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Title page for etd-0705104-155101
影響組織掌握創業契機能力之研究 — 以社會資本理論來探討
Affecting Factors of the Abilities of Organization Entrepreneurship — Based on Social Capital Theory
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Intellectual Capital, Entrepreneurship Opportunity, Social Capital, Knowledge Management
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本研究主要藉由Nahapiet & Ghoshal(1998)所提出之組織社會資本架構,從三個不同構面來探討組織所擁有的社會資本架構如何影響其創業契機的發現、創造、評估和利用,這三個構面包括(1)結構構面:包含網路連結度與網路組態 (2)認知構面:包含共享的語言、符號與故事 (3)關係構面:包含信任、規範、義務感與認同感。另外本研究認為組織除了經由廣大的人脈關係網路可快速有效的擷取新資訊與知識外,其本身對於新知識的學習能力,以及過去所累積的相關知識基礎,亦會影響其精確掌握契機的能力,因此本研究在模式中加入吸收能力理論(Cohen & Levinthal, 1990)及現有知識基礎兩個變數,以便共同探討影響組織契機掌握能力之不同因子。
Besides the three traditional ICs(Intellectual Capital) including Human Capital, Structural Capital and Customer Capital, Social Capital(SC) has been recognized as a forth critical IC of an organization in the network economy. In the 21st century, various kinds of collaborations among organizations such as strategic alliance or virtual organization play a major role in the global competition marketplace; no one can do their business alone. Therefore, only an inter-organizational collaborative team with strong relationships and network ties among the members can more efficiently and effectively discover, evaluate and exploit the emerging entrepreneurial opportunities. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of a firm’s social capital on its capabilities to discover, evaluate and exploit the entrepreneurial opportunities.
Three dimensions of a firm’s social capital are canalized. (Nahapiet & Ghoshal, 1998) (1)structural dimension: includes network ties and network configurations (2)cognitive dimension: includes shared codes, languages and narratives (3)relational dimension: includes trust, norm, obligations, and identifications. Moreover, since a firm’s absorptive capability of new knowledge and its past related knowledge base also influence the effectiveness of its exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunity, Absorptive Capability Theory (Cohen & Levinthal, 1990) and current knowledge base of a firm are also used as two variables in the research model to increase the integrity of the model.
An empirical survey methodology is applied to test the research model and hypotheses proposed in this study. Five out of nine hypotheses are validated in our research model with Path Analysis. The research result reveals that the structural dimension of a firm’s social capital has the most impact on its abilities of entrepreneurial opportunities; on the other hand, a firm’s absorptive capability of knowledge is affected by the structural and relational dimensions of social capital. Furthermore, the result validates that both absorptive capability and the abilities of entrepreneurial opportunities of a firm exhibit significant path dependency. This result will be useful to both the academic and business particularly in its advocacy of the cultivation of the structural dimension of a firm’s social capital.
目次 Table of Contents
第壹章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機
第二節 研究目的
第三節 研究流程

第貳章 文獻探討
第一節 組織掌握創業契機的能力
第二節 社會資本理論
第三節 吸收能力理論與路徑相依

第參章 研究模式與研究方法
第一節 研究模式
第二節 研究假說
第三節 研究變數定義
第四節 研究設計方法

第肆章 資料分析結果
第一節 問卷回收與樣本特徵
第二節 效度與信度檢驗
第三節 研究假說檢定
第四節 組織變數之統計分析
第五節 總結:研究發現

第伍章 結論與建議
第一節 結論
第二節 建議
第三節 研究貢獻與研究限制


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