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博碩士論文 etd-0702107-140828 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0702107-140828
Modeling biomass and nutrient dynamics in seagrass meadows (Thalassia hemprichii)
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intertidal zone, typhoon, northeast monsoon, seagrass, epiphyte, ecological model
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本研究模擬地點位於台灣南部恆春半島的南灣,此區主要的海草種類為泰來草 (Thalassia hemprichii) 。台灣南部地區位於熱帶區域,氣溫變化不大,再加上黑潮支流的影響,該區的水溫變動並不明顯,約介於24 (℃) 至30 (℃) 之間。東北季風是該區另一項氣候特徵,從10月到隔年4月間較盛,此期間內強勁的風速,使得暴露於空氣中的海草乾枯。此外,台灣南部地區乾、濕季的影響非常明顯,乾季界於11月至隔年4月,5月至10月為雨季,主要來源為西南季風所帶來的降雨,尤其每年夏天常受颱風影響,其遽增的風速造成水體擾動,不僅使生物死亡率增加,也造成沉積物的擾動。南灣海草床生長區域屬於半封閉式潮池,該區海草族群在低潮時會暴露於空氣中,相較於鄰近區域的海草床,南灣海草暴露於空氣中之時間較長。位於潮間帶高位的海草季節性變化明顯,其生物量夏季較冬季高,而低位及潮池中的海草並未呈現明顯的季節變化。本研究即針對上述的季節變化條件,再加上特殊的氣候因素,進行案例模擬及分析。
經由模擬結果與實測資料的比對,季節上的變動趨勢大致吻合,不論高位區海草 (受暴露乾燥影響) 或是低位區海草 (不受暴露乾燥影響) ,海草生物量 (包括地上生物量、地下生物量、植株數目等項) 於夏季會出現最大值,冬季出現最小值,而颱風的影響會造成夏季生物量驟減。R/S値 (地下生物量除以地上生物量) 則是冬季大於夏季,且夏季內部氮的傳輸會大於冬季,此種現象是因為夏季生長速率較大,所以由根部提供的營養鹽也較多,相較之下,冬季的地下生物量不需為地上生物量的生長提供那麼多的營養鹽,因此R/S値最大值出現在冬天。附生藻生物量的變化,則是於夏季達到最大值,於冬季出現最小值,此現象主要是受到水體營養鹽濃度影響所造成。
This study refers to developed ecological model abroad, and established the seagrass model with MATLAB compiler. I also took the seagrass meadows in south Taiwan-Nanwan for my studying case, and simulated the dynamic effect of seagrass and epiphyte biomass, as well as nutrient, and attempted to go on probing into the cause with northeast monsoon and typhoon.
The simulating site of this study was Nanwan, which is located at Hengchun Peninsula, the southern tip of Taiwan. The dominant species in this area is Thalassia hemprichii. South Taiwan is situated at a tropical climate, and the variation of air temperature is small. Additionally, Kurshio embranchment cause the variation of water temperature smaller, about 24 (℃) to 30 (℃).The northeastern monsoonal winds, formed downhill winds, are extremely forceful from October to April, so the wind speed is greater during this period than the rest of the year. In South Taiwan, dry-wet season is clearly. The dry season is from November to April, and the wet season is from May to October. The main rainfall comes from southwest monsoon, especially summer typhoon (June to September). The wind speed is raised abruptly by typhoon and makes water agitate, which not only cause the mortality raising but also the sediment turbulence. By Lin’s research (2005), the growing area of seagrass meadow in Nanwan is a half-closed tidal pool where human makes huge effect and there is a lot of drainage of house and inn sewage. Furthermore, these seagrasses in Nanwan would be exposed to air during the period of poor tide and the emerged period is the longest of these three areas -Nanwan, Dakwan and Wanliton. The seasonal dynamic of seagrass, which is located in the high site of intertidal zone, is obvious, and the biomass is larger in summer than in winter; but that is not obvious in the low site and tidal pool. By the seasonal condition and some specially climate condition mentioned above, the analysis of simulate cases would be go on.
Comparing of the modeling result and real measurement, the seasonal changing situation mostly match up. No matter high site (emerged and dried) or low site, there is the maximum of seagrass biomass (including above ground, below ground, or shoot density) in summer, and the minimum in winter. Typhoon causes the biomass losing abruptly in summer. R/S ratio (below-ground biomass division above-ground biomass) is bigger in winter than in summer. On one hand the inside nitrogen redistribution is larger in summer, because the larger growth rate occurs in summer, and the more nutrient is supplied from roots, on the other the redistribution is smaller in winter cause the less nutrient is supplied from roots. Epiphyte biomass has the maximum in summer, when the nutrient concentration of water is larger.
In the section of the difference between low and high site seagrass, it is apparent that the high site seagrass would be exposed to air and dried by northeast monsoon. Although typhoon comes up, its influence is not so strong as northeast monsoon at high site. The maximum biomass still occurs in summer, and it is presumed that the living environment of high site seagrass is with more pressure by nature. The above-ground biomass of high site seagrass is smaller than low site, but the below-ground biomass is much lager at high site. Besides, shoot density is larger at high site. The biomass of epiphyte is larger at low site just opposite to shoot density. It is supposed that high site seagrass is emerged to air and limited by environment factors so above-ground biomass would be reduced and store up the sustenance to below-ground biomass. It is conjectured that the main factor with shoot density is affected by light density and below-ground biomass. In shallow water, the seagrass at high site could accept more light energy, moreover the below-ground biomass is sufficient and the recruitment rate is large, thus there are more shoots at high site. Epiphytes are also limited by water depth and wind, and the biomass of epiphyte at high site is smaller than at low site.
目次 Table of Contents
誌謝 I
摘要 II
目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X

第一章 序論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究方法 3
1.4 研究架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 近岸動力學與海草床間交互作用 5
2.1.1 海草床對水動力的影響 5
2.1.2 水動力對海草床生態的影響 6
2.2 海草與底質沈積物環境 8
2.2.1 沈降與懸浮 8
2.2.2 底層的生化反應 10
2.3 環境對海草生理作用的影響 11
2.3.1 光 11
2.3.2 風 12
2.3.3 溫度 13
2.3.4 鹽度 13
2.4 附生藻與海草生態系統的影響 15
2.4.1 營養鹽 15
2.4.2 可利用光 16
2.5 生態模式與海草模式發展 17
第三章 海草生態模式 20
3.1 模式簡介 20
3.2 水質模組 24
3.2.1 水層環境 25
3.2.2 底層環境 29
3.3 生態模組 34
3.3.1 海草 36
3.3.2 附生藻 39
3.4 海草模組測試 39
3.4.1 光照度測試 39
3.4.2 參數敏感度分析 39
第四章 生態模式之應用 39
4.1 南灣環境背景介紹 39
4.2 模式輸入數據 39
4.3 使用參數 39
4.4 案例模擬 39
4.4.1 案例A 39
4.4.2 案例B 39
4.4.3 案例C 39
4.4.4 案例D 39
4.5 案例模擬結果分析 39
第五章 結論與建議 39
5.1 結論 39
5.2 未來研究及建議 39
參考文獻 39
附錄 A 公式表 39
附錄 B 參數表 39
附錄 C 敏感度分析 39
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