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博碩士論文 etd-0708112-034445 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0708112-034445
Study of inactivation of microorganisms in water using ozone and chlorine on variation of AOC in advanced water treatment plant and correlations of cleaning frequency in reservoir and water tower
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
PAC, AOC, biological systems, BAC, correlation analysis, microrganisms, DBPsFP, artificial neural network method
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飲用水水源地大部分遭受有機物污染,因此國內淨水場已有加氯消毒的傳統處理更改為以臭氧消毒的高級處理,然而淨水程序對於生物可利用有機碳(Assimilable Organic Carbon, AOC)及消毒副產物潛勢(Disinfection By-Products Formation Potential, DBPsFP)之去除成效仍有進步的空間,至於淨水場處理後的清水在配水管網中水質惡化原因有很多,主要的原因是微生物在配水管線內繁殖,此現象稱為後生長(Aftergrowth) 或再生長(Regrowth)。
本研究將針對高級淨水處理場設置前後之出水與其經配水管網系統流至用戶端的重點水質項目進行調查及研究。本文主要探討的方向有四:(1)藉由粉狀與粒狀活性碳生物系統去除原水AOC之效率,並將水質監測項目以類神經網路系統中之AutoNet(6.03)方法建立AOC預測模式;(2)利用粉狀活性碳生物系統以去除原水中消毒副產物;(3)針對傳統處單元與高級處理單元來比較大腸桿菌群與總菌落數,探討水中臭氧與加氯消毒相互關係;(4)對於用戶之配水貯存設施,探討蓄水池水塔進行水質採樣分析與水塔清洗頻率,再利用套裝統計軟體(Statistical Product and Service Solutions, SPSS)做迴歸分析,並以相關係數(R-squire)來表示彼此間密切的程度,希望了解目前用戶使用之自來水水質狀況,與清洗頻率的要求,進而達到飲用水安全之目的。
在比較粉狀與粒狀生物系統去除原水AOC之效率方面,粒狀與粉狀活性碳生物系統對於AOC有一定良好去除效果,AOC去除率分別可達到53%及54%,而SUVA (Specific Ultraviolet Absorbance)值(UV254/DOC)將可降低約在15-18%及22-23%。AOC預測模式經相關性分析結果顯示,粒狀活性碳(Granular Activated Carbon, GAC)經模式訓練後之預測值與實際值R值較高(R2=0.772),而粉狀活性碳(Powder Activated Carbon, PAC)經模式訓練後之預測值與實際值R值較高(R2=0.856),PAC系統之AOC預測模式相關性稍高,可能是水質受到生活污水與農業肥料污染及畜牧排泄物污染。
在利用粉狀活性碳生物系統以去除消毒副產物方面,三鹵甲烷生成潛勢(Trihalomethanes Formation Potential, THMsFP)與鹵化乙酸生成潛勢(Haloacetic acids Formation Potential, HAAsFP)二者都有一定去除效能,出流水平均濃度分別都低於法規標準80μg/L,是可以降低致癌風險。SUVA對HAA5FP、HAA9FP、及THMsFP等3個水質濃度作相關性分析,其R2值分別為 0.805、0.820、0.823,表示具有高度相關。
In response to organic contaminations pollutating water sources of drinking water, domestic water treatment plants (WTP) were transforming from traditional chlorination disinfecton method to advanced ozone-based disinfection processes. However, the effectiveness of water purification procedures n removing AOC (Assimilable Organic Carbon) and DBPsFP (Disinfection By-Products Formation Potential) can be improved. Additionally, the quality of clean water purified at WTP may deteriorate in the water distribution network for various reasons, primarily resulting from the regrowth of microorganisms in the water distribution pipelines.
This study investigates and researches the essential water quality items of effluent before and after the advanced water purification treatment plants and water movement to end users through water distribution networks. The investigation proceeded in four directions: (1) the efficiency of removing AOC from raw water using powdered and granular activated carbon biological systems, and the development of an AOC prediction model based on water quality monitoring items using the AutoNet (6.03) method of the artificial neural network system; (2) removal of the byproducts of disinfection from raw water using powdered activated carbon biological systems; (3) examining the relationship between ozone-based and chlorination-based water disinfection methods by comparing the number of coliform bacteria and total bacteria population in traditional and advanced processing units; (4) regarding the water distribution storage facilities for users, water reservoir towers were examined for water quality sampling and analysis and water tower cleaning frequencies. Regression analysis was performed using SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) statistical software, with the correlation coefficient denoting the closeness of relationships. We anticipate understanding the water quality situation for current users of tap water, and demands for cleaning frequencies, thereby achieving the purpose of improving drinking water safety.
