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博碩士論文 etd-0630109-110134 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0630109-110134
Effects of Automoblie Tailpipe Emissions in the Hsuehshan Tunnel on the Air Quality of Neighboring Areas Using ADMS Model
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Air pollutants, ADMS, Mobile source, Long tunnel, Air quality model
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本研究主要應用ADMS-Roads (Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling System for Roads)解析雪山隧道內移動車輛尾氣經由出入口與豎井排放至鄰近大氣中的擴散情形,主要模擬物種為一氧化碳、氮氧化物與二氧化硫,並於2008年冬季在坪林行控中心與頭城工務段進行採樣分析,目的是評估其污染物對鄰近空氣品質之影響。經由採樣量測結果,非假日時,坪林(頭城)之一氧化碳濃度為0.49 (0.55) ppm,氮氧化物濃度為10.60 (14.83) ppb,二氧化硫濃度為4.80 (7.47) ppb;而在假日時,坪林(頭城)之一氧化碳濃度為0.66 (0.64) ppm,氮氧化物濃度為16.88 (15.12) ppb,二氧化硫濃度為4.70 (4.20) ppb。顯示假日因車潮增加,污染物濃度稍高於非假日之污染物濃度,但不顯著。
由模擬結果顯示,雪山隧道內移動車輛尾氣排放對於鄰近空氣品質影響不顯著,惟兩端出口處附近約200公尺內,一氧化碳和二氧化氮濃度偏高,甚至超過空氣品質標準。應用模式評估污染貢獻量,顯示其並非鄰近地區最主要污染物貢獻來源。由風向模擬測試結果顯示,當風向為北風(東北風)時,其對於隧道南端(北端)鄰近空氣品質影響最大。在模擬成效方面,模擬值與量測值之相關係數(R)為0.34 - 0.81,屬於中度至高度相關;且一致性指數(IOA) 0.58 - 0.77,正規化均方根誤差(NMSE)為0.03 - 0.25,模擬結果良好。本研究成果可以作為在交通尖峰時段或旅遊旺季,甚至未來加入更多車種行駛時之模擬,可供相關管理單位擬定交通管制策略。
The Hsuehshan tunnel, whose length is about 12.9 kilometers, is the longest tunnel in Taiwan and Southeast Asia. Since the tunnel is used, it reduces the traveling time from Taipei to Ilan and brings the convenience of transportation; but the vehicles and pollution sources are added. Furthermore, the concentrations of pollutants are increased by accumulation in the long tunnel.
This study estimates the effects of automobile tailpipe emissions in the Hsuehshan tunnel on the air quality of neighboring areas by using Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling System for Roads (ADMS-Roads). This work simulates carbon monoxide (CO), nitrous oxides (NOx) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) at two sites (Pin-Ling and Tou-Cheng management centers) in northern Taiwan in winter of 2008. The average concentrations of CO, NOx and SO2 at Pin-Ling (Tou-Cheng) management centers respectively are 0.49 (0.55) ppm, 10.60 (14.83) ppb and 4.80 (7.47) ppb on non-holiday and 0.66 (0.64) ppm, 16.88 (15.12) ppb and 4.70 (4.20) ppb on holiday. It shows that the concentrations of pollutants on holiday are higher than on non-holiday by increasing vehicles.
Simulated results show that effects of traffic exhaust in the tunnel on the air quality of neighboring areas are less. Estimations using the ADMS-Roads suggest that the emissions are not the predominant contributors at two sites. The effect is the highest with northern (northeastern) winds at the southern (northern) area of the Hsuehshan tunnel. Comparisons between simulations and measurements at both sites are satisfactory. Simulated values are generally in agreement with measured values, with a correlation coefficient of R = 0.37 – 0.81, the index of agreement (IOA) = 0.58 – 0.77, and the normalized mean square error (NMSE) = 0.03 – 0.25. The ADMS-Roads will be applied to assess the environmental impact while the tunnel will be allowed more types of vehicles to drive in the future.
目次 Table of Contents
謝誌……….…………………………………………………….. I
中文摘要…….………………………………………………….. II
英文摘要……….……………………………………………….. III
目錄…...………………………………………………..……...... V
表目錄…………………………………………………...…........ IX
圖目錄…………………………………………………………... XI

