytokinins. The contents of endogenous
cytokinin in tuberose corms (Polianthes tuberosa L. cv. Double) at vegetative, early floral
initiation, and flower development stages were investigated. We also determined the influence of
exogenous cytokinin treatment on the corm apex at three different growth stages in relation to
floral initiation and development in tuberose. The exogenous cytokinin effectively induced
floral initiation and development, especially at the early floral initiation and flower
development stages. Endogenous cytokinins were higher in early floral initiation and development
stages in comparison to the vegetative stage. During floral initiation stage, the zeatin and
dihydrozeatin increased significantly, while the cytokinins, zeatin riboside, dihydrozeatin
riboside, 6N-(δ2-isopentenyl) adenine, and 6N-(δ2-isope -ntenyl) adenine riboside at consistently
low levels. The increase of cytokinin levels in tuberose corms during floral induction suggests a
role for cytokinins in tuberose apex evocation. Moreover, these results indicate that cytokinins
seem to promote the development of flower buds rather than inducing flowering in tuberose.
Endogenous gibberellins (GAs) in tuberose corms were isolated using high performance liquid
chromatography, bioassay and identified by combined capillary gas chromatography-mass
spectrumetry. Gibber -ellins A19, A20 and A53 were quantified at the vegetative, early floral
initiation and flower differentiation stages. The identification of these 13-hydroxylated GAs
indicates the presence of the early-13-hydroxy -lation in tuberose corms. An increase in GA20 and
decrease in GA19 coincided with the transition from the vegetative phase to the stages of early
floral initiation and flower differentiation. GA53 maintained at constant levels at three
different growth stages. When GA3, GA4, GA20 and GA32 were applied to corms at vegetative stage
(plants about 5 cm in height ), floral initiation was induced and/or promoted by several, most
notably by GA3, GA20 and GA32. It is suggest that hydroxylated C-19 GAs play an important role in
flower induction in tuberose.
目次 Table of Contents
植物材料………………………………………… 4
定性分析………………………………………… 5
定量分析………………………………………… 9
結果與討論……………………………………… 10
Gibberellins含量變化之分析………………… 15
材料與方法……………………………………… 15
結果與討論……………………………………… 21
參考文獻………………………………………… 26
圖表……………………………………………… 33
參考文獻 References
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