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博碩士論文 etd-0628106-113028 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0628106-113028
Performance Study on the Treatment of the vent gas of the Fermentation process of Compost by Biotrickling Filters
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biotrickling filter, compositing, odor control
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本研究以實驗室規模之蛇木屑生物滴濾塔,處理廚餘堆肥排氣。設備由滴濾塔系統、待試氣體供應系統及循環水供應系統所組成。生物滴濾塔內尺寸為0.3 m × 0.3 m× 1.6 m,內填高1 m蛇木屑(比表面積為218 m2),供試氣體來源取自堆肥貯存塔,氣體流量為22-64 m3/hr。生物膜之液相營養源,分別以生活污水處理廠放流水與自來水調配奶粉進行研究。
以生活污水場放流水為營養源的長期操作研究結果顯示,在液氣流量比(L/G)為0.003,氣體經滴濾塔濾層之空塔停留時間(EBRT)為15秒之操作下,濾層可將進氣之氨由0.5-5 ppm去除至0 ppm,胺由1-15ppm去除至0 ppm。
L/G為影響變數之測試結果顯示,在EBRT = 7秒時,L/G=0.002之處理效果最佳,臭味去除率為68.4-99.7%。在L/G=0.002狀況下,以EBRT=7秒之操作處理效果最佳,濾層可將堆肥排氣中氨及胺去除至0 ppm;進氣臭味濃度為5,500時,臭味去除率可達99.7%。在EBRT大於10秒、L/G=0時,臭味去除率為82.2-92.5%;但EBRT小於10秒時,臭味去除率僅為57.8-68.4%。
以奶粉為營養源的研究結果顯示,奶粉添加量為25 mg/L,在L/G=0.002之操作條件下,以EBRT=7秒之操作處理效果最佳,進氣臭味濃度為13,000時,臭味去除率可達99.7%。以清水添加奶粉為補充水之操作結果較以學校生活污水場放流水為為補充水之處理效果較佳。
Kitchen waste compositing plants emit odorous gas streams with sulfur-, nitrogen-, and oxygen-containing compounds and other hydrocarbons. A pilot-scale biotrickling filter with a space of 0.3 m square and 1.0 m height packed with fern chips was used for removing the odorous components from the kitchen waste compositing gas. An average weight ratio of “kitchen waste: bulking material: seeding compost” of 90:4.5:5.5 was used to prepare the compositing material for producing the odorous gas for test. The kitchen waste was composed of residual material from food preparation and meal wastes. The bulking material was either wood trimmings or dried leaves and the seeding material was a blend of manure and bird feather compost. Experiments indicate that the composting material could develop to 32-55 oC during a composting period of 6 weeks and the vented gas contained ammonia, amines, mercaptans, and hydrogen sulfide to maximum values of 700, 1,000, 53, and 1.0 ppm, respectively. A maximum odor concentration of 23,000 was obtained and the odor intensity was closely related to mercaptans in the vented gas.
Results indicate that by using the bio-treated effluent of the school-owned domestic wastewater treatment plant as a supplemental water and nutrition sources for the biotrickling filter, 0.5-5 and 1-15 ppm of ammonia and amines, respectively, in the introduced odorous gas could completely be removed at conditions of empty-bed-retention-times (EBRT) of 15 s and liquid/gas flow ratio (L/G) of 0.003 m3/m3. Particularly, with an EBRT of 7 s at a fixed L/G of 0.002, 99.7% of odor intensity (dilution to the threshold ratio, DT) in the influent gas with a DT of 5,500 could be removed.
Instead of effluent wastewater, by supplementing tap water with 25 mg/L of milk powder to the biotrickling filter, results indicate that with an EBRT of 7 s at a fixed L/G of 0.002, 99.7% of odor intensity in the influent gas with a DT of 13,000 could be removed. Milk powder supplementation gave better performance than the effluent wastewater one.
