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博碩士論文 etd-0701103-110218 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0701103-110218
Long-Term Monitoring and Engineering Stability Analysis of Underwater Static Target
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sidescan sonar, reef
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就人工魚礁之工程穩定性而言,颱風是影響礁體滑動或翻轉的最主要因素。經理論分析與監測驗證,本研究區內之原先堆疊礁體在研究期間曾發生翻覆現象,而其餘非堆疊礁體則無明顯的位移與沉陷情況。此外,永安人工魚礁區於礁體投放後六年,礁體與海床沉積物間的關係已達動態平衡。依礁體所在位置的不同,礁體與其周圍海床的高度落差介於0 ~ 2公尺,並無發現礁體遭受掩埋的事實。

The purpose of this study was to integrate the principle of marine geotechnical engineering, underwater acoustic and optical observation techniques into studying the distribution of seafloor sediments and engineering stability of artificial reefs off Yung-an Harbor, Kaohsiung Country, south-western part of Taiwan. The reefs were deployed to the testing site in November, 1996. The goal of this study was intended to describe the situation of reefs site and confirm whether reefs were moved and buried or not; as well as, to predict whether reefs should be deployed again in the future.

Long-term monitoring of underwater targets was conducted by using of side-scan sonar system, echo sounder, sub-bottom profiler, and underwater camera. The utility of side-scan system was to depict the topography and terrain features of seabed. The other equipments were used to complement and prove the results of side-scan sonar observations. In this study was estimated by Morison’s equation wave force against reef, calculate the scouring depth by Silvester’s experience equation (1974), and figure out the settlement of reefs by Das’s theoretical equation (1990).

The topography of Yung-an reef site is generally gentle and terrain features is monotonous. The Most textures of surficial sediments in this site were sandy silt and some gravel was distributed at south of site. According to result, sandy silt layer is above gravel layer, and the height of sandy silt layer was decreased progressively from the North to the South. The largest height of sandy silt was in set-A(about 2 meters), second one was in set-B(about 1 meters), and set-C was covered by boulder rock and gavel.

Typhoon was the major factor which causes movement and overturning of reefs. Based on theoretical analysis and long term in-situ observations on a testing site, original heaped reef was overturned among the investigated period, and there were no obvious movement and settlement status for non-heaped reefs. Besides, the relationships between reefs and seafloor sediment were arrived dynamic balance after six years. According to difference site, the total depression of reefs was estimated to be 0 to 2 meters, and no any reef was buried.

To sum up, there was no reefs had been buried and moved in set-A, set-B, and set-C on the Yung-an reef site. Furthermore, due to the ability of gathering fishes of artificial reefs, some fish groups surround with reefs. Consequently, in the view of engineering, Yung-an reef site was a suitable site for deploying reefs.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論
1-1 前言……………………………………………………………………..1
1-2 研究目的………………………………………………………………..2
1-3 前人研究與文獻回顧…………………………………………………..2
1-4 論文章節綱要說明……………………………………………………..4
第二章 研究區域概況
2-1 地理位置………………………………………………………………..7
2-2 海氣象資料……………………………………………………………..7
2-3 海底地形與海床沉積物………………………………………………..8
第三章 儀器設備與研究方法
3-1 儀器設備的介紹……………………………………………………....22
3-1-1 水下聲學儀器設備………………………………………….....22
3-1-2 水中光學儀器設備………………………………………….....22
3-1-3 側掃聲納系統概述………………………………………….....23
3-1-4 全球衛星定位系統概述………………………………………..25
3-1-5 地層剖面儀儀器概述………………………………………......25
3-1-6 單音束測深儀概述………………………………………….....26
3-1-7 淺水多音束測深儀概述……………………………………......26
3-1-8 水中光學系統概述………………………………………….....27
3-1-9 儀器設備的作業步驟與注意事項………………………….......27
3-2 水下靜態目標物之定位與定位誤差……………………………........28
3-2-1 水下靜態目標物之定位方法……………………………….......28
3-2-2 水下靜態目標物之定位誤差……………………………….......33
3-2-2-1 研究船絕對位置之誤差……………....…………….......34
3-2-2-2 拖魚與研究船相對位置之誤差………………………….34
3-2-2-3 靜態目標物與拖魚間相對位置之誤差…………………..35
3-2-2-4 聲納影像處理之誤差……………………….……….....36
3-2-3 誤差綜合說明………………………………………….............36
3-3 水下靜態目標物周圍之沖刷深度………………………...……….....36
3-3-1 季節性沖刷………………………………………….................36
3-3-2 局部性沖刷………………………………………….................37
3-3-2-1 流速與沖刷深度之關係………………………………...37
3-3-2-2 沉積物顆粒之影響……………………………………..38
3-3-2-3 遮蔽效應………………………………………….......38
3-3-2-4 波浪與海流的作用……………………………………..38
3-3-3 深水波造成之沖刷效應……………………………………......38
3-3-4 靜態目標物周圍沖刷深度之計算………………………….......38
第四章 水下靜態目標物之長期監測
4-1 永安海域人工魚礁的現況監測…………………………………........51
4-1-1 人工魚礁之探測說明……………………………………..........51
4-1-2 人工魚礁之翻覆說明……………………………………..........52
4-1-3 人工魚礁之移動說明……………………………………..........55
4-1-3-1 永安海域人工魚礁之相對位移………………………….55
4-1-3-2 永安海域人工魚礁之絕對座標……………………….....56
4-1-3-3 永安海域人工魚礁位移之綜合說明……………………..56
4-2 礫石海床範圍與礁體周圍沖刷深度之監測……………………........57
4-2-1 礫石海床範圍之探測說明……………………………….….....57
4-2-2 礁體周圍沖刷深度之監測說明………………………………...59
第五章 人工魚礁之工程穩定性分析與計算
5-1 人工魚礁之工程穩定性分析……………………………………........97
5-1-1 人工魚礁之滑動分析……………………………………..........97
5-1-1-1 波浪與海流之聯合作用力……………………………...97
5-1-1-2 水平摩擦阻力……………………………………........99
5-1-2 人工魚礁之滾動分析…………………………………..………99
5-1-3 人工魚礁之沉陷分析…………………………………………100
5-2 人工魚礁之工程穩定性計算……………………………………......101
5-2-1 相關環境條件說明……………………………………...........102
5-2-2 「堆疊礁體」之工程穩定性計算……………………………….103
5-2-3 「與海床接觸之礁體」之工程穩定性分析…………………..…104
5-2-4 人工魚礁之工程穩定性綜合說明…………………………….105
第六章 討論
6-1 水下靜態目標物之定位誤差……………………………………......113
6-1-1 研究船絕對位置之誤差…………………..………………......113
6-1-2 拖魚與研究船相對位置之誤差…………………………….....113
6-1-3 靜態目標物與拖魚間相對位置之誤差……………..…………113
6-1-4 聲納影像處理之誤差……………………………………........114
6-1-5 誤差綜合說明……………………………………...................114
6-2 礁體周圍之沖刷深度……………………………………..................114
6-2-1 儀器觀測……………………………………..........................114
6-2-2 經驗公式……………………………………..........................114
6-2-3 礁堆沖刷深度之綜合說明……………………………………115
6-3 人工魚礁之工程穩定性……………………………………..............115
6-3-1 儀器監測……………………………………..........................115
6-3-2 理論公式……………………………………..........................115
6-3-3 人工魚礁之工程穩定性綜合說明…………………………….115
第七章 結論與建議
7-1 結論……………………………………...................................... .....118
7-2 建議……………………………………..............................................119
參考文獻 References

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