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博碩士論文 etd-0703119-100009 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0703119-100009
Research on The Development of Vietnamese Labor Export Industry in Taiwan
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
SWOT 分析、台灣仲介公司、越南仲介公司、勞務輸出業、越南外籍勞工
labor export industry, Vietnamese agents, Taiwan agents, SWOT analysis, Vietnamese foreign workers
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關鍵詞:越南外籍勞工、台灣仲介公司、越南仲介公司、勞務輸出業,SWOT 分析。
This paper cuts through the international background of multinational labor. In response to the current problem of Taiwan's declining birthrate and manpower shortage, qualitative discourse interviews are used to explore the development of Vietnam's labor export industry in Taiwan, and to study what factors will affect the development of Vietnamese labor export and The Vietnamese labor export is currently in Taiwan. Finally, based on relevant research findings, the policy recommendations are proposed to the foreign labor intermediaries to promote the development of Vietnamese labor export.
The study found that: First, Taiwan’s current shortage of workers in the traditional industry is very serious. Most of the Taiwanese intermediaries are legally charged for foreign workers, and Taiwan’s legal management is very strict. Many channels are set up to assist foreign workers. At present, most of the foreign workers in Taiwan and Taiwan are concentrated in factory workers and maintenance institutions.
Second, Vietnam’s young population and abundant human resources will solve the problem of manpower shortages that Taiwan needs now. The Vietnamese intermediary industry is currently in a boom period. However, there is still a problem that the intermediary fee is too high. The Vietnamese government has not set a standard for labor export standards, which has led many illegal Vietnamese intermediaries to deceive labor. The intermediary industry chief is called the word "Niu Tau", which affects the reputation of legal agents.
Third, Vietnamese foreign workers usually choose to export labor services to work in Taiwan for family background factors. Compared with other countries, the mediator fee is the highest, but in order to make money, they choose Taiwan to work. The lack of language makes misunderstandings in communication, and there is no reason for foreign workers to choose the highest escape from overtime.
Research suggestion: The Vietnamese government cooperates with the Taiwan government to issue mechanisms and policies to support labor export enterprises and laborers in the Taiwan market, set clear labor export costs, and reduce labor export costs. Intermediaries should enhance the reputation of labor export enterprises, strengthen training, and improve Labor standards and corporate organization management.

Keywords: Vietnamese foreign workers, Taiwan agents, Vietnamese agents, labor export industry, SWOT analysis.
目次 Table of Contents
國立中山大學博碩士論文公開授權書 i
誌 謝 ii
摘 要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與研究目的 1
第二節 研究方法 3
第三節 研究架構與章節安排 3
第四節 研究範圍 4
第二章 文獻回顧 6
第三章 越南勞務輸出業的發展歷史與評述 12
第一節 世界勞務輸出發展史之回顧 12
第二節 越南勞務輸出發展的歷史評述 22
第三節 現階段越南勞務輸出國外的概況 38
第四節 越南勞務輸出業發展的優缺點分析 41
第四章 越南勞動力出口至台灣狀況之分析 44
第一節 越南勞動力在台灣的狀況 44
第二節 越南勞務輸出至台灣之爭議 50
第三節 越南以及台灣外勞仲介業結構流程分析 54
第五章 越南勞務輸出至台灣的SWOT分析 84
第一節 訪談 84
第二節 SWOT分析 93
第六章 結論與建議 124
第一節 結論 124
第二節 建議 127
參考文獻 131
附錄 136
附錄一、台灣人力仲介成立流程 136
附錄二、訪談同意書 137
附錄三、訪談記錄表 138
附錄四、深度訪談大綱內容 139
參考文獻 References
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