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Title page for etd-0702109-130508
The impact of Transaction and Partnership Characteristics on Interorganization System Integration in Manufacturer-supplier Dyads
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partnership, IOS, collaborative commerce, integration, transaction
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現今產業競爭激烈,從以往的單打獨鬥進入到供應鏈對供應鏈的戰爭,跨組織資訊系統(Interorganizational system,IOS)便是串聯供應鏈中製造商與供應商的重要工具,供應鏈管理之所以受到重視,主要是因為越來越多人體認到供應鏈才是企業進行競爭分析時的核心單元。
近年來企業間電子商務新興的課題:跨組織資訊系統,就是連結幾個不同組織的資訊系統,以往的研究皆著重於探討跨組織系統的採用與使用,分別從科技、組織、環境(TOE架構)等方面來探討電子化資料交換 (electronic data interchange, EDI)的使用,在今日網際網路技術發達,跨組織資訊系統也從解決日常作業的工具進化到協同商務(Collaborative Commerce)的工具,所以整合成為一個重要的議題;另外,現今科技網路發達,以往較重視區域經濟,廠商只需維持固定的供應鏈關係,而今必須因應瞬息萬變的國際情勢,針對新的市場與競爭提出新的方案,所以跨組織資訊系統的角色也由操作的效率進到協同合作的工具,效率的改進是針對本身競爭力,而協同合作必須考慮到雙方面臨問題時的反應,所以本文從雙方為主體(dyad-centric)出發的觀點,討論影響跨組織資訊系統整合的因素。
Nowadays, given the high pressure caused by severe competition, establishing a more efficient supply-chain management has become an essential competitive strategy for many manufacturing firms. The inter-organizational systems (IOS) are considered to be the most important instrument that can link manufacturers and suppliers in the supply chain. Thus, supply chain management has become more valuable as more and more people realize that it is the supply chain that is critical when analyzing a company’s advantage competence.
Nowadays, business to business (B2B) commerce is the new subject in e-commerce: IOS are the systems that link several different organizations. In the past, the researchers not only discuss IOS adoption and use from the perspectives of technology, organization and environment. Now, however, they also evaluate factors which impact on the adoption of electronic data interchange (EDI) systems. Because the Internet expands, the role of IOS moves from being merely an operational tool to becoming a collaborative commercial instrument. Thus, integration has become a critical issue. On the other hand, firms have to address the variable environment more than ever, because they not only maintain the fixed supply chain components but also link up with the global market. The role of IOS has progressed from being concerned only with operational efficiency to becoming a collaborative tactical tool. This study emphasizes two major dimensions: transaction and partnership, as the main factors which affect IOS integration in manufacturer-supplier dyads.
Based on a survey of Taiwanese electronics firms, our results show that based on the context of transactions and partnerships, there are five critical factors that have a positive significant effect on IOS integration, that is, the complexity of components, component criticality, trust, supplier dependence and supplier investments. Market variables have negative significant effects on IOS integration. The uncertainty of demand is the only factor that has an insignificant effect on IOS integration. In this study, partnership characteristics are more important than transaction ones. Keeping collaborative relationship will improve the depth of IOS integration.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與內容 3
第三節 研究流程 4
第五節 論文結構 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 跨組織文獻整理 7
一、跨組織協調 7
二、跨組織資訊系統 8
三、跨組織資訊系統整合 11
第二節 理論探討 13
第三節 論文架構探討 15
一、零組件特徵 15
二、夥伴關係特徵 18
三、控制變數 19
四、跨組織資訊系統整合 20
第三章 研究設計 22
第一節 研究架構 22
第二節 量表發展 23
一、零組件複雜性 23
二、需求不確定性 23
三、零組件關鍵性 24
四、市場變動性 24
五、信任 24
六、供應商依賴性 24
七、供應商投資 25
八、跨組織資訊系統整合 25
第三節 研究步驟 30
一、企業訪談與量表翻譯 30
二、抽樣與分析方法 31
三、研究對象 32
第四章 統計分析 33
第一節 研究問卷發放與回收情況 33
第二節 敘述統計分析 34
第三節 信度與效度檢測 37
一、項目信度 37
二、收斂效度 38
三、區別效度 39
第四節 模式檢驗 40
第五章 研究結果討論 44
第一節 研究結果分析與討論 44
一、零組件複雜性對跨組織資訊系統的影響 44
二、需求不確定性對跨組織資訊系統的影響 46
三、零組件關鍵性對跨組織資訊系統的影響 48
四、市場變動性對跨組織資訊系統的影響 49
五、信任對跨組織資訊系統的影響 50
六、供應商依賴性對跨組織資訊系統的影響 51
七、供應商投資對跨組織資訊系統的影響 52
八、供應商公司規模對跨組織資訊系統的影響 52
第二節 實務建議 53
第三節 研究貢獻與意涵 54
第六章 結論與建議 56
第一節 結論 56
第二節 研究限制 56
第三節 未來研究建議 57
參考文獻 59
附錄 68
附錄一:整體模式之探索性因素分析 68
附錄二:問卷題目 69
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