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Title page for etd-0628112-152031
Tropical and subtropical estuaries’ CO2 fluxes and mechanisms-Case study of Taiwan
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seasonal variability, estuary, coastal region, carbon dioxide, organic matter
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不論在西部或東部河口,多數之fCO2高過於大氣飽和值,為大氣二氧化碳的源(source),沒有明顯的季節變化。隨著鹽度增加有遞減的趨勢,因西部開發較東部早且人口稠密,受人為活動影響大,使得其fCO2高於東部。西部河口fCO2與鹽度有相關性,推測與混合作用有關,另外,亦與AOU、pH及營養鹽(NO3-和PO43-)有相關,推測受到生物作用的影響。東部河口fCO2與眾多參數並未有良好的相關性,推測可能是因為東部地勢較西部陡峭,河流長度較短,滯留時間短,許多作用來不及反應(例如:生物作用),水即入海。二氧化碳通量以春季最高(81.7±15.8 mmol C m-2 d-1)及冬季最低(54.1±132 mmol C m-2 d-1)。整年平均約為24.6±19.2 mol C m-2 y-1,約為珠江(6.9 mol C m-2 y-1)的3.5倍,近似於世界河口平均(23.7±33.1 molC m-2 y-1)。
上河口fCO2與AOU及PO43-的關係最佳,推測受到人為活動影響及生物的呼吸作用。中河口地區生地化作用較上河口複雜,與pH及DIC關係較好,推測主要還是與生物作用有機質分解有關。下河口地區除了受到生物作用外,受到海水的影響比上、下河口來的明顯,與混合作用有關。上河口fCO2最高(2228±92.0 uatm),平均CO2通量為42.3±1.54 (mol C m-2 y-1);中河口次之,其fCO2為1302±353 (uatm),變化幅度比上河口大,平均CO2通量為25.8±1.26 (mol C m-2 y-1);下河口最低,fCO2為559±14.9 (uatm),平均CO2通量為7.38±7.45 (mol C m-2 y-1)。
將全世界106個河口依鹽度分成上、中及下河口,其fCO2分別為3033±1078、2277±626及692±178 uatm;CO2通量各為68.5±25.6、37.4±16.5及9.92±15.2 mol C m-2 y-1,上河地區的CO2通量可能有高估的情形。依緯度來區分,不論在低緯度、中緯度亦或是高緯度地區的河口,均為CO2釋放至大氣中的源。而高緯度地區平均CO2水-氣通量略低於其餘兩個地區,但整體來說這三個地區平均CO2水-氣通量約為24 mol C m-2 y-1。全球河口地區不論在哪一種季節均是釋放CO2的源,以秋季CO2通量最高(73.2±93.4 mmol C m-2 d-1),而冬季最低(53.4±65.1 mmol C m-2 d-1),整年平均為23.9±33.1 mol C m-2 y-1,全球河口總通量約為0.26 Pg C y-1。
利用175條熱帶河川的碳參數來估算熱帶地區河川的碳輸出量。四個地區(非洲、美洲、亞洲及大洋洲)的熱帶河川DIC單位面積通量分別為:0.63、3.33、9.79及3.38 g C m-2 y-1,因亞洲地區的河川多為碳酸鹽地質,再加上流量大,使得亞洲河川有最高的DIC輸出通量;而 PIC通量分別為:7.40×1012 (非洲)、2.82×1013 (美洲)、1.53×1013 (亞洲)及2.49×1011 g C y-1 (大洋洲)。四個地區的熱帶河川DOC通量分別:2.80×1013 (非洲)、5.82×1013 (美洲)、4.50×1013 (亞洲)及4.48×1012 g C y-1 (大洋洲),整個熱帶區河川的DOC通量為0.136 Pg C y-1;估算熱帶地區河川的碳輸出量,每年約有0.53 Pg C輸入至海洋,其中DIC占39.8%、DOC占25.7%、PIC占9.7%及POC占24.8%。
Carbon dioxide is the most important greenhouse gas and the major factor leading to the global climate change problem. In previous studies, the ocean is considered to be the major storage of anthropogenic carbon dioxide. However, evaluation of the global CO2 flux seldom includes the estuarine and coastal regions. It should be noted that the current estimate is based on a very limited data set. In particular, data from subtropical and tropical river estuaries are scarce. Many researches point out that the estuary is a CO2 source to the atmosphere, but the data is insufficient so one couldn’t obtain the total CO2 flux accurately. In this study, our team sampled 25 estuaries based on field surveys covering four seasons in Taiwan, aiming to better quantify the estimation of CO2 flux in the coastal regions.
The dissociation constants of carbonic acid are unavailable to calculate the fCO2 in the low salinity (S<1). Therefore, the difference (%) between measured and calculated is very large but will be reduced with increasing salinity. Furthermore, in the process of measuring total alkalinity and pH, accuracy may reduce because of humic acid and variations of ionic strength.
No matter in the western or eastern estuaries, most of fCO2 values is higher than the atmosphere. And they decrease downstream with increasing salinity. The fCO2 is higher in the west than in the east, because of human activities. Neither group of estuaries shows obvious seasonal variability.
The fCO2 in the estuaries has a relationship with salinity, because of mixing with sea water. Because fCO2 is controlled by biological activity, it also has a relationship with AOU, pH and nutrients (NO3- and PO43-). In the east, the fCO2 has no correlation with many parameters. It is probably that the slope is steeper and the river length is shorter in the east than in the west resulting in short resident time. So that many reactions are not complete before the water exports to the sea.
