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博碩士論文 etd-0630107-102724 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0630107-102724
the Foreign Policy of Koizumi:2001-2006
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Koizumi, security approaches, foreign policy, exclusive defense
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Five and half years in office, the former Japan Prime Minister, Junichiro Koizumi, has led Japan to progress toward a wholly new direction contrast to previous Japan. Domestically, financial, fiscal and administrative reforms were Koizumi regime’s primary concerns and also the core stage of Koizumi’s political performance, and those reforms did somewhat improve Japan’s lasting stagnant economic condition at all. Concerning of the legacy of Koizumi’s foreign policy, as been regarded as a fledgling in foreign affairs at the beginning, Koizumi at last shaped the current Japan to be confident as a major power in north east Asia and more capable of facing the north Korea’s threats and China’s various challenges. Moreover, Koizumi made his efforts and did upgrade the Japan-U.S. military alliance de facto. In region international affairs, Koizumi also contributed to push the economic and trading integration in east Aisa. On the global level, Koizumi’s Japan egaged in not only finance but also manpower contribution to the international society and eagerly did a lot to look for a leading political role in world politics than ever. Undoubtedly, the U.S. 911 attacks occurred in 2001 is the crucial agenda regarding the outcomes of Koizumi’s foreign policy and surely the turning point within the context of Koizumi’s foreign policy. Therefore, this paper would like to investigate“what things have been done in the Japan’s foreign policies as Koizumi in office?”within the following four periods,“Foreign Policy Review Era,”“U.S.-first Policy Era,”“International Consultation Era,”and“Post-Koizumi Era.”After the overall context of Koizumi’s foreign policies has been well realized, this paper will discuss the profound effects and impacts cuased by those outcomes of Koizumi’s foreign policy toward the three aspects of Japan domestic politics, Asia region, and the international system.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論................................................................ .........1
第一節 研究動機與目的......................................................1
第二節 研究途徑、架構與方法..........................................4
第三節 文獻探討................................................................10
第四節 研究範圍與限制....................................................17
第五節 概念界定................................................................18
第二章 國際體系轉型的衝擊............................................21
第一節 蘇聯解體與冷戰二極國際體系時代的結束 ........21
第二節 美日同盟的漂流(1993-1996) .............................26
第三節 亞洲的致命危機....................................................34
第三章 小泉外交的展開....................................................45
第一節 小泉的內政佈局....................................................45
第二節 小泉時代的日本外交............................................67
第三節 日本軍事路線的變革..........................................108
第四章 小泉外交的影響..................................................125
第一節 小泉外交對日本的影響......................................125
第二節 東亞變局中的日本..............................................135
第三節 美國霸權體系中日本的再定位..........................160
第五章 結論 ......................................................................175
附錄 一、小泉生平年表..................................................195
附錄 二、小泉首相任內外交政策重點闡述一覽表......198
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