Regarding the efficiency of removing AOC from raw water, the results showed powdered and granular activated carbon biological systems performed well, with the AOC removal rate reaching 53% and 54%, respectively, and the SUVA (Specific Ultraviolet Absorbance) value (showed by UV254/DOC) being reduced by 15-18% and 22-23%, respectively. The correlation analysis of the AOC prediction model shows that the GAC (Granular Activated Carbon) had high predictive and actual value R values (R2 = 0.772) after model regressing, and the PAC (Powder Activated Carbon) had higher predictive and actual value R values (R2 = 0.856) after model regressing as well. That the PAC system AOC prediction model has a slightly higher correlation that may be attributed to water contaminations resulting from domestic sewage, agricultural fertilizers, and livestock excretions.
In the use of powdered activated carbon biological systems to remove disinfection byproducts, THMsFP (Trihalomethanes Formation Potential) and HAAsFP (Haloacetic acids Formation Potential) functioned with a certain removal efficiency, with the average effluent concentrations being under the regulatory standard of 80μg/L, respectively, which reduces carcinogenic risks. Correlation analyses conducted using SUVA on the three water quality concentrations (HAA5FP, HAA9FP, and THMsFP) obtained R2 values of 0.805, 0.820, and 0.823, respectively, indicating high levels of correlation.
For the results of microbial assessment using ozone and chlorine to process drinking water, the advanced and conventional WTP achieved a removal rate greater than 99% for microbial removal (coliform bacteria and total bacteria population).
The correlation analysis between cleaning frequencies and water quality parameters showed the frequency at which the water reservoirs and towers were cleaned has a significant impact on tap water quality in residential compounds and schools that accommodated more than 100 households or less than 99 households. Higher cleaning frequency (more than four cleanings a year) results in better the water quality.
目次 Table of Contents
摘 要 iii
Abstract vi
目 錄 x
圖目錄 xvii
表目錄 xx
專有名詞中英對照表 xxii
第一章、前 言 1
1-1 研究緣起 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究內容 2
第二章、文獻回顧 4
2-1 高雄市水源現況 4
2-2 坪頂、鳳山與澄清湖淨水場現況 6
2-2-1 坪頂淨水場現況 6
2-2-2 鳳山淨水場現況 7
2-2-3澄清湖淨水場現況 8
2-3 高級淨水處理程序 9