The average water-to-air CO2 flux is 24.6±19.2 (mol C m-2 y-1), which is 3.5 times the value of Pearl River (6.9 mol C m-2 y-1) but similar to the world average (23.7±33.1 mol C m-2 y-1). The CO2 flux is the highest in spring (81.7±15.8 mmol C m-2 d-1) and the lowest in winter (54.1±132 mmol C m-2 d-1).
Upper/mid/lower estuaries are operationally defined as those areas of estuaries with salinities below 2, between 2 and 25, and above 25, respectively. The trends of fCO2 have good relationships with AOU and PO43- in the upper estuaries. The reason is probably caused by human activities and biological respiration. The phenomenon is more complex in the mid than in the upper estuaries. Consequently, the fCO2 has a good correlation with pH and DIC in the mid estuaries as a result of organic matter decomposition. However, in the lower estuaries, the variation of fCO2 is subjected to biological respiration and mixing with sea water.
The fCO2 is the highest in the upper estuaries (2228±92.0 uatm),the average water-air CO2 flux is 42.3±1.54 (mol C m-2 y-1). Measured fCO2 in the mid estuaries is 1302±353 (uatm) and the average CO2 flux is 25.8±1.26 (mol C m-2 y-1). The lowest fCO2 (559±14.9 uatm) is found in the lower estuaries and the CO2 flux is 7.38±7.45 (mol C m-2 y-1).
The 106 estuaries of the globe are divided into three parts by salinity. The fCO2 is 3033±1078, 2277±626 and 692±178 uatm in the upper, mid and lower estuaries, respectively. The average CO2 flux is 68.5±25.6、37.4±16.5 and 9.92±15.2 mol C m-2 y-1, respectively. Geographically estuaries in all three latitude bands (<23.5o, 23.5-50o and >50o) are generally sources of CO2. Interestingly, water-to-air &#64258;uxes do not signi&#64257;cantly, and all fall around 24 mol C m-2 y-1 although the &#64258;ux is slightly lower at high latitude. The water in estuaries release CO2 in all seasons although the &#64258;ux seems to be highest in autumn (73.2± 93.4 mmol C m-2 d-1) and lowest (53.4±65.1 mmol C m-2 d-1) in winter. The average CO2 flux is 23.9±33.1 mol C m-2 y-1, and the total CO2 flux is 0.26 Pg C y-1.
Next, we estimate the tropical rivers’ carbon fluxes using carbon parameters concerning 175 rivers globally between 30oN and 30oS. The speci&#64257;c DIC yield (&#64258;ux/area) are 0.63, 3.33, 9.79 and 3.38 g C m-2 y-1 in tropical Africa, the Americas, Asia and Oceania, respectively. The DIC flux in Asia is the highest among the four regions, mainly because the percentage of carbonate rock is highest there and the second highest water discharge there. The PIC fluxes are 7.40×1012 g C y-1 in Africa, 2.82×1013 g C y-1 in the Americas, 1.53×1013 g C y-1 in Asia and 2.49×1011 g C y-1 in Oceania. The DOC fluxes are 2.80×1013, 5.82×1013, 4.50×1013 and 4.48×1012 g C y-1 in tropical Africa, the Americas, Asia and Oceania, respectively, for a total DOC flux of 0.136 Pg C y-1. Tropical rivers provide 0.53 Pg C y-1 of carbon to the oceans, of which 39.8% is DIC, 25.7% is DOC, 9.7% is PIC and 24.8% is POC.
目次 Table of Contents
致謝 ..............................................................i
中文摘要 ..........................................................ii
英文摘要 ..........................................................iv
目錄 .............................................................viii
圖目錄 ............................................................xi

2.2.6 水氣交換之碳通量計算.............12
3.2影響河口二氧化碳計算值可能原因 ............14
3.2.1 TA的測量....................................14
3.2.2 pH的測量...................................16
3.5河口二氧化碳在空間 (上、中和下河口)之分布及其
控制機..................................................... 33
3.6 fCO2通量在空間上的變化 (上、中、下河口)

附錄一 Chen, C.T.A., Huang, T.H. and Fu, Y.H., 2012. Strong sources of CO2 in upper estuaries become sinks of CO2 in large river plumes. Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 4(2): 179-185 ............. 80
附錄二 Huang, T.H., Fu, Y.H., Pan, P.Y. and Chen, C.T.A., 2012. Fluvial carbon fluxes in tropical rivers. Current opinion in environmental sustainability,
4(2): 162-169 .................................................................. 87

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