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Title page for etd-0708114-112030
Tourism Website Quality and Satisfaction of National Scenic Areas in Taiwan
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Web Quality, Satisfaction, Expectation-Confirmation Theory, The National Scenic Area in Taiwan, Information Systems Success Model, Post-Acceptance Model of IS Continuance
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The Taiwan region features winding coastlines, steep mountain ranges, outlying islands and abundant natural resources. Constant tectonic motion and friction have endowed Taiwan with a highly diverse landscape which includes mountains, islands and canyons. To preserve the elegant natural landscapes and their ecology, Taiwan currently has 13 National Scenic Areas (NSA) to cover most representative natural landscapes and tourism areas.
In response to developments of the internet and e-commerce, all 13 NSA Administrations have created their own tourist websites to introduce the features, quality, tourism and traffic information. As these websites are attracting an increasing number of visitors, users’ satisfaction with the NSA websites or the websites’ strengths and weaknesses are important issues that need to be thoroughly investigated. At present, the design quality of the National Scenic Area websites is still based on the website construction standards defined by the National Development Council, and is reviewed annually through internal evaluation. The NSA Administrations appropriate budget to maintain and operate these websites. In order to understand whether or not the websites’ quality actually satisfies the visitors, this research adopts the Information Systems Success Model, along with the Expectation confirmation Theory and the Information Systems Continuance Model, to examine whether the expectancy, confirmation degree, website quality, perceived usefulness and satisfaction will influence the users’ intention to continue use. A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data. The results indicate that perceived usefulness is the most important variable that influence usr satisfaction, whereas the websites’ quality came in second. The users indicate that, the extent to which the information, content, and services offered by the NSA tourism websites meet their needs, is actually the major factor influencing their satisfaction and continued use.
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參考文獻 References
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