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Power, Material Desire and Male Characters in Arden of Faversham, The Changeling, and The Duchess of Malfi
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transgression, objectified women, material desire, anxiety, power
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本論文將探討文藝復興時期的三個劇本,《法弗舍姆的阿爾登》、《調換兒》以及《孟菲女公爵》中,男性對於物質及權力的欲求。英國的封建制度自中古時期的晚期便逐漸勢微,雖然並未全部消逝,但封建式的權力形式在前現代時期便轉向中央集權,中央的權力因而變得更加穩固。以往管理自己封地的貴族為了更接近皇族,掌握權力,重心紛紛轉往倫敦。前現代時期所發展出的早期資本主義更是讓權力結構變得更加複雜。在15和16世紀時,英國對外貿易興盛,外國對於羊毛的需求大增,因此羊毛的生產以及其他各式各樣的出口產品都是當時能夠獲利的產業。再者,圈地運動改變了土地擁有的情況。除了貴族能夠獲封土地外,富有的鄉紳也能用錢來購買土地發展自己的事業。然而,財富雖然能夠讓人能夠乘著社會流動之力取得高地位,它同時也能讓人走向腐敗之路,尤其是當人們著迷於錢財所能帶出的權力時。威廉.莎士比亞曾經說過:「世界就有如一個劇場,而男人女人們均是演員」(皆大歡喜 2.7.138-9)。在文藝復興時期的劇本中,如《法弗舍姆的阿爾登》、《調換兒》以及《孟菲女公爵》,除了展現當時社會的黑暗面,每一部劇本也都反映著階級衝突以及物質欲望。許多學者都曾經討論過這三個劇本,而且多數都集中在探討女性自主權或者女性角色的意識。然而,本論文意在文藝復興的文化研究,討論三個劇本中男性角色所涉及的權力與物質欲望,以及女性在這之中如何被物化而成為犧牲者的狀況。論文第一章,介紹英國文藝復興時期所興起的早期資本主義以及社會流動的現象。如,低等階級的人們想盡辦法要提升社會地位,而高等階級的人們對於權力的無窮欲求。第二章不僅討論《法弗舍姆的阿爾登》中,對於金錢的需求,還將探討中等階級男性對於權與利的野心。再者,傅柯的權力關係思想也是本章討論的一部份。因此,關於父系社會制度與社會流動趨勢之間的衝突將會是討論重點。第三章會討論《調換兒》劇中,狄.弗羅若斯,身為費曼德羅的僕人,如何控制其女兒,碧雅翠斯,來滿足他性以及其他方面的欲求。此外,本章還會討論男人對於父系社會被挑戰之況而有的憂慮。第四章會探討《孟菲女公爵》中費迪南公爵以及主教,為了維護自身的權力,竟不惜一切想要控制身為寡婦的妹妹。論文的最後,將會總結三部文藝復興劇本的權力與物質欲望。
This thesis aims to explore men’s desire for material and power. The scope will be three English Renaissance plays, Arden of Faversham, The Changeling, and The Duchess of Malfi. From the late Middle Ages to early modern England, feudalism gradually dissolved but not entirely disappeared and the state authority grew stronger and steadier. The nobility who used to dominate their fiefdoms found London a route for them to obtain power and access to royalty. Early capitalism moreover complicated the power struggles. During the 15th and 16th centuries, England’s foreign trade started flourishing and the foreign demand for English wool soared high; thus, the wool industry, along with various export industries, became profitable. Besides, the enclosure law reveals that other than certain aristocrats who were granted to lands by the king, the wealthy could buy lands to develop their own career. Nevertheless, wealth might help people climb social ladder but might also have them become corrupted, while they are driven by the desire to obtain power. William Shakespeare once said, “All the world’s a stage / And all the men and women merely players” (As You Like It 2.7.138-9). Such dark sides of the Renaissance society were reflected in the plays, such as Arden of Faversham, The Changeling, and The Duchess of Malfi, and each of them reveals class conflict and material desire. Many scholars have chosen these plays as research sources and focus on female autonomy or explore female characters’ consciousness. However, in my thesis I would like to use cultural studies to examine three Renaissance plays. This thesis will discuss men’s desire and struggle for power, which relentless victimize those reckless and inexperienced women. In Chapter One I will introduce the development of early capitalism in English Renaissance. Besides this, this thesis examines the phenomenon in which the lower-class people tried to climb to higher ranks, and the upper class desired to own far greater power. Chapter Two discusses not only the inferior’s desire for wealth but also a middle-class man’s aspiration to obtain greater power and wealth in Arden of Faversham. Furthermore, I will lead the discussion to Foucault’s power relation in which the Power of patriarchy and individual desires becomes in conflict with each other. Chapter Three moves to The Changeling and explore Vermandero’s servant, De Flores, and his sexual desire. Eventually, he dragged down and controlled his master’s daughter, Beatrice-Joanna. Furthermore, men’s anxiety about the challenges to patriarchy will also be discussed. Chapter Four discusses how the two royal brothers, Ferdinand and the Cardinal in The Duchess of Malfi, try to manipulate their widow sister in order to maintain their power. In the conclusive part of this thesis, I discuss men’s pursuit of power and material desire.
目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
Chapter Two: Material Desires in Arden of Faversham----------------------------------------15
Chapter Three: Male Desire and Objectification of the Female-----------------------------35
Chapter Four: Male Anxiety and Perverted Desire in The Duchess of Malfi-----------54
Chapter Five: Conclusion-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73
參考文獻 References
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