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Title page for etd-0703100-003948
Sexual Projection in William Carlos Williams's Poetry
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American poetry, sexual projection, William Carlos Williams, nature, little girl, woman
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本文主要探討美國現代詩人威廉•卡洛斯•威廉斯詩中的情慾投射。 首章先就威廉斯其對立的內在與矛盾之性格予以分析。 詩人於其自傳中指出自己生命?堙A有一永遠無法被人解開的"秘密核心"。 另一方面,在其詩作中似乎透露出詩人內在壓抑的強烈慾望與情慾傾向。 因此,就這兩者間的關連性加以討論。
從第二至第四章,試著證明威廉斯在詩的世界?塈鋮鴗@個發洩壓抑情慾的出口。 特別是他早期詩作,即寫於1909至1939年間的作品當中,除了融入高度自傳性題材,並呈現出威廉斯將其受壓抑的慾望分別投射於自然、女人或女童等意像中。 在威廉斯的 "漩渦" 這篇論文中,詩人主張他有權利將任何物件甚或是整個世界作為其表達自我的媒介。 以此文章內容為架構,討論威廉斯描寫自然的作品。 女性意像在威廉斯的詩作中是相當重要的主題。 在探討威廉斯關於女人及小女孩的詩作有兩個主要的重心: 首先,討論詩人如何建構其詩中女性之情慾表現乃為其天性,並藉以掩飾自己的慾望投射;其次,分析詩人如何先行解構其詩中小女孩所獨有的純真,進而暗示她們潛伏的性慾,企圖為其成人之性偏差行為辯護。
結論將威廉斯與其他當代詩人做一簡短比較,以肯定威廉斯詩中獨特之情慾特色。 總而言之,威廉斯內在強烈壓抑的慾望為其創作之重要原動力。
The thesis commences an examination of Williams's divided nature and conflicted personality. The connection between the "hidden core" of Williams's life claimed in the Autobiography and his repressed sexual desire as divulged in his poetry is primarily concerned.
From Chapter Two to Chapter Four, I attempt to demonstrate that Williams, in the poetic world, finds an outlet to release the suppression of his desire. Especially in his earlier poetry imbued with the poet's highly autobiographical elements, written from 1909 to1939, Williams projects his repressed sexual desire unto the images of nature, woman and little girl. In an essay "Vortex," Williams argues that he is entitled to take any object or even the entire world as a vehicle for self-expression. I employ this argument for approaching Williams's nature poems. The image of female can be deemed as one of the cardinal subjects in Williams's poetry. In exploring Williams's poems about women and little girls, I have two main concerns: first, I examine how he constructs the sexy nature of varied women to dissimulate his erotic nature and projection; second, I inspect how he deconstructs the innocence of little girls so as to exonerate his adult sexual deviation.
The thesis concludes with a brief comparison between Williams and some contemporary poets for affirming the uniqueness of his sensual and even erotic nature as a Modernist poet. In a word, Williams is inspired to write poetry by the strong impulse of his repressed sexual desire.
目次 Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Chapter One
Williams and Autobiography:
The Repressed Desire--------------------------------9

Chapter Two
The Emerging Energy or Desire:
Nature in Williams's Poems,1909-1921-----------35

Chapter Three
The Projection of Desire:
Woman in Williams's Poems,1921-1939--------57

Chapter Four
The Projection of Desire:
Little Girl in Williams's Poems,1921-1939--------81



Works Cited------------------------------------------------119

參考文獻 References

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