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Title page for etd-0630106-143932
Spatiotemporal Distribution and Reproduction of Callionymids along the Southwestern Coastal Waters off Taiwan
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reproduction, spatiotemporal distribution, resource partitioning, coastal waters off southwestern Taiwan, Callionymidae
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本研究是針對台灣西南海域底棲優勢魚種之一的(魚銜)科魚類,進行其時空分佈及生殖的研究,以了解台灣西南沿海(魚銜)科魚類的生物學特徵及同科魚類間的資源共享情形。從2001年1月至2005年1月間,每隔1~2月在台灣西南沿海由北到南,包括茄萣(JD)、左營(ZY)、中洲(JJ)、林園(LY)、大鵬灣(DP)及枋寮(FL)等七個測站,進行水深15 m及25 m左右的底拖網採樣,總計有30航次339網次,捕獲5,846尾,包括(魚銜)亞屬8種,美尾(魚銜)亞屬6種及指鰭(魚銜)屬1種,共3屬15種。
本海域出現的(魚銜)科魚類較過去研究所發現的種類為多,且其豐度的變化有明顯的季節、測站及年間的差異。每年的3~10月間(春夏至秋初)為高豐度期。測站間呈現明顯北高南低的趨勢,以茄萣測站豐度最高。而年間的變動,則呈現高豐度的出現月別隔年便向後推移一個月的現象。前四大優勢種為扁(魚銜) (52%)、彎棘(魚銜) (28%)、處女(魚銜)(7%)及絲鰭美尾(魚銜)(6%),影響(魚銜)科魚類在此海域的時空分佈變化。
This study aims to investigate the temporal-spatial distribution and reproduction of the Callionymidae, a dominant bottom-dwelling family at southwestern Taiwan. Samples were collected once every 1~2 month from January 2001 to January 2005 at seven stations, including Jiading, Zuoying, Jhongjhou, Linyuan, Dapeng Bay, Linbian and Fangliao, along the southwestern coast of Taiwan. A total of 5,846 samples was obtained, including 3 genera and 15 species.
More species were found in this study than previous ones. The distribution of callionymids showed the significant variations in season, site and year. The highest abundance months occurred during March to October annually, with the most abundant at Jiading, then decreased in numbers southwards. Callionymus planus (52%)、Callionymus curvicornis (28%)、Callionymus virgis (7%) and Callionymus filamentosus (6%) were the top four dominant species.
The four dominant species appeared abundantly around their spawning season. C. planus, C. curvicornis and C. filamentous were serial spawners, with peaking period at March-May, November-March and February-April, respectively. Both C. planus and C. curvicornis were most abundant at Jiading, and decreased southwardly, whereas the C. virgis and C. filamentosus were most abundant at Fangliao and Zuoying, respectively.
All dominant species were revealed resource partitioning in relation to their reproductive activities. Callionymus planus that grew fast and recovered quickly among the callionymids, predominated in this area. Both C. planus and C. curvicornis showed significant reproductive isolation at the same area, both with a southward decrease in number. Calllionymus virgis separated from others and lived in the southmost site. Furthermore, C. filamentosus had a spawning period between C. planus and C. curvicornis.
目次 Table of Contents
1.1 (魚銜)科簡介------------------------------1
1.1.1 外部型態----------------------------1
1.1.2 生態環境及食性----------------------1
1.1.3 雌雄雙型----------------------------2
1.2 文獻回顧----------------------------------2
1.3 研究緣起及目的----------------------------7
2.1 採樣地點----------------------------------9
2.2 採樣方法----------------------------------9
2.2.1 底棲環境----------------------------9 水文因子---------------------9 底質因子---------------------9
2.2.2 魚類樣品---------------------------10
2.3 採樣時間及頻率---------------------------10
2.4 樣品處理流程-----------------------------11
2.4.1 組織切片流程-----------------------12
2.4.2 孕卵數的估算及卵徑測量-------------12
2.5 數據處理與分析---------------------------13
2.5.1 水文及底質-------------------------13
2.5.2 分佈-------------------------------13
2.5.3 成長-------------------------------13
2.5.4 生物指數及生殖---------------------14
3.1 環境資料---------------------------------15
3.1.1 水文-----------------------------------15
3.1.2 底質-----------------------------------16
3.2 種別鑑定---------------------------------17
3.2.1 檢索表-----------------------------17
3.2.2 雌雄雙型---------------------------18
3.2.3 體長-體重關係式之種間差異----------18
3.3 種類數-----------------------------------19
3.4 豐度-------------------------------------20
3.5 生物量-----------------------------------22
3.6 扁(魚銜)的生物學-------------------------23
3.6.1 成長-------------------------------23
3.6.2 生殖-------------------------------24
3.7 彎棘(魚銜)的生物學-----------------------29
3.7.1 成長-------------------------------29
3.7.2 生殖-------------------------------30
3.8 處女(魚銜)與絲鰭美尾(魚銜)的生物學-------33
3.8.1 成長-------------------------------33
3.8.2 生殖-------------------------------33
4.1 台灣西南海域的環境-----------------------36
4.2 台灣西南海域的(魚銜)科魚類---------------38
4.3 台灣西南海域(魚銜)科魚類的空間分佈-------40
4.4 台灣西南海域(魚銜)科魚類季節分佈的差異---42
4.5 優勢種的時空變動-------------------------44
4.6 資源共享---------------------------------49
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