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博碩士論文 etd-0701103-182305 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0701103-182305
Broadcasting Support in Mobile Ad Hoc Wireless Local Area Networks
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Date of Exam
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Reachability, Forwarding Node, Eliminate Redundancy Node, Broadcast, Dominating Set
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廣播動作在區域網路是行動站傳送封包的基礎功能。廣播主要定義為一對多的傳輸模組,在區域網路的許多資料連結協定運作都必須依賴廣播功能,如:ARP(Address Resolution Protocol)、IGMP(Internet Group Management Protocol)。在行動隨意無線網路(Mobile Ad-hoc Network, MANET)發展廣播服務演算法是一項挑戰,因行動隨意無線網路是一個多重無線連結網路,訊息的傳遞從來源端到目的端必須依照一條正確無誤的路徑,而路徑是通過多個節點連結組成。此外,行動站(mobile host)的隨機移動性使得網路拓蹼無法成為固定的,得利
用無線電頻道的廣播傳送特性,可使一個封包經由一個行動站傳送就可以讓與此行動站相鄰的所有行動站接收到此封包。所以我們計算需要幫忙轉送封包的行動站(轉送行動站transmission nodes; forwarding nodes )總數目,作為一般區域網路內廣播服務的成本消耗之量測標準。但,靜態的無線隨意網路要尋找一個最小的Forwarding nodes 數目是一個NP-complete 問題,所以幾乎所有先前研究廣播服務的工作焦點,大多執著於在靜態無線區域網路環境中,尋找接近最小Forwarding nodes 數目的近似值而非在動態無線區域網路環境中尋找。我們的此篇論文裡,提出一個新穎的分散式通訊協定機制,將區域網路形成Dominating Set (簡稱DS)架構,網路內所有行動站若不是DS 成員就是與DS 成員相鄰,行動站依我們的通訊協定機制可自我決定一個角色,分別為DS 成員,Gateway,一般成員(Normal Member)。當角色決定好後,與鄰居互相廣播自己所屬於的DS ID 資訊。當封包在區域網路傳遞時,行動站便可依通訊協定方法,判斷自己範圍內仍有Dominating Set 未收到此封包時,便決定擔任轉送廣播
封包的任務,但仍需經過優先權延遲等待傳輸封包的時機,所以我們提出的通訊協定機制可以二次剔除多餘的廣播行動站,等於節省了廣播負載。行動站之間只需交換DS ID 簡短訊息,以維護Dominating Set
架構且Dominating Set 成員之間不需是Connected Dominating Set。資料的重送可交由Dominating Set 成員完成,無需額外的封包重送負擔,進一步地達成區域網路內封包傳送的可靠性。更值得重視的,此通訊協定機制在動態隨意網路中,行動站仍可以快速決定是否擔任幫
忙廣播封包的任務,所以強調的重要特點,可以適應行動隨意網路拓蹼的改變,行動站間所依賴的資訊交流只有針對單一無線連結(single hop)的相連鄰居,為區域性的資料相互交流,以及無額外的參數資料交流行為。降低廣播通訊負擔的數據已經模擬程式測量出來,從數據結果,可得知我們提出的通訊協定方法效能不僅接近於靜態無線網路最佳化Forwarding Node 的測量值,更勝過於任何一個適應於動態無線網路之協定演算法。
Broadcasting is a fundamental primitive in local area networks (LANs).Operations of many data link protocols, for example, ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) and IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol), must rely on this LAN primitive.
To develop the broadcasting service in mobile ad hoc wireless LANs (WLANs) is a challenge. This is because a mobile ad hoc WLAN is a multi-hop wireless network in which messages may travel along several links from the source to the destination via a certain path. Additionally, there is no fixed network topology because of host moving. Furthermore, the broadcast nature of a radio channel makes a packet be transmitted by a
node to be able to reach all neighbors. Therefore, the total number of transmissions (forward nodes) is generally used as the cost criterion for broadcasting. The problem of finding the minimum number of forward nodes in a static radio network is NP-complete. Almost all previous works, therefore, for broadcasting in the WLAN are focusing on finding approximation approaches in a, rather than, environment. In this paper, we propose a novel distributed protocol in WLANs to significantly reduce or eliminate the communication overhead in addition to maintaining positions of neighboring nodes. The important features of our proposed protocol are the adaptability to dynamic network topology change and the localized and parameterless behavior. The reduction in communication
overhead for broadcasting operation is measured experimentally. From the simulation results, our protocol not only has the similar performance as the approximation approaches in the static network, but also outperforms existing ones in the adaptability to host moving.
目次 Table of Contents
第1 章導論.......................1
1.1 研究動機與簡介...............1
1.2 論文架構.....................5
第2 章相關研究...................6
2.1 Dominating Set ..............6
2.2 隨意行動網路的廣播...........7
2.3 廣播問題特徵.................7
2.4 濫傳引起的廣播風暴...........8
2.5 解決廣播風暴的機制...........8
2.6 有效地減少多餘廣播演算..... 11
第3 章隨意行動網路的廣播服務... 17
3.1 Dominating Set 的選擇...... 18
3.1.1 行動站角色的維護......... 19
3.2 剔除多餘Forwarding Node 的通訊協定................ 21
3.3 Forwarding Node 動態地自我剔除.................... 39
第4 章效能評估................. 43
4.1 模擬與結果................. 43
4.2 靜態網路拓撲的數據量測..... 43
4.3 重覆廣播的節省率(Saved Re-Broadcast, SRB)、廣播封包的
到達率(Reachability)和廣播封包的延遲時間(Latency)...... 47
4.3.1 重覆廣播的節省率(Saved Re-Broadcast, SRB) ......... 47
4.3.2 廣播封包的到達率(Reachability) .................... 49
4.3.3 廣播封包的延遲時間(Latency)........................ 51
4.4 在移動下的模擬......................................... 54
4.5 動態環境的模擬環境..................................... 54
4.6 移動環境下的重覆廣播節省率和封包到達率................. 55
第5 章結論......................... 58
參考文獻........................... 60
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