2-3-1 結晶軟化 10
2-3-2 臭氧 10
2-3-3 活性碳 15
2-3-4 薄膜 20
2-4 配水管網微生物再生長 26
2-5 配水管網微生物生長之影響因子 27
2-6 水中生物可分解有機質之測定方法比較 29
2-6-1生物可降解之有機碳(BDOC) 30
2-6-2生物可利用之有機碳(AOC) 32
2-5 生物可利用有機碳其他測定方法與比較 38
2-7淨水程序生成之消毒副產物 43
2-8加氯消毒副產物 44
2-8-1三鹵甲烷及三鹵甲烷生成潛勢 46
2-8-1-1三鹵甲烷之分類 46
2-8-1-2三鹵甲烷之來源 47
2-8-1-3三鹵甲烷生成因素 48
2-8-1-4三鹵甲烷之危害性質 52
2-8-1-5三鹵甲烷之法規管制標準 53
2-8-1-6三鹵甲烷之生成潛勢 54
2-8-2鹵化乙酸及鹵化乙酸生成潛勢 55
2-8-2-1鹵化乙酸之分類 55
2-8-2-2鹵化乙酸的來源 57
2-8-2-3鹵化乙酸生成因素 57
2-8-2-4鹵化乙酸之危害性質 61
2-8-2-5 鹵化乙酸之法規管制標準 61
2-8-2-6鹵化乙酸生成潛勢 62
2-9臭氧消毒副產物 63
2-10薄膜生物反應器 66
2-10-1 MBR種類與優點 67
2-10-2活性碳生物處理系統 69
2-11自來水與水塔水質現況與問題 70
第三章、研究方法 73
3-1實驗流程之規劃 73
3-2水質分析項目與方法 74
3-2-1水溫 76
3-2-2氫離子濃度指數(pH) 76
3-2-3導電度(COND) 76
3-2-4總溶解固體(TDS) 77
3-2-5總有機碳(TOC) 78
3-2-6溶解性有機碳(DOC) 78
3-2-7總三鹵甲烷(THMs) 78
3-2-8鹵化乙酸(HAA) 79
3-2-9三鹵甲烷生成潛勢(THMsFP) 79
3-2-10鹵化乙酸生成潛勢(HAA5FP與HAA9FP) 80
3-2-11總硬度(TH) 81
3-2-12硝酸鹽(NO3-) 82
3-2-13硫酸鹽(SO42-) 82
3-2-14自由有效餘氯 82
3-2-15大腸桿菌群 83
3-2-16總菌落數 83
3-2-17 UV254 83
3-2-18 SUVA 84
3-3生物可利用有機碳 84
3-3-1純菌菌液之預先培養 85
3-3-2菌種活化與培養 87
3-3-3菌種純種鑑定與特性分析 88
3-3-4 AOC器皿之清洗方式 91
3-3-5 AOC菌種生長曲線與產率之求得 91
3-3-6水樣AOC之檢測方式 96
3-4人工馴養微生物 98
3-4-1馴養使用的水源 98
3-4-2馴養使用的活性碳 98
3-4-3人工合成基質 99
3-5活性碳生物處理系統 100
3-6生物有機碳之預測模式建立 103
3-7相關性分析 104
第四章、結果與討論 106
4-1比較粒狀與粉狀活性碳生物系統對原水AOC之去除 106
4-1-1生物可利用有機碳之去除率 106
4-1-2溶解性有機碳之去除率 108
4-1-3 UV254之去除率 109
4-1-4 SUVA之去除率 110
4-1-5 水質之線性迴歸 112
4-1-6 AOC之預測模式 113
4-2以粉狀活性碳生物程序去除原水中消毒副產物 115
4-2-1 溶解性有機碳之去除率 115
4-2-2 UV254之去除率 117
4-2-3 SUVA之去除率 119
4-2-4三鹵甲烷生成潛勢之去除效率 119
4-2-5鹵化乙酸生成潛勢之去除效率 122
4-2-6 SUVA與消毒副產物潛勢之相關方程式 126
4-3臭氧與氯對飲用水處理微生物之評估 130
4-3-1淨水場中大腸菌群之去除率 130
4-3-2淨水場中總菌落數之去除率 131
4-4蓄水池水塔清洗頻率與水質參數之相關性分析 133
4-4-1高雄市100戶(含)以上集合式住宅 134
4-4-2高雄市99戶(含)以下集合式住宅 135
4-4-3高雄市30所學校 135
4-4-4綜合分析 136
第五章、結論與建議 137
5-1結論 137
5-1-1活性碳生物系統對原水AOC之去除 137
5-1-2活性碳生物程序去除原水中消毒副產物 137
5-1-3臭氧與氯對飲用水處理微生物之評估 138
5-1-4清洗頻率與水質參數之相關性分析 139
5-2建議 139
參考文獻 141
附錄A-1-1 高雄市100戶(含)以上集合式住宅蓄水池水塔各水質項目間相關性分析-清洗頻率:一年清洗2至3次 158
附錄A-1-2 高雄市100戶(含)以上集合式住宅蓄水池水塔各水質項目間相關性分析-清洗頻率:一年清洗4次(含)以上 159
附錄A-2-1 高雄市99戶(含)以下集合式住宅蓄水池水塔各水質項目間相關性分析-清洗頻率:一年清洗2至3次 160
附錄A-2-2 高雄市99戶(含)以下集合式住宅蓄水池水塔各水質項目間相關性分析-清洗頻率:一年清洗4次(含)以上 161
附錄A-3-1 高雄市各級學校蓄水池水塔各水質項目間相關性分析-清洗頻率:一年清洗1次 162
附錄A-3-2 高雄市各級學校蓄水池水塔各水質項目間相關性分析-清洗頻率:一年清洗2至3次 163
附錄A-3-3 高雄市各級學校蓄水池水塔各水質項目間相關性分析-清洗頻率:一年清洗4次(含)以上 164
附錄B 比較粒狀與粉狀活性碳生物系統之去除效率 165
附錄C 個人發表著作 170
口試委員意見答覆 173
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