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Title page for etd-0701111-163847
Studies on the factors which restrict acroporids recovering in the lagoon of Dongsha Atoll
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Dongsha Atoll, lagoon, acroporids, recovery, recruitment
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1998年珊瑚大白化事件造成世界上多處珊瑚礁受損,例如東沙環礁潟湖區內的軸孔珊瑚便消失在12年前的大白化中,至今無明顯恢復跡象。本論文針對此現象,提出三個假說:缺乏入添、東沙環礁潟湖內水溫干擾軸孔珊瑚的復原或軸孔珊瑚受到掠食者威脅,解釋影響復原的主要因素。以東沙環礁潟湖區中的塊礁(Patch reef)為測站,調查礁頂(Reef top)、礁底(Reef base)、礁坡(Reef slope)及礁間(Inter-patch-reef),取得珊瑚科別分布、小珊瑚密度、珊瑚生長速率及是否有掠食者等資料;此外,於東沙島附近採集珊瑚樣本,觀察生殖腺發育,並從東沙島北方移植美麗軸孔珊瑚至潟湖內3米及9米深處。實驗結果顯示,雖然軸孔珊瑚有正常的生殖力,並於2010年在3月至5月進行配子排放,但東沙環礁潟湖中珊瑚覆蓋率僅16%(軸孔珊瑚佔其中8%),小珊瑚密度為1.5個/平方公尺(軸孔珊瑚佔其中3%),低於其他潟湖區域。在年間水溫差異上,2010年顯著高於2009年;從珊瑚生長率皆未發現顯著減緩趨勢;而移植實驗顯示經過夏季(超過30℃比例:40-64%)珊瑚仍展現高存活率。在兩年調查中,僅發現6隻棘冠海星。因此缺乏入添應是影響東沙潟湖裡軸孔珊瑚復原的最大因素。
Many coral reefs around the world were damaged during the 1998 mass bleaching event. The acroporids in the lagoon of Dongsha Atoll were eliminated during massive bleaching, and they are still not recovered. Three hypotheses were proposed to explain how the lagoon of Dongsha Atoll has not recovered during the past twelve years:1. the lack of recruitment, 2. the persistent interfering on newly recruiting acroporids by hot water, 3.the interfering on those acroporids by predators. Four types of habitats, i.e., reef tops, reef slopes, reef bases, and inter-patch-reefs were surveyed on their coral communities, densities of juvenile corals, growth rates, pests and diseases of corals. The tissue samples were collected to assess reproductive status of corals. Moreover, Acropora muricata branches were transplanted from north coast of Dongsha Island to 3 m and 9 m depths in the lagoon of Dongsha Atoll for testing suitability of the environment. The acroporids were mature, and they spawned between March and May in 2010. Live coral coverage was 16% on average; small coral densities were 1.5/m2, much lower than other lagoons. Besides, acroporid represented 8% of coral coverage and 4% of juvenile corals which are lower than those of other lagoon. Water temperatures were higher in 2010 than 2009. However, coral skeletal extension rates do not show any reign of reduction. In addition, most acroporids survived 2010 summer(sea water temperature exceeded 30℃:40-64%) in the transplantation experiment. During two years of survey, only 6 individuals Acanthaster planci. So the lack of recruits might be the bottleneck to the recovery of acroporid in Dongsha lagoon.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
謝辭 ii
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 iv
目錄 v
圖次 vi
表次 vii
第一章 前言 1
1.1 珊瑚礁 1
1.2 溫度對珊瑚的影響 2
1.3 影響東沙環礁潟湖內軸孔珊瑚復原的因素 3
貳、材料與方法 5
2.1研究地點 5
2.2珊瑚覆蓋率與小珊瑚入添 5
2.3生殖能力 6
2.4團塊型微孔珊瑚生長率 7
2.5珊瑚掠食者影響 7
2.6移植 7
2.7溫度監測 8
參、結果 9
3.1 珊瑚覆蓋率與小珊瑚入添 9
3.2 生殖 11
3.3 生長率 12
3.4 生物性因子影響 13
3.5 復原瓶頸測試(移植) 13
3.6 溫度監測 14
肆、討論 16
4.1 假說甲:缺乏入添 16
4.2 假說乙:東沙環礁潟湖內水溫干擾軸孔珊瑚復原? 19
4.3 假說丙:軸孔珊瑚受到疾病或掠食者威脅? 21
4.4 瓶頸與復育策略 23
參考文獻 24
附錄 57
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