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博碩士論文 etd-0629110-003825 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0629110-003825
Chemical scrubbing of odorous gas generated from hot-melted coal
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sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide, chemical scrubber
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實驗設備由0.1 m(L) × 0.1 m(W) × 0.58 m(H)之壓克力吸收塔和一循環水槽(0.19 mL、0.10 mW、0.20 mH)所組成,塔內填有直徑1 inch之濾球,其填料高度為0.38 m。本研究以化學洗滌之方式,分別以次氯酸鈉(NaOCl)、過氧化氫(H2O2) 、清潔劑和Fenton試劑(過氧化氫與亞鐵離子)作為氧化劑及吸收劑,藉由氧化分解之作用,探求此法處理煤焦油排氣之各種操作參數。
以單一氧化劑試驗結果顯示,在進氣VOCs濃度20-30 ppm (as methane)、氣體空塔停留時間(EBRT)28.5秒、L/G為0.295 m3/m3之操作條件下,濃度450 mg Cl2/L、pH為6之次氯酸鈉溶液,其VOCs去除率為45.3-50.3%,由三點比較式嗅袋法測試結果,臭氣濃度可由1303去除至30.9,去除率為97.6%。
以雙塔試驗結果顯示,在進氣VOCs濃度為20-30 ppm (as methane)、氣體流量為8 NL/min、L/G為0.295 m3/m3之操作條件下, 濃度450 mg Cl2/L、pH為6之次氯酸鈉串聯pH為9之4000 mg/L過氧化氫,其VOCs去除率可達70-75%,由三點比較式嗅袋法測試結果,臭氣濃度可由1303降至73.3,去除率為94.4%。
該廠實際設計處理風量為200 CMM,設備成本為NT$ 2,000,000,以次氯酸鈉處理煤焦油排氣,其單位氣體處理費(含設備折舊)為NT$ 20.9/1,000 m3;以次氯酸鈉串聯過氧化氫其單位氣體處理費(含設備折舊)則為NT$ 52.2/1,000 m3。
This study armed to develop a chemical scrubbing process to eliminate odorous VOCs (volatile organic compounds) in gases emitted from hot-melted coal tar used in bamboo antiseptic processing. Major VOCs are mono-aromatic hydrocarbons (MAHs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phenol and ammonia.
A pilot scrubber with a recycling scrubbing liquid tank and with an acrylic column of 0.10 m in length, 0.10 m in width, and 0.58 m in height, packed with 1’’ diameter plastic packings to a height of 0.38 m will be used for the scrubbing test of the emitted gas. Aqueous solutions of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), detergent, and the Fenton’s reagent (hydrogen peroxide with ferrous chloride) will be used as oxidants for the VOCs.
Results indicated that with operation conditions of VOCs 20-30 ppm (as methane), an empty bed retention time (EBRT) of around 28.5 s in the packed section, and a sodium hypochlorite concentration of 450 mg Cl2/L with pH of 6, around 45.3-50.3% of the VOCs in the influent gas could be removed at a L/G (liquid to gas flow rate ratio) of 0.295 m3/m3. A test indicated that the overall odor(expressed as the dilution to threshold D/T value) removal was around 97.6% and the D/T were 1303 and 30.9, respectively, for the influent, and scrubber effluent.
Using double packed towers to deal with coal tar odorous, result from the test indicated that 70-75 and 94.4% of VOCs and odorous intensity in the influent gas could be removed, respectively, with the operation of an initial sodium hypochlorite concentration of 450 mg Cl2/L with pH of 6, combined with a hydrogen peroxide concentration of 4000 mg/L with pH of 9 , VOCs (methane equivalent) concentrations of 20-30 ppm, gas flow rate of 8 NL/min, and a liquid/gas rate ratio of 0.295 m3/m3. At running 300 minutes can smell much odor than beginning.
Baesd on the results from the pilot study, a full-scale plant with waste gas flow rate 200 m3/min was proposed. It was estimated that the cost is around NT$ 20.9 and 52.2 for treating 1,000 m3 of the emitted gases, respectively, for sodium hypochlorite, and sodium hypochlorite combined with hydrogen peroxide. Efforts should be made by decreasing the cost by other alternative technologies.
目次 Table of Contents
謝誌 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 IV
目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 XII
第一章、前言 1
1-1 研究緣起 1
1-2 研究目的 2
第二章、文獻回顧 3
2-1 VOC及異味相關法規 3
2-2 異味物質 7
2-2-1 異味來源及影響 7
2-2-2 異味的量測 14
2-3VOCs 臭味處理技術 16
2-4 化學洗滌法 20
2-4-1 化學洗滌反應原理 20
2-4-2 化學洗滌方式與適用範圍 21
2-5 次氯酸鈉反應 24
2-6 過氧化氫反應 27
2-7 界面活性劑 28
2-8 Fenton試劑 29
第三章、實驗設備與方法 31
3-1 實驗設備 31
3-1-1 填充塔反應器 31
3-2 實驗材料 35
3-2-1 煤焦油 35
3-2-2 藥品名稱 35
3-3 實驗方法 36
3-3-1 以次氯酸鈉作為氧化劑 36
3-3-2 以過氧化氫作為氧化劑 36
3-3-3 以清潔劑作為吸收劑 37
3-3-4 以Fenton試劑作為氧化劑 37
3-3-5 雙塔試驗 37
3-4 分析方法 38
第四章、結果與討論 42
4-1 煤焦油VOCs成分分析 42
4-2 以次氯酸鈉為吸收劑之實驗結果 46
4-2-1 次氯酸鈉最適之pH 46
4-2-2 次氯酸鈉最適加藥量 49
4-3 以過氧化氫為吸收劑之實驗結果 54
4-3-1 過氧化氫最適之pH 54
4-3-2 過氧化氫最適加藥量 55
4-4 以清潔劑為吸收液之實驗結果 57
4-5 以Fenton試劑為吸收劑之實驗結果 60
4-6 次氯酸鈉混合清潔劑試驗 62
4-7 雙塔試驗 62
4-7-1 八種組合之綜合比較 62
4-7-2 最佳組合之長效試驗 67
4-8 經濟評估 73
4-8-1 最佳組合之VOCs削減量與處理成本估算 73
4-8-2 單一氧化劑之VOCs削減量與處理成本估算 78
第五章、結論與建議 79
5-1 結論 79
5-1-1 單塔試驗 79
5-1-2 雙塔試驗 79
5-2 建議 81
參考文獻 82
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