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Title page for etd-0629105-153510
The Second People’s Power Revolution in the Philippines: The Re-emergence of Oligarchy
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the Philippines, the Second People’s Power Revolution(EDSA II), democratization, political violence, oligarchy
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摘 要
The event that the Second People’s Power Revolution (EDSA II) forced President Estrada to resign from his presidency in January, 2001, was the first political violence after 1946, the year of the Independence of the Philippines. EDSA II, however, was neither a social revolution nor a military coup, but the combination of the two. The connotation of the event was actually a wrestle among a group of so-called pursuing democracy elite. The event, although, was probably considered as one of the domestic riots in the Philippines, it still became a controversial one which was specifically related to the issue of “the re-emergence of oligarchy”.
The study aimed to find out whether oligarchy re-emerged in the Philippine or not in terms of the context of oligarchy history, the oligarchy style of democracy transition, the source of EDSA II and the argument of EDSA II. The research, firstly, reanalyzed the history of the Philippines in order to trace back oligarchy in the Philippines, and then discussed the phenomena of “church involvement”, “military coup”, “constitutional conflict” and “people movement”, to show the fragile democracy in post-Marcos era. More than that, this study tried to clarify the myth of EDSA II, in terms of “ the cause and effect of the revolution”, “the argument and examination of the revolution” and “the myth and discussion of the revolution”. Finally, the issue of “the re-emergence of oligarchy” was discussed and concluded.
To sum up, the oligarchy did appear in the Philippines. With respect to EDSA II, it was by all means a competition game played by elite. Oligarchy, therefore, was still the main stream in this country.
目次 Table of Contents

第一章 導論……………...………………………………………………………………...1
第一節 研究緣起………………………………………………………………………1
第二節 文獻探討………………………………………………………………………5
第三節 研究假設、議題與名詞定義………………………………………………..36
第四節 研究方法……………………………………………………………………..40
第五節 論文章節安排………………………………………………………………..45
第二章 寡頭政治的歷史脈絡…………………………………………………………47
第一節 殖民時期:寡頭政治萌芽…………………………………………………..47
第二節 獨立建國時期:寡頭政治發展…………………………………………......61
第三節 馬可仕獨裁時期:寡頭政治轉變…………………………………………..70
第四節 小結…………………………………………………………………………..76
第三章 民主轉型後的寡頭政治型態………………………..……………………...79
第一節 後馬可仕時期的政局…………………………………….………………..79
第二節 民主轉型後的寡頭政治特質…………………………………….………..93
第三節 民主轉型後的寡頭政治型態…………………………………….………..98
第四節 小結…………………………………….…………………………………110
第四章 二次乙莎革命之根源…………………………...…..…….……..…………..113
第一節 「革命」的原委…………………………………………....….……………113
第二節 「革命」的爭議與探究……………………………………….……………124
第三節 「革命」的迷思與檢討……………………………………………………131
第四節 小結………………………..………………………………………………138
第五章 二次乙莎革命之探討…...…...…..…………………………………….…….141
第一節 「革命」的本質:寡頭菁英競爭……………………………………………141
第二節 「革命」的模式:寡頭政治的惡性循環………………..…………………145
第三節 「革命」的省思:寡頭政治再現…………………………………………152
第四節 小結…………………………………………………………………………165
第六章 結論……………………………………………………………………….…...169



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