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博碩士論文 etd-0701116-115902 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0701116-115902
Analysis of Nitrosamine formation from Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products during two-stage chlorination using Back-Propagation Neural Network
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Chlorination, Back-propagation neural network, Pre-oxidation, Drinking water treatment, N-Nitrosodimethylamine, Nitrogenous disinfection byproduct
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藥物及個人保健用品(Pharmaceuticals and personal care products,PPCPs)因於人類生活中被氾濫使用、傳統的廢水處理流程未能有效處理等原因,常存在於全球各地水體環境中,PPCPs在飲用水消毒程序中可生成如亞硝胺之新興含氮消毒副產物。亞硝胺含氮消毒副產物因具有高致癌性,受到來自包含研究領域或管理單位的極大關注。目前已知的亞硝胺前驅物有二級胺、三級胺、尿素系除草劑、PPCPs、含胺基的聚合物、NOM(Natural Oganic Matter)等。國內飲用水處理中,消毒程序多以加氯為主,前氧化程序則是以加氯或者添加臭氧等方式進行前氧化,在處理程序中可能因環境水體污染程度以及處理程序不同,衍生出不同程度亞硝胺污染。目前於PPCPs之研究上主要探討NDMA(N-Nitrosodimethylamine)的生成,以實驗室模擬為主,且多以線性回歸或生成不同階級動力曲線模型來建立亞硝胺生成之經驗公式,少見有學者利用倒傳遞類神經網路理論來建立前驅物與亞硝胺反應物生成之預測模型。
針對4種PPCPs於二階段加氯消毒流程中,在不同操作條件下影響生成NDMA情形,混凝沉澱流程影響NDMA生成之結果顯示,4種PPCPs於原水中經由前氧化程序所破壞之NDMA可能前驅物,其莫爾質量多小於1 kDa,因其質量小,較不易受到混凝過程劑之移除,而影響其NDMA生成潛勢,故於二階段加氯實驗中,混凝、沉澱之處理流程並非為影響NDMA生成之主要因素;前氧化程序影響NDMA生成之結果顯示,因前氧化階段破壞NDMA可能之前驅物,使二階段加氯之NDMA最大生成率普遍皆小於一階段加氯消毒所生成NDMA,且生成NDMA機制可能並不相同,說明於二階段加氯實驗中,前氧化程序為影響NDMA生成的重要因素之一;針對總加氯量與PPCPs濃度比影響NDMA生成,因4種PPCPs之結構差異,導致4種PPCPs之NDMA最大生成率不相同,其中NDMA生成率皆與結合餘氯有關,推測4種不同結構之PPCPs於二階段加氯反應中,4種PPCPs生成NDMA之途徑可能與氯胺反應生成NDMA之途徑相似;最後於環境中氮化物種類與劑量影響NDMA生成,4種PPCPs於二階段加氯消毒氧化流程中會因額外添加無機氮(如氨氮、亞硝酸鹽或硝酸鹽)種類與劑量等因子影響NDMA生成,其中氨氮之加入對NDMA生成之影響最為顯著,4種PPCPs之NDMA生成量隨著額外添加氨氮濃度增加而增加,於亞硝酸鹽與硝酸鹽影響4種PPCPs之NDMA生成,因四種PPCPs化學結構上差異,使得反應後NDMA生成率不盡相同,其中Nizatidine於額外添加高、低濃度之亞硝酸鹽與硝酸鹽反應下並不會生成NDMA。
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), which are commonly abused in human activities and less effectively treated by conventional wastewater treatment technologies, are often found in aquatic environments worldwide. PPCPs are known to form nitrogenous disinfection byproducts such as n-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in nitrosamines during disinfection. Due to high carcinogenicity, nitrosamines are of wide concern in the research and practical management fields. The well-known NDMA precursors include secondary and tertiary amines, urea-based herbicide, PPCPs, amine-containing polymers, and natural organic matter (NOM). Free chlorine and ozone are two oxidants widely used during peroxidation or post-disinfection. Different levels of NDMA pollution may result by reactions of oxidant and potential precursors, as the reactions were typically simulated by laboratory experiments and explained by multiple linear or non-linear regressions or empirical models. The objective of this study was to investigate the NDMA formation from four PPCPs including ranitidine, nizatidine, chlorpheniramine, and doxylamine during two-stage chlorination, as the NDMA formation was analyzed and predicted by using the back-propagation neural network First, lab-scale two-stage chlorination experiments were conducted to study the effects of coagulation and sedimentation, peroxidation dosage, presence of inorganic nitrogen, namely nitrite, nitrate and ammonia, on NDMA formation from PPCPs. Next, the results from the early studies that discussed the optimal strategy of coagulation to remove turbidity and the formation of NDMA from herbicides in drinking water treatment processes were employed to establish and assess the applicability of the back-propagation neural network theory. Finally, the results of the two-stage chlorination simulation were analyzed by the back-propagation neural network theory, as the model was used to predict the scenarios not covered by the lab experiments.
