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博碩士論文 etd-0705104-165027 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0705104-165027
Analyse Crisis Managemnet by Systems Thinkng Approach:Take Bhopal accident as example.
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Systems Thinking, Learning Organization, Systems Dynamics, Crisis Managemnet
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5718 times, has been downloaded 3862 times.
3.學習型組織中的五項修練,都有可能使組織變的更加健康,不容易產 生在本研究個案中所產生的困境,避免決策者或組織受到錯誤的心智模式所綑綁,而做出未來會產生危機的決策行為。
This study is according to the assumption of Systems dynamics approach to discuss the definitions of crisis management theory, and believes that there is not only crisis that happened naturally or simply created by human error, but also self-formed crisis by decision maker: Crisis comes from a decision which was right at that time. After complex interaction in the organization structure, this decision could turn into a serious crisis. If we can find out which decision would created crisis like that, or change the wrong structure, manager could put more effort on those crisis that could not be predict, and release the resource burden of management.
The conclusions of this study are presented as follows:
1. This study divides crisis into two categories: Crisis that formed gradually and accident. The former could be solved by systematic view.
2. Form the history of studied case, we found that if decision maker didn’t think about what side effect might have in the future, it could trigger some of reinforce loops and cause the crisis. And the reason of why they make the wrong decision is caused by the mental models of what could be right.
3. Each of the Fifth disciplines of learning organization could make the organizations more healthy, it could have chance to avoid all the troubles in this case study, and keep the decision makers and members of organization from making wrong decision according to their mental models.
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參考文獻 References
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