第一章 前言…...……………………………..……………. 1-1
1.1 研究緣起…………………………….………………... 1-1
1.2 研究目的……………….……………..…………......... 1-2

第二章 文獻回顧...…………………………………..……. 2-1
2.1 雪山隧道簡介…………………………………..…...... 2-1
2.1.1 構造及尺寸….………………………………............ 2-1
2.1.2 通風系統..………………………………………...… 2-3
2.1.3 空氣品質設計資料及標準………..…………...…… 2-3
2.1.4 車流量概況…..………………….……………..…… 2-5
2.2 雪山隧道背景資料……………..….………..………... 2-7
2.2.1 氣象資料…….…..……………….……..…………... 2-7
2.2.2 空氣品質概述…………..……….……..…………… 2-11
2.3 移動車輛尾氣排放物之特性概述……....…………… 2-14
2.4 空氣品質模式相關研究………….…..………………. 2-16
2.4.1 箱型模式……………………….…..……………….. 2-16
2.4.2 高斯模式…………………….......………………….. 2-17
2.4.3 拉格朗制與尤拉模式………...…………………….. 2-18
2.4.4 計算流體動力學模式…………...………………….. 2-18
2.4.5 ADMS模式….…………………...………………...... 2-19

第三章 研究方法...…………………………………..……. 3-1
3.1 研究架構及流程……………………...…………..…... 3-1
3.2 採樣規劃……...….………………...………………..... 3-2
3.2.1 採樣地點與頻率......…………...…………………… 3-2
3.2.2 氣象資料蒐集與量測………...…..………………… 3-4
3.2.3 隧道與豎井通風量之量測….....…………………… 3-4
3.2.4 車流量與車速調查………......……………………... 3-4
3.3 氣狀污染物之採樣及分析..…...……………………... 3-4
3.3.1 二氧化硫………………..…...……………………… 3-5
3.3.2 二氧化氮及氮氧化物…............….………………… 3-5
3.3.3一氧化碳…………………..…...……………………. 3-5
3.3.4 總碳氫化合物………………...…………………….. 3-6
3.3.5 品保與品管…………………...…………………….. 3-6
3.4 ADMS模式概述……………...……………………….. 3-9
3.4.1 模式相關參數……………...……………………….. 3-9
3.4.2 ADMS模式運作方程式………....………………...... 3-11
3.4.3 FLOWSTAR模式……………..……………………. 3-13
3.4.4 ADMS化學反應模組………...……………………... 3-14
3.4.5 模式輸入資料……………...……………………….. 3-15
3.4.6 模式評估工具……………...……………………….. 3-17

第四章 結果與討論...………………………………..……. 4-1
4.1 受體點空氣污染物分布特性……...……………..…... 4-1
4.1.1 採樣日氣象概況....…….………...………………..... 4-1
4.1.2 受體點大氣採樣濃度..………...…………………… 4-11
4.1.3 空氣污染物分布特性………...…..………………… 4-15
4.2 ADMS模式模擬…………….....……………………… 4-17
4.2.1 非假日模擬結果…………..………………………... 4-23
4.2.2 假日模擬結果………...…...………………………... 4-29
4.3 模擬成效評估…...……….…………………………… 4-35
4.4 臭氧模擬……………...........…….…………………… 4-39
4.5 貢獻量評估………...…………………………………. 4-43
4.6 風向對污染物擴散之影響…………...………………. 4-45
4.7 車流量對污染物擴散之影響……...…………………. 4-49

第五章 結論與建議…...…………………………..………. 5-1
5.1 結論…………………………………….....…………... 5-1
5.2 建議…………………….…………….....…………...... 5-3

參考文獻………..…...……………………..…..…………. 参-1
附錄A 模擬案例風場模擬結果…………………………... 附A-1
附錄B 模擬案例空氣污染物模擬結果…….…………...... 附B-1
附錄C 模擬案例O3模擬結果…………..………………… 附C-1
附錄D 作者簡歷……………...…………………………… 附D-1
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