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博碩士論文 etd-0701108-150427 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0701108-150427
The Impact of Language Usage on E-negotiation Behavior: Native Language vs. Non-native Language
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non-native language, negotiation strategy, negotiation behavior, native language, electronic negotiation
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本研究是一篇探索性研究,最後提出四個命題:第一,使用母語和非母語會對電子化談判行為有影響。第二,使用母語的談判者會比較多claiming value的談判策略行為。第三,相較於非母語使用,使用母語的談判者有比較高的溝通效率及效益。第四,相較於非母語的使用,使用母語的談判者比較容易達成協議。
With the rapid growth of the Internet, more and more business conducted commercial activities electronically. It brought more and more electronic negotiations.
Electronic negotiations solve the time and space problems between negotiators, and they could raise efficiency and effectiveness of negotiation. Furthermore, world-wide Internet access and globalization have increased the amount of international negotiations conducted online. To communicate with others coming from different countries, people maybe force to use non-native language as communication tool. Language usage is an important factor in electronic negotiation.
Some studies on language usage on communication and traditional negotiation, and the findings can’t apply to the e-negotiation because of the degree of media richness has been shown to affect negotiations. E-negotiation provides the function of recording negotiation history, and the negotiation history could be used to analyze the negotiation process. This study used content analysis methodology to analyze the strategic behavior of negotiators.
This study is an exploration study, and provides four propositions: first, the language usage (native vs. non-native language) will impact e-negotiation behavior. Second, negotiators using native language employ more claiming value strategic behaviors than negotiators using non-native language. Third, compared with non-native language, negotiators will have higher communication effectiveness and efficiency when using native language in negotiation. Forth, compared with non-native language, negotiators will be easier to reach agreement when using native language in negotiation.
目次 Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction 4
1.1 Background 4
1.2 Motivation 5
1.3 Research Purpose 7
Chapter 2. Literature Review 8
2.1 Negotiation and Negotiation Support Systems 8
2.1.1 Negotiation and Communication 8
2.1.2 Structure of Negotiation Support Systems 9
2.1.3 Electronic communication 10
2.2 Language 11
2.2.1 Native language and Non-native language 12
2.2.2 Second language communication strategies 13
2.2.3 Language use in negotiation 14
2.3 Negotiation Strategies 15
2.3.1 Dual Concern Model 15
2.3.2 Negotiation strategies and communication 16
2.4 The Coding Scheme of Content Analysis in Negotiation 17
2.4.1 Strategic coding scheme 17
2.4.2 Behavioral coding scheme 18
Chapter 3. Research Model 21
3.1 Conceptual Framework 21
3.2 Coding Scheme Development 22
Chapter 4. Content Analysis 27
4.1 Data collection 27
4.2 Content Analysis Process 30
Chapter 5. Data Analysis and Result 39
5.1 Descriptive Statistics 39
5.2 Chi-square Tests 41
5.3 Discussions and Proposed Proposition 45
Chapter 6. Discussions and Conclusions 48
6.1 Empirical Findings and Applications 48
6.2 Limitation 48
6.3 Future Research 49
Reference 50
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