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博碩士論文 etd-0707118-093918 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0707118-093918
Pushing You On or Holding You Back? How does Career Capital and Job Satisfaction Shape The Career Orientations of Working Holiday Makers
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Career Orientation, Career, Job Satisfaction, Capital, Working Holiday
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From the theory of sustainable career, we know that there is a formal and informal working period in the current. However, in the past, career research rarely talked about informal work. This paper study the impact of informal work experience on the career orientation of workers. The working holiday program of Taiwan, which is popular in Taiwan in recent years, was studied during the informal work period. Working holiday maker can choice work or break and don’t have a fixed career when they work overseas. Therefore, they are regarded as an informal working period. At present, the number of working holiday maker in Taiwan has accumulated more than 200,000. This shows that the informal work period has become a new choice for careers. If we do not fill in the gaps in the informal work period, we will miss of career theory. We explored the experience of the informal work of Taiwan young people who chose to leave Taiwan and working holiday in overseas and then return to Taiwan. This article attempts to find out the reasons for the impact of working holiday experience on the career orientation of young people in Taiwan from job satisfaction and economic, cultural, and social capital.
The qualitative research of this thesis is to understand the history of their working holiday experience by visiting 20 Working Holiday makers. They chose to go to Working Holiday because of the dissatisfaction with job and salary, coupled with the lack of economic capital and the influence of their social capital. Although they are engaged in hard work in New Zealand and Australia, they meet friends who from different countries. In addition, the salary can accumulate their own economic capital, while they influenced by New Zealand and Australia culture,
they develop the foreign language and build the outlook of global, while the environment gradually affects the concept and attitude of working holiday makers, and also makes them more aware of themselves. After returning to Taiwan, working holiday maker influence the career orientation because of the support of economy, culture and social capital. Although the capital does not necessarily enable them to get a good job, this overseas journey allows them to gradually understand their own career preferences and career orientation and find a career that suits themselves.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 打工度假的現況 4
第二章 文獻探討 9
2.1 工作滿意度 10
2.2 資本 12
(一)經濟資本 13
(二)文化資本 14
(三)社會資本 15
第三章 研究資料與方法 18
第四章 打工度假的歷程 21
4.1 再見台灣 21
(一)台灣的職場環境 22
(二)打工度假的動機 26
4.2 在大洋洲的日子 31
(一)紐澳打工度假的工作體驗 32
(二)紐澳打工度假的生活體驗 42
4.3 全新的開始 46
(一)自我成長 46
(二)返台後的工作歷程 50
第五章 打工度假對職涯的影響 56
5.1追求工作與生活的平衡 56
5.2勇於嘗試的態度 62
第六章 結論 68
6.1研究限制與建議 74
參考文獻 77
附錄一 訪談問題 87
附錄二 受訪者資料 88

圖 1 台灣人獲得澳洲打工度假簽證人數 6
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