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博碩士論文 etd-0708111-011659 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0708111-011659
東協與中國競合的政經分析--- 機會或威脅
The Political Economy of ASEAN-China Relations on Competition and Cooperation ---Threat or Opportunity
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ASEAN and China Free Trade Area, ASEAN Regional Forum, ASEAN and China Free Trade Agreement, Neo-institutionalism, ASEAN, China Opportunity theory, China Threat theory
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This paper is tried to find out by neo-institutional view if there is China Threat theory or China Opportunity theory. And, it‟s researched interaction of ASEAN and China after Cold War by historic structure analysis, and tried to sum up the Political Economy interaction of ASEAN and China.

Researching by historic structure analysis, the Political Economy of ASEAN-China Relations is from "close, separation, and then close." With the trend of globalization and regionalization, both sides understand the importance of cooperation. Besides, the process of institutional cooperation to benefit only care about whether transaction costs are saved, but not consider about self-benefit is more than others countries. Hence, from the point of the neo-institutionalism, there is no absolute China Threat theory or China Opportunity theory. Finally, it could help reduce fraud by the establishment of the system to make cooperation more effective, and reduce sense of mutual distrust. This argument is verified t in this paper.
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參考文獻 References

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