The effect of coagulation and sedimentation on the NDMA formation from PPCPs was negligible. The NDMA formation in the two-stage chlorination simulation was lower than those in the one-stage chlorination simulation, showing the effect of preoxidation. For the effect of molar ratio of total chlorine to PPCPs concentrations, the NDMA formation was significantly enhanced at specific ratios. Given the observations, the pathways of NDMA formation from four PPCPs were proposed and associated with the chemical structures of PPCPs. The presences of excess nitrogen sources enhanced the NDMA formation, with ammonia being the most important species. Different structures of PPCPs affected their NDMA formation ratios during two-stage chlorination with the addition of nitrite and nitrate. By using the back-propagation neural network theory to fit the data from the early studies that discussed the optimal strategy of coagulation to remove turbidity and the formation of NDMA from herbicides in drinking water treatment processes, increasing the size of the input data elevated the precision of model prediction. Without determining the initial values of the input data improved the model prediction. Normalization with defined maximum for the input parameters reduced prediction errors. Using the average of the neuron numbers of input and output layer as the number of neuron in hidden layer also increased the accuracy of model prediction. By using the established model to predict the NDMA formation from four PPCPs during two-stage chlorination, NDMA formation was lower when mixed PPCPs were present. NDMA formation decreased and reached an apparent plateau as pre-oxidation dose continuously increased. Ranitidine was the most important PPCPs to form NDMA, as increasing chlorine dose during pre-oxidation failed to effectively inhibit the NDMA formation. It was suggested that the removal of PPCPs and inorganic nitrogen during pre-oxidation and supply of sufficient chlorine could be the more effective approach to inhibit the NDMA formation from PPCPs.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract v
目錄 viii
圖目錄 xii
表目錄 xv
第一章 前言 1
1.1研究緣起 1
1.2研究目的 4
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1亞硝胺類化合物 8
2.1.1亞硝胺類化合物之物化特性 9
2.1.2亞硝胺類化合物之危害性與相關規範 11
2.2 亞硝胺類化合物之生成機制 13
2.2.1 氯胺化生成亞硝胺 13
2.2.2 臭氧生成亞硝胺 15
2.2.3 氯化(Chlorination)生成亞硝胺 17
2.3 亞硝胺類化合物前驅物 19
2.3.1 胺類化合物(Amines) 19
2.3.2 尿素系除草劑(phenylurea herbicide) 20
2.3.3 藥品與個人保健用品 20
2.4 亞硝胺類化合物與其前驅物之去除 22
2.4.1 混凝沉澱過濾 22
2.4.2 活性碳或生物活性碳吸附亞硝胺前驅物 23
2.4.3 前氧化去除亞硝胺前驅物 23
2.4.4 紫外光去除亞硝胺: 24
2.4.5 氯胺應用方式改變 24
2.4.6 生物降解 25
2.5 亞硝胺類化合物之污染分布 25
2.5.1國內淨水廠中亞硝胺濃度 26
2.5.2 國外淨水廠亞硝胺濃度 26
2.6 倒傳遞類神經網路理論介紹 27
2.6.1 倒傳遞類神經網路架構 28
2.6.2 倒傳遞類神經網路運作過程 30
2.6.3 倒傳遞類神經網路演算法 31
2.6.4 倒傳遞類神經網路理論之參數決定 36
2.6.5 倒傳遞類神經網路理論之使用成功案例 39
第三章 研究方法 40
3.1研究架構 40
3.2實驗材料與設備 44
3.3 實驗方法 48
3.3.1瓶杯試驗實驗 48
3.3.2苯脲系除草劑消毒模擬實驗 49
3.3.3 二階段加氯消毒模擬實驗 50
3.3.4 亞硝胺類化合物樣品分析前處理 52
3.3.5 亞硝胺類化合物樣品分析 54
3.3.6 水質參數量測 55
3.3.7 總有效餘氯及自由餘氯測定方法 56
3.4 倒傳遞類神經網路理論模擬預測之測試 56
3.4.1學習數據量之影響測試 58
3.4.2 學習數據中初始值設定之影響測試 59
3.4.3學習數據中正規化最大值之影響測試 60
3.4.4 隱藏層內神經元數量之影響測試 62
3.5 二階段加氯實驗模擬預測 63
3.5.1 數據庫建立 64
3.5.2數值正規化 64
3.5.3數據庫學習 65
3.5.4數據庫回想及情境預測 65
3.6統計分析 68
3.6.1相關性分析 68
3.6.2 單因子變異數分析 69
第四章 結果與討論 71
4.1二階段加氯模擬實驗 71
4.1.1混凝沉澱流程影響NDMA生成 71
4.1.2前氧化程序影響NDMA生成 74
4.1.3總加氯量與PPCPs濃度比影響NDMA生成 76
4.1.4環境中額外氮源種類與劑量影響NDMA生成 81
4.1.5 PPCPs於二階段加氯消毒中生成NDMA途徑 85
4.2 倒傳遞類神經網路理論之驗證測試 88
4.2.1 學習數據量之影響 88
4.2.2學習數據中初始值設定之影響 93
4.2.3 學習數據中正規化其最大值設定之影響 96
4.2.4 隱藏層內神經元神數目之影響 97
4.3 二階段加氯模擬實驗之情境預測 103
4.3.1情境一預測 106
4.3.2情境二預測 108
4.3.3情境三預測 109
4.3.4情境四預測 111
4.3.5情境五預測 112
4.3.6情境六預測 113
4.3.7有效控管NDMA生成 116
第五章 結論與建議 121
5.1結論 121
5.2建議 123
參考文獻 126
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