目次 Table of Contents
謝誌……………………………………………………………………………………………... Ⅰ
中文摘要…………………………………….………………………………………………... Ⅱ
英文摘要…………………………………………………………………………….………... Ⅲ
目錄……………………………………………………………………………………………... Ⅵ
表目錄..….………………………………………………………………………………….….. Ⅶ
圖目錄..………….……………………………………………………………………………... Ⅸ
第一章 前言……………………….………………………………………………………... 1
1.1研究緣起……………………………………………………………………………… 1
1.2研究內容及目的……….………………………………………………………. 1
第二章 文獻回顧………………………………………………………………………… 4
2.1 法令對臭味之管制…..….……………………………..……………………… 4
2.2 堆肥排氣之成份.……………………………………………….………………… 5
2.2.1堆肥排氣之成份………………………………………………...………… 5
2.1.3堆肥排氣中臭味與氨之關係………………….……………………… 8
2.3排氣之生物處理法………………………………..…………………….……… 8
2.3.1生物洗滌法………….…………………………..……. 13處理原理與設備………………………………………………………… 13生物洗滌法之優缺點………...…………………………………….…. 15生物洗滌法處理VOCs之文獻回顧…………………………… 16
2.3.2生物濾床法………...………………………………………………….……… 18處理原理與設備…………………………………………………………. 18濾料組成及處理條件…………………………………………………. 19處理能力及使用年限…………………………………………………. 20生物濾床法之優缺點………. . .……………………………………… 20生物濾床法處理VOCs之文獻回顧………………………….. 21
2.3.3生物滴濾塔法………..………….……...……………………….…………….. 24處理原理與設備.……………………….……………………………….. 24適用性……………..……….………...……………………….…………….. 25設計及操作參數………………………………………………………... 26生物滴濾塔法之優缺點……...……………………………………… 30生物滴濾塔法處理VOCs之文獻回顧……………………….... 31
2.3.4生物系統處理堆肥排氣之文獻回顧………………………………... 38
第三章 設備及方法…...……………………………………………………………… 43
3.1實驗設備………….…………………………………………………………………… 43
3.1.1堆肥製備箱…....………………………..……………………………………….. 43
3.1.2生物滴濾塔實驗設備………………………….……….…………………… 43生物滴濾塔主體……………………. ……………………. …………….. 43堆肥貯存塔……………………. ……………………. ……………………. 44循環水系統…………..……………………………. …………. …………. 44
3.2實驗材料………………………. . .....……...……...……...……...……...……...…… 47
3.3實驗方法……………………………………………………………..………………. 48
3.3.1堆肥及排氣製備………………….…………………………………………. 48
3.3.2微生物膜馴養……………………………………………………….…………. 49
3.3.3長期觀察去除效果與檢測……….……………………………………….. 50
3.3.4循環水流量與處理氣體流量比(L/G)之測試……….…………… 50
3.3.5氣體停留時間之測試……………….……..………………………………. 51
3.3.6以奶粉為營養源之長期測試…………..……………………………….. 51
3.3.7以奶粉為營養源之氣體停留時間測試………………...…………… 51
3.4分析方法…………………………………..………………………..………...…..…… 52
3.4.1氣體分析及流量量策………………………...………...………...……….… 52
3.4.2液體分析………………………………………………………………………… 52
第四章 結果與討論……………………………………………………………………... 54
4.1堆肥臭排氣……………………………...…….………….………………………… 54
4.2生物滴濾塔處理試驗……………. ……………. ……………………………… 60
4.2.1以學校放流水為營養源之長期監測………………………………… 60系統啟動階段………………..…………..…………..…………..……...… 60長期監測第一階段低氣體流量進氣………..…………….……… 60長期監測第二階段高氣體流量進氣………..…………….……… 62
4.2.2生物滴濾塔循環水流量與處理氣體流量比(L/G)之測試...... 64
4.2.3 Empty bed retention time測試…………………………………………... 70臭味去除..…………….…..…………….…..…………….…..……………… 70循環水性質..…………….…..…………….…..…………….…..………….. 72
4.2.4以奶粉為營養源之長期監測..…………….…..…………….…..……… 78奶粉為營養源之臭味去除….…..…….…..…….…..…….…..……. 78奶粉為營養源之循環水性質…….….. …….….. …….….. …….…. 81
4.2.5以奶粉為營養源之Empty bed retention time測試……………. 85
4.2.6綜何比較生物滴濾塔處理臭味效率………………………………… 87
4.2.7經濟評估………………………………………………………………………… 88
第五章 結論與建議…………………………………………………………………….. 92
5.1結論……………………………………………………………………………………… 92
5.2建議……………………………………………………………………………………… 93
參考文獻……………………………………………………………………………………… 94
附錄一 各種化合物之臭味閥值……………………………….…………..……